Chapter 72 Snow

Ye Ningyan was stunned for a moment before withdrawing her thoughts.

After reading the alchemy book for a while, he left the space.

In his sleep, Ye Ningyan woke up with a start, it was the power of a strong man.

Ye Ningyan did not act rashly, tried to relax as much as possible, lying on the bed and pretending to sleep.

In just a moment, the power disappeared.

The whirling shadows of the trees that had stopped originally began to move with the wind again.

After Ye Ningyan was sure that the man had left, she frowned slightly.

How could there be such a strong person here?
How could those people appear here in a remote place with little aura?

For one night, Ye Ningyan didn't sleep again.

At dawn, the Qingxin Jue walked in the body for a week.

The refreshed Ye Ningyan got up and walked out of the house, looking at the gray sky outside.

It's going to snow.

Taking another look at the well-grown Chinese cabbage and radishes in the courtyard, Ye Ningyan felt that she had to work again this morning.

After making a simple breakfast, Ye Ningyan directed Shen Chenyi to start picking and moving vegetables.

Vegetables are easy to freeze outside.

Ye Ningyan thought for a while and asked Shen Chenyi to set up a small earthen kang that looked like a kang and a stove in the kitchen.

Put cabbage on the side without holes, and use the holes to make water.

In this way, as long as you pay attention, the fire will not go out, and you will have hot water to drink every day.

There's no kettle to keep the water warm, or anything, so that's it.

After a busy day, Shen Chenyi took a rest for a while.

Of course, employing people will not be in vain, Ye Ningyan cooked a delicious meal at night.

Fish-flavored pork shreds, spicy chicken diced.

Ye Ningyan wanted to make hot pot, looked at the vegetables that were almost gone, and forgot, even if there were a lot of cabbage, there was no pot.

Also, in a few days, Shen Chenyi has to go to the town to buy some rice noodles.

In the future, I can only eat cabbage and radish, alas~
She has other dishes in her space, so she can't take them out blatantly.

It was obvious that the temperature dropped sharply today, so Ye Ningyan didn't let Shen Le'an sleep with Shen Chenyi anymore.

Shen Chenyi was obviously relieved, but his brows were furrowed.

But he didn't say anything.

After taking a deep look at Ye Ningyan, she went back.

Ye Ningyan "..."

What to see her do?
She let him go to bed, but he didn't.

Early the next morning, Ye Ningyan heard cheers outside.

Ye Ningyan just glanced outside the door.

A vast expanse of white.

Sure enough, it snowed.

I peeked at the watch in the space, it was 08:30.

A cloudy day is indeed a day to sleep.

Ye Ningyan was lazy in the quilt for a while before getting up.

"Mother, look, it's snowing." Shen Le'an happily shouted to Ye Ningyan who came out.

It's not that there hasn't been snow in previous years. The reason why he is so happy is because he has a father and a mother in snowy days.

And snowy days are not like rainy days, he can play under the sky.

"An An, do you know how to describe this situation?" Seeing that Shen Le'an likes snow so much, Ye Ningyan thought that these days she always taught Shen Le'an some poems intentionally or unintentionally. An An is also very smart and likes poetry and songs very much Endowed life.

After hearing Ye Ningyan's words, Shen Le'an fell into deep thought.

"Mother, I can't describe it," Shen Le'an said with a bitter face.

"The mountains and rivers are not dark, the moon is thousands of miles away, the heaven and the earth are selfless, and all families are selfless." Ye Ningyan smiled, walked under the snowy sky, and caught the falling snowflakes with one hand. It was cold and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Shen Chenyi under the eaves of the kitchen looked at Ye Ningyan under the snow scene in a daze.

Ye Ningyan's two lines of poetry filled his mind, and his heart throbbed for some reason.

The world seems to be just the two of them.

"What do you mean by mother?" Shen Le'an's eyes were bright, and she couldn't help but admire his mother.

Ye Ningyan lowered her head and took Shen Le'an's hand, while walking back, she explained the meaning of the poem and read the rest.

The pieces are rectified and slanted with the wind, and the old temples are floating to add to the splendor.

The mountains and rivers are not dark and the moon is thousands of miles away, and the heaven and the earth are selfless and beautiful.

On the far shore, catkins fly in spring, while plum blossoms press down on dawn in the former village.

The golden tent of the lamb should be vulgar, and the stone tea is boiled from the spring.

It's still too cold outside, it's okay to play for a while, but not for a long time.

Looking up and meeting Shen Chenyi's eyes, there were too many emotions Ye Ningyan could not understand, and she was taken aback.

But soon she came back to her senses, and led Shen Le'an and Shen Chenyi into the kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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