scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 11 Burning Corpse Case

Chapter 11 The Case of Burning Corpse ([-])
The night in early spring was a bit chilly. After Meng Kai arranged for someone to find Song Dali, the two of them had no interaction, but someone came in and delivered information about Lin Chenghua's woman once.The door of the room was not closed, and the wind came in from the door, causing goosebumps to appear on Qiao Beitang's arms due to the cold.

She got up and closed the door, rubbed her hands and sat back on the chair and stool to read the information.She was recalling the information about the corpse and Qiangwei Xiaozhu in her mind, wondering if there was anything missing.

The murderer should be a tall or strong man, but there are no useful clues at the scene, such as footprints for reference, and there are not so many high-tech that can help.All can only start from known news.

These guesses were all based on Lin Bo'an's body and the degree of neck injury.I think the fire after death was also a step planned by the murderer, which can destroy a lot of evidence.Make it even more difficult for those who handle the case.

Lin Bo'an's body is not bad, even if someone taller than him enters the room, he should be able to resist.

However, there were no fractures on his body, indicating that there was no fierce resistance.Nothing can be seen on the surface of the corpse, and it is not known whether there are scratches or wounds.Was it too late for him to resist, or the disparity in strength was too great, and he was instantly killed.

During the autopsy, it was found that the stomach of the deceased was empty, with only a small amount of digested matter, and the duodenum contained digested matter.People of Lin Bo'an's age generally had a regular diet. He should have died within 4 to 5 hours after eating dinner.

The neighbor's aunt said that it was around one o'clock when the raging fire was discovered, because she knew that when the fire broke out, young people with watches around said that she didn't know if anyone would come to the police station at this time.

The time of Lin Bo'an's death was around 9:11pm to [-]:[-]pm. It was a quiet night, and Lin Boan hadn't been drinking, so he could definitely hear the noise.In order to commemorate his deceased wife that day, he might not have slept.

The person who was able to enter his house at that time, without being suspected, was obviously a familiar person.If it is a stranger, his vigilance will definitely be very high.

After the man entered the house, he directly killed Lin Bo'an, set a fire, and blamed Lin Yangchuan.After much deliberation, Song Dali was more suspicious. According to the villagers, he was not always at home, but he was at home the day Lin Boan had the accident.

He just took advantage of the loophole. At that time, everyone's attention was on the fire, and he would not share too much experience with him.I don't think about why I can see the situation here from a small slope, and I only help to put out the fire.

But there are doubts about why he killed people. The two seem to have no intersection.And I learned from the neighbors that he was idle, so where would he have the money to prepare gasoline? Judging from the smell left at the scene and the degree of burns on the house, there was still a lot of gasoline.

Qiao Beitang thought about it, and asked the people next to him: "Could it be that more than one person did this?"

"Tell me."

The girl sneezed. I'm afraid she's going to catch a cold in this weather: "If Song Dali is the murderer, then someone must have made a plan and prepared things. That person sharpened the knife and handed it to him."

The room was already cold, Shen Nianyuan knocked on the door, then pushed the door open and entered.The wind directly rushed towards Qiao Beitang.The girl stood up, looked at Shen Nianyuan who was wearing a suit and smiled, the heat in her eyes couldn't be hidden.

This appearance startled Shen Nianyuan: "Miss Qiao, what's the matter?"

Miss Qiao nodded and stretched her neck: "I want to borrow the clothes on your body to wear them. If I don't wear any more, I think I will fall down soon."

Seeing that the young master didn't stop him, Shen Nianyuan said, "I'll have someone prepare a coat for you, and we'll wear it when we go out."

Meng Kai: "Have you found him?"

"Not yet, but there is a clue. Is Master Lin's ring showing up?"

Since the afternoon, they have been looking for news about Song Dali throughout the city, but that guy seems to have evaporated from the world, and there is no news at all.Fortunately, however, some other clues were found.

Qiao Beitang was a little excited: "Where is the ring? Take me to see it."

Although Meng Kai didn't say anything, he still stood up.His yard can't do something that violates the regulations, it must be clean.For example, things like interrogating people cannot be done.Judging from Shen Nianyuan's expression, he had to go personally for this matter.

Shen Nianyuan led the two of them out of the yard, the wind was blowing and the branches of the trees were shaking.It was already past twelve o'clock in the evening, and it was dark outside.The housekeeper prepared a black leather jacket for the young master, and a black coat for Qiao Beitang, and the two of them matched well.

The black coat is a woolen coat, which is relatively long and directly covers the calf.Qiao Beitang was very satisfied, it was better than anything else to be able to keep out the wind and keep warm.Looking at the person in front of him, I felt a little more satisfied.

Shen Nianyuan was driving the car, she was sitting in the co-pilot, and the car was driving around the city. Most of the shops on the street were closed, but there were also big dance halls that were still brightly lit.In this city that never sleeps, there are quite a few restaurants and dance halls.

The car drove to a pier, and some noise could be heard, like a casino or something.When Qiao Beitang got out of the car, she hesitated for a moment, she was a little nervous, this guy Meng Kai was a little uncertain, she had to please her, what if she accidentally sold her?
In addition, after finishing the case, keep a distance from him, a young master of a gangster is not the same as her.She is not a cynic looking for the truth of the case, but an ordinary person who just wants to live a good life.

Meng Kai walked in swaggeringly with the people, the room was smoky, and there were gambling tables everywhere.Seeing Young Master Meng appear, everyone stood up unconsciously. Some people stretched their hands under the table, and there were some big knives and axes under the table.

The boss here received the news very quickly, and walked out of the inner room: "Go ahead, I will receive Young Master Meng."

The speaker was about 30 years old, with a scar on his face, and he was polite when he spoke angrily: "Master Meng, please come in?"

When he was talking, he was looking at these three people, and the one standing in the front was Meng Kai, who always had an indifferent expression on his face.The one on the right is Shen Nianyuan, driving with a look ready to move and protect the master at any time.On the left is obviously a girl.

The girl was wrapped in a black overcoat, and half of her face was buried in the clothes.Although he couldn't see clearly, his eyes were bright and his skin was fair.Even if you can't see the whole face, you think it is beautiful.

After entering, Meng Kai didn't talk nonsense: "How did Lin Bo'an get his ring?"

Brother Scar: "Song Dali paid me the compensation. He owed me a lot of gambling debts. This is used to repay the debts."

"Then where is he now?"

"I don't know. When he came to me yesterday, he said he was going to quit gambling. I asked someone to appraise the ring, and then let him go? From his appearance, he meant to leave here."

 Went out for a day today, so the update is a little late!
(End of this chapter)

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