Chapter 87 Sacrifice to the Mountain God

After Ye Ningyan fell asleep, Shen Chenyi turned around, looked in Ye Ningyan's direction, and sighed.

This woman's ability to irritate people is still the same as before.

Ye Ningyan was woken up by the sound of gongs and drums outside.

After waking up and taking a nap, I realized that today is the thirteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, the day for offering sacrifices to the mountain gods.

The mountain god referred to here is not the mountain god in mythology, but a great power. It is said that a great power sat here a long time ago.

The great power of Sihua scattered all his spiritual power on this mountain and nearby villages.

The villagers have benefited, and they will go to the mountain to worship on this day every year.

Because there was no place for Da Neng to sit down, the villagers all went to various places to offer incense and worship.

"Mother, are you offering sacrifices to the mountain god outside?" Shen Le'an was woken up in a daze.

He is very familiar with this voice, he has seen it in previous years.

Every time he wanted to follow up the mountain to have a look, but he was afraid that his mother would secretly abandon him and run away.

So I only dared to stroll around my house and pick up some food that people dropped.

"Well, go to sleep, it's not yet dawn." Ye Ningyan covered Shen Le'an's ears and said.

It's still dark outside, so it's only four or five o'clock in the morning.

"Yeah..." Shen Le'an was really sleepy, she fell asleep again in her mother's arms.

Ye Ningyan couldn't fall asleep anymore, so she could only look at Shen Chenyi's eye to eye by feeling.

To be honest, if you ignore the problem with this guy's head, he still looks pretty good.

It should be said that it is very good.

With that aura in her body, she had never encountered it in her previous life, whether it was the apocalypse or the modern age.

Coupled with the big man of 1.8 meters [-], in the previous life, it must be the goal pursued by many little girls.

As he was thinking about it, a big hot hand suddenly covered his ear.

"Sleep a little longer," Shen Chenyi said before Ye Ningyan could speak.

"No, I can't sleep anymore." Ye Ningyan signaled Shen Chenyi to take his hand away.

She covered Shen Le'an's ears with both hands, and one of her hands was still pressed under her head, unable to remove Shen Chenyi's hand.

She was afraid that Shen Le'an would be awakened by the movement outside again.

Shen Chenyi seemed not to hear, still put his hand on Ye Ningyan's ear, hooking Ye Ningyan's ear with his fingers from time to time.

Ye Ningyan felt very uncomfortable, and frowned at Shen Chenyi.

What is this dead man doing?

Finally, when the sound of beating gongs and drums passed, the sky began to light up slightly.

Before Ye Ningyan could take Shen Chenyi's hand away, Shen Chenyi took it back by himself.

"You rest for a while, I'll go and heat up last night's dishes, let's have porridge this morning." Shen Chenyi got up and got dressed and said.

"Casual" Ye Ningyan felt sullen in her heart, she didn't even look at Shen Chenyi, she just hugged Shen Le'an.

Shen Chenyi watched Ye Ning's eyes flicker, quickly kissed Ye Ningyan's forehead, and left.

Ye Ningyan "..."

This dead man is a dog!

Fortunately, it won't be long, let's stick to it for a few more days.

After eating, Shen Le'an looked at Ye Ningyan and asked, "Mother, let's go to sacrifice to the mountain god too."

He heard Dahe Erhe and the others say that offering sacrifices to mountain gods is fun, not only kneeling down to the mountain, but also stepping over the brazier to warm themselves.

He didn't want to kneel down, but he also wanted to sit over the brazier to warm himself.

He wanted to see what it was like to worship the mountain god.

"Okay, after dinner, let your father accompany you." Ye Ningyan didn't want to join in the fun.

She doesn't believe in these things, she only believes in herself.

Shen Le'an turned to look at Shen Chenyi.

"Let this guy take you there." Shen Chenyi glanced at Mu Yunqing.

Shen Le'an looked at Mu Yunqing's "uncle" again

"Okay, I'll take An An to have a look." Mu Yunqing touched Shen Le'an's head and said.

"Thank you, Uncle Yunqing," Shen Le'an said happily.

It's just that when the two set off, Shen Chenyi followed for some reason.

(End of this chapter)

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