Chapter 61: No Ordinary Orion

Without getting a response from inside, Ye Ningyan directly pushed the door open and entered, then crossed her chest and looked at Shen Chenyi who was lying on the bed and staring at her without blinking.

"Knock me out or should I do it?" Ye Ningyan actually wanted to see the injury on this guy's leg.

But this person probably wouldn't cooperate with letting him see it, so he left such a sentence in the past and let him choose by himself.

Anyway, this leg is determined.

"You took the medicine that night." Shen Chenyi looked at what Ye Ningyan was thinking in his eyes, and said affirmatively.

"Yes, I want to see what you have done to that leg." Ye Ningyan admitted generously, and then said sarcastically.

If she saw that his legs were seriously injured, she would definitely not care about him.

"It's just that I didn't expect you to be so good at attracting bees and butterflies." Ye Ningyan said teasingly, then shook her head and said with emotion, and said yearningly, "It's a pity, my master was almost beaten to death by that woman, but your The little lady is not bad, she is quite repaying her kindness, and I almost..."

Ye Ningyan's eyes were sparkling, so it was a perfect excuse for "myself" not to come back for such a long time, and still intact.

It's just that this feeling of molesting yourself is a bit weird?

In the end, Ye Ningyan didn't say anything, but Shen Chenyi couldn't help but think about it with that look in his eyes.

Thinking of the heaven and earth marriage contract that appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness that day, his eyes darkened.

Water dripped from his face gloomyly, staring at Ye Ningyan like a wild beast staring at its prey.

Ye Ningyan's back subconsciously felt cold.

When she looked intently, she met Shen Chenyi's sinister eyes.

Ye Ningyan was puzzled, what kind of expression does this dead man have?
"No matter who you are or what your purpose is, stay away from Ye Ningyan in the future, otherwise I don't mind another corpse in this world." Shen Chenyi stared at Ye Ningyan and said that it made Ye Ningyan's hair stand on end.

Now she finally knew why the woman was scared away by the man in front of her, even though she had a good body.

Just this look, just this aura, just a little hunter on the mountain in front of you?
There was also his cousin, who was extraordinary at first glance, and she also felt that there was someone protecting him behind him.

There should be hidden guards.

This time Ye Ningyan finally looked at Shen Chenyi squarely.

He is definitely not as simple as he imagined.

"Then what if I insist on getting close to her?" Ye Ningyan replied without any fear.

"You can try." Shen Chenyi looked at Ye Ningyan calmly, as if looking at a dead person.


With this realization, Ye Ningyan was startled.

"That's the case, it's the young master meddling in his own business." The two looked at each other for a while, Ye Ningyan suddenly sneered, with some sarcasm, turned and left.

After going out, Ye Ningyan carefully patted her chest.

This person has no spiritual power and is so scary.

It's better to have less contact in the future.

Since he is so powerful, she shouldn't have cared about him in the first place.

Ye Ningyan raised her spirits and went to the back mountain.

After Ye Ningyan left, Shen Chenyi pursed his lips and didn't know what he was thinking about, but in the end he picked up the small package on the side, rolled up his trouser legs, saw some worsening injuries on it, and bandaged it up.

Ye Ningyan searched around the mountain but couldn't find Bai Xiuyan, and even went to the cave but couldn't find Bai Xiuyan's hidden guard.

No signs of a fight were found.

Ye Ningyan felt that they should have left.

Thinking of this, Ye Ningyan was relieved.

At least he wasn't being hunted down, that guy should have recovered half of his strength, and he should be able to deal with those people if he wants to.

Unknowingly, Ye Ningyan walked to the entrance of the cave that she came out of yesterday.

Sensing a shadowy cave inside, Ye Ningyan stopped and hid aside.

"Brother, that thing should have been preempted by someone. Should we look for it or go back and report it to the family?"

"Go back, that person will definitely not stay here after taking something."

Listening to the conversation inside, two figures came out of it soon. They didn't find Ye Ningyan, but left Yujian directly.


As long as you reach the fifth level of Qi training, you can fly with a sword.

Looks like it's time for me to find something to try.

(End of this chapter)

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