Chapter 481 is here

Although Ye Ningyan was a little guilty when asked, but she got it from the ice field after a lot of hard work, and he broke it up like this, of course she refused to accept it.

Ye Ningyan didn't want to talk to Shen Chenyi, so she turned around and left, but was picked up by Shen Chenyi directly and carried into the room.

Of course, the two quarreled at the head of the bed and made up at the end of the bed.

After going out, several people and Xia Wu's family set off to Xiayuan together the next day.

When he arrived in Xiayuan, Ye Ningyan met a person, the young master from the black market.

Thinking that the other party has something to do with An, Ye Ningyan couldn't help frowning.

But seeing the way the other party was talking with Shen Chenyi, Ye Ningyan didn't think so, and the other party's voice was a little familiar.

The other party also saw Ye Ningyan's doubts, smiled, and took off the mask.

"Cang Lan Jue?" Ye Ningyan never thought that the man in the black market was actually Cang Lan Jue.

"Sister-in-law is able to refine the foundation building pill?" Cang Lanjue naturally knew the identity of Ye Ningyan's black-clothed man, saying this also meant that he already knew Ye Ningyan's identity.

Ye Ningyan looked at Shen Chenyi.

You told him?

Shen Chenyi pursed his lips and did not speak, but it was obvious that he was a little unhappy.

Because at that time, Canglan Jue and Ye Ningyan were still in contact.

"Yes, how much do you want? Although you and Shen Chenyi are good brothers, the price has to be given." Ye Ningyan raised her eyebrows and said to Cang Lanjue.

"Naturally" the corner of Cang Lanjue's mouth twitched, he didn't expect this guy to ask for money?Don't you know that this Foundation Establishment Pill is for Shen Chenyi's subordinates?

Looking at Shen Chenyi, the other party didn't respond, so it was given.

Moreover, Cang Lanjue also saw that Shen Chenyi didn't want to see him, so he greeted him tactfully and left.

After the other party left, Ye Ningyan looked at Shen Chenyi and asked, "What's going on? Didn't you always fight against those people before? Why did you..."

"There are also two groups of people in the dark, does Yan'er know who is the person who has been trying to kill me?" Speaking of this, Shen Chenyi thought of Bai Xiuyan whom he had met before.

"Who?" Ye Ningyan was taken aback.

"Bai Xiuyan" Shen Chenyi said softly.

There is an unknown meaning in the eyes.

Ye Ningyan was taken aback.

Bai Xiuyan turned out to be someone in the dark?
"But he was also assassinated..." Ye Ningyan didn't say anything later, because she already knew what was going on.

"So it was Bai Xiuyan who took me away?" Suddenly Ye Ningyan frowned, thinking that Bai Xiuyan happened to appear in such a remote place that time, in fact, she should have suspected it a long time ago.

Thinking of Bai Xiuyan's behavior towards her that time, Ye Ningyan felt annoyed.

"I'm sorry," Ye Ningyan whispered to Shen Chenyi.

If Bai Xiuyan hadn't been rescued before, wouldn't there be nothing later?

Or things could be a little better.

Shen Chenyi was startled by Ye Ningyan's apology.

This was the first time he heard his wife apologize.

"Just a verbal apology?" Shen Chenyi raised his eyebrows and looked at Ye Ningyan, he would not give up this opportunity.

"Then what do you want?" Ye Ningyan frowned and looked at Shen Chenyi.

If this guy dares to push forward, let's see if she doesn't cut him.

Shen Chenyi smiled, kissed Ye Ning's lips directly, and left immediately "Of course that's the case."

Ye Ningyan looked at Shen Chenyi, and saw that this guy didn't make any progress, so it was okay.

The two quickly followed the large army, and the group came to Lingxi City.

Because Shen Linghao needed to soak the water in the Holy Land, he didn't even bring An An with him.

Although Ye Hui still looked down on this son-in-law, his daughter had already given birth to two sons with him, and it was a heaven and earth marriage contract, so he could only agree.

In the end, the two held another grand wedding ceremony in Lingxi City.

Those who came were people who were acquainted with Ye Hui and his wife, the brothers from Beilin, and the dean and vice dean, all came.

(End of this chapter)

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