Chapter 76
Ye Ningyan walked into the room with the meal in hand, and found that the atmosphere in the room was a bit delicate.

I saw Shen Le'an standing on the kang with a basin in his hand, looking at Shen Chenyi with a face of reluctance to give in.

Shen Chenyi's face was ashen, as if he wished he could throw out this thing that didn't know where it came from.

"An'an, what are you doing with your urinal?" Ye Ningyan broke the smoky atmosphere in the room.

"Mother~ Daddy, he's disobedient." Shen Le'an's small expression immediately became aggrieved, this father is really hard to control.

Afterwards, under Shen Le'an's crying, Ye Ningyan quickly understood.

Some want to laugh, but dare not laugh out loud.

It turned out that Shen Chenyi wanted to go to the toilet, but Shen Le'an was afraid that Shen Chenyi's legs would get worse, so he refused to let him go, and even took out the small basin he used when he got up at night.

Just imagine how a man as big as Shen Chenyi could be in the house...

Then came the scene of the two of them at a stalemate that Ye Ningyan saw.

"My legs are fine, you can try it." When Shen Chenyi got off the kang, he gritted his teeth and said to Shang Ye Ningyan's gloating eyes.

Ye Ningyan "..."

Hope it wasn't what she thought it was.

"An'an, put it down, go wash your hands and eat." Ye Ningyan patted Shen Le'an's small head and said.

"Hmm..." Shen Le'an couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief seeing his mother let his father out, his father was really ugly.

When Shen Chenyi came back, Ye Ningyan still couldn't help grinning when she saw him.

Shen Chenyi took a deep look at Ye Ningyan, Ye Ningyan felt a little hairy, so he quickly stopped.

Eating at night is relatively simple. After heating up the lunch at noon, I boiled some egg soup.

"Why hasn't Yun Qing come these days?" Ye Ningyan asked to divert the attention of several people.

"He can cook by himself." Thinking of that guy Mu Yunqing, Shen Chenyi frowned, not worried about what happened to him, but just didn't want this woman to mention other men in front of him.

Ye Ningyan "..."

Well, he doesn't care as a cousin, and she doesn't need to ask more.

After dinner, Ye Ningyan asked the two to wash up before going to the kang. It was very cold at this time, so Ye Ningyan didn't ask them to continue taking a bath, but they had to wash up.

I took the table and chopsticks to the kitchen to wash them.

Fortunately, Shen Chenyi was allowed to set up a stove, otherwise she really didn't want to wash the dishes and cook in this cold weather.

Ye Ningyan returned to the house after washing up.

"Mother, which story shall we tell today?" Shen Le'an got into the quilt early when Ye Ningyan came in, his eyes lit up, and he was waiting for Ye Ningyan to tell him the story.

"Let's talk about Princess and the Pea today." Ye Ningyan thought for a while while turning off the lights and getting on the kang.

This time, Ye Ningyan lay directly on the other side of Shen Le'an, letting Shen Le'an sleep between them.

As long as you pay attention at night, you won't touch Shen Chenyi's leg.

Shen Chenyi's eyes were still on the lamp on the table, it was very bright, but he didn't know that there was such a lamp in Ye Ningyan's room.

I don't know what material it is made of.

Hearing that Ye Ningyan wanted to tell Shen Le'an a story, she turned her gaze back to Ye Ningyan.

Although the lights had been turned off, Shen Chenyi was still able to easily catch Ye Ningyan's figure until Ye Ningyan lay down.

"Once upon a time there was a prince..." Ye Ningyan put her arms around Shen Le'an and began to tell the story of Princess and Pea.

Andersen's story is the method she has used to lull Shen Le'an to sleep for so long.

Shen Chenyi was listening, with wonder in his eyes.

Where did this woman come from so many stories?
The Princess and the Pea?

The description is very appropriate, those people are indeed hypocritical.

Maybe it was because she slept too much at noon, so after telling several stories in a row, Shen Le'an fell asleep.

He fell asleep, but Ye Ningyan couldn't sleep.

It's only eight or nine o'clock. She really can't fall asleep when she goes to bed so early.

When did she come here and go to bed so early?
No matter what, you have to walk around in the space.

But with Shen Chenyi around, she could only give up.

Lying in bed bored.

(End of this chapter)

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