Chapter 59: Shen Chenyi's Cousin
"Mother," Shen Le'an buried her head in Ye Ningyan's arms, and shouted in a muffled voice.

He knew his mother would come back.

He didn't want to cry, but he couldn't help it.

Ye Ningyan hugged Shen Le'an distressedly and stretched out her hand to comfort, "This time it's mother's fault, I forgot to tell An An when I went out, next time mother must tell An An"

"Yeah." Shen Le'an nodded in Ye Ningyan's arms.

His mother didn't want him, they were all talking nonsense.

The two elder brothers of Lin Niang's family were lying to him, so his mother ran away with others.

Next time they speak ill of his mother, he will beat them up.

The mother and son lay on the bed for a while, but it was Shen Le'an's stomach that made them get up.

"Let's eat"

As soon as she left the house, she met Shen Chenyi's deep eyes.

Seeing Shen Chenyi skillfully taking out the buns from the pot, Ye Ningyan brought Shen Chenyi to the table and sat down.

There was only one person sitting at the table.

Ye Ningyan remembered him, it was this person who stood beside Shen Chenyi last night.

"Sister-in-law" Mu Yunqing greeted Ye Ningyan with eyebrows as light as the wind.

Ye Ningyan didn't know, so she looked at Shen Chenyi.

"I forgot to introduce myself. Mu Yunqing is Shen Chenyi's cousin," Mu Yunqing quickly explained.

"Hello, Ye Ningyan" Ye Ningyan was stunned for a moment, Shen Chenyi still has such an elegant cousin?Then nodded.

"Good morning, uncle." Shen Le'an was no stranger to this cousin who suddenly appeared, because it was this uncle who saved him that night.

"An'an looks very good today." Mu Yunqing touched Shen Le'an's head across the table.

Then he withdrew his hand, glanced to the side, and coughed.

Ye Ningyan glanced at Mu Yunqing who was opposite, her face was sickly pale, which should be caused by years of illness.

But it's none of her business, just take care of An'an.

After a few people ate, the group went down the mountain.

After all, there is nothing to eat on this mountain.

Ye Ningyan was a little curious as she didn't see Bai Xiuyan after returning.

"Daddy went to the mountain to look for you, but he never came back." Shen Le'an said sullenly.

He likes Daddy Bai very much, but he hasn't been back since he went to the mountain.

Ye Ningyan frowned slightly, did she meet those people when she was looking for her?
"Your father should have returned to his home because of something, maybe he will come back after he finishes his work." Seeing the little guy's reluctant look, Ye Ningyan comforted him.

"Really? Just like mother, will you be back soon?" Shen Le'an's eyes lit up.

"That's right, your father likes you so much, why didn't he come back?" Ye Ningyan knelt down and said to Shen Le'an.

"En." Shen Le'an nodded happily.

Mu Yunqing's eyes flickered in surprise, he looked at Shen Chenyi and then at Shen Le'an's mother and son.

What twists and turns are there?
"Where do you live? I'll help you move your things here." Shen Chenyi didn't want to hear the two talk about Bai Xiuyan, so he turned and asked Mu Yunqing.

"No, it's good to know that my cousin is here, and it's good that I can come here to see An'an occasionally." Mu Yunqing waved her hands firmly and said.

Although he was thrown here by the people there, he also came here to find his cousin.

Now that he has found it, he can send a letter back to reassure his aunt.

Seeing Mu Qingyun's insistence, Shen Chenyi didn't say anything, but found a reason to call Mu Qingyun out.

Ye Ningyan brought Shen Le'an into the kitchen.

It was almost dark at this time, and she had to see if there was anything else that could be eaten at home.

There were no more buns, some noodles, and not many vegetables, but there was some meat, it was the wild boar that Shen Chenyi killed that day.

Ye Ningyan thought about it and decided to make braised pork.

Then steam some steamed buns, fry some side dishes, and cook a rice soup.

(End of this chapter)

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