scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 15 Are you an entertainment reporter?

Chapter 15 Are you an entertainment reporter?

"Selling newspapers, selling newspapers, the big secret hidden in the burning corpse case."

"Sell newspapers, sell newspapers, Inspector Lin will be wronged."

"Selling newspapers, selling newspapers, Lin Bo'an once adopted him with good intentions, but he didn't expect that it would lead to his death."

The kid selling newspapers was carrying a satchel, holding the bag with one hand, and waving the newspaper in his hand vigorously with the other. He kept running and shouting in the street, and the newspapers were all sold out in a short time.

Pedestrians who are not very busy all carry newspapers, stop and read on the street before leaving.This is freshly released by Fanxing Daily, which has first-hand information about the case of burning corpses.

Last night, Qiao Beitang followed to arrest people. After Song Dali and his party were arrested, she understood what happened.

She immediately returned to the newspaper office to write manuscripts, and now almost all of them are written by hand. In order to publish them as soon as possible in the morning, she stayed at the newspaper office almost all night.

At this moment, with a slightly haggard face, she was standing at the intersection of the busiest street, watching everyone buy newspapers.Soon after, there were discussions among the crowd.

"Oh, I didn't expect Lin Chenghua to be such a vicious person. If he didn't recruit people outside, would Master Lin die?"

"It's true that Lin Chenghua has problems, but isn't that female teacher even more terrifying, she is simply the most poisonous woman!"

"Master Lin is such a wonderful person. Now, I really want to accompany my wife forever."

"These people are so ruthless. They kill them first, and then throw them into the fire. They don't let people live in peace after they die, and they want to put the blame on Inspector Lin. It's just too bad."

With everyone's discussion, Qiao Beitang's hanging heart finally felt at ease. Finally, she restored the truth, and finally she didn't have to die.I really want to open my arms and cheer.

She happily ate breakfast, with dark circles under her eyes, and rushed towards the newspaper office with her bag.Now that the case is successfully concluded, she still has to go back to work. People have to live, don't they?

In the patrol room, Lin Yangchuan was reading the Fanxing Daily, and what he was reading was the report that cleared up his grievances and restored the truth about the burning of corpses.He watched it twice from beginning to end, and suddenly became happy while watching it.

"Meng Kai, do you think that girl was pretending before?" The previous reports, written content, and writing style aside, the thoughts and opinions are simply a mess, and they completely follow their own thoughts and ignore them.

If the newspaper office hadn't looked at the Qiao family's face, no newspaper office in Shanghai would have dared to take her.

The person who can give her a job opportunity probably thinks that her family's business is too good, and wants to ask Miss Qiao's family to go back and help her lose money?Or else send her to a competitor and let her disrupt the enemy's camp.

In the article this morning, the theme is clear, the content is from simple to deep, and the writing is excellent in all aspects.

Also, it can be seen from this article that the person who wrote the manuscript has a solid foundation, especially the fact that she wrote the content of the autopsy and had to solve the case, which is simply too attractive.

Meng Kai took it over and looked at it, but didn't make any comments. The girl knew from the first moment he saw her that she was not honest.

It's not that she's a bad person, it's that there are complex emotions in her eyes, she doesn't look like her on the surface.However, he was not good at commenting, so after only three days of contact, what was certain was that she was not bad, she was smart, and she could bear it.

"Don't discuss her, it's over."


When Qiao Tong delivered the morning newspaper to Qiao Wendao, he was eating, eating small wontons and fried dough sticks with soybean milk.He wiped the corners of his mouth, and after reading Fanxing Daily for a while, he laughed out loud. The mustache at the corner of his mouth moved and danced happily.

She suddenly reached out and slapped the dining table. Qiao Beiling, who was having breakfast, was startled by the shocking movement, and looked at her father in confusion.

The emotional Qiao Wen said: "Okay, okay, okay, this girl finally didn't disgrace me." Didn't she not lose face?It can also be said that she has a long face. I thought that the family members would definitely need to take action this time, but she didn't expect to solve it by herself.

Since he asked Qiao Tong to protect that girl in private a few days ago, his wife always said that it was not good to do so openly and secretly. Didn't this prove himself.

No matter when it is, it is good to have the support of the family, but compared with the family, it is best to have a strong waist.When you become stronger, you will have fewer troubles around you.

Qiao Wendao called Qiao Tong to the study, and Qiao Tong rushed to Fanxing Daily soon after.


After breakfast, Qiao Beitang went to the newspaper office. She greeted everyone with a smile, which made the people in the office on the second floor stunned and confused.The main reason is that she was too enthusiastic this morning, and her smile was bright for a long time.

As soon as the morning manuscript was sent out, everyone's worries about losing their jobs were finally let go.When Meng Kai came that day, everyone, like the editor-in-chief, was worried that the small building of the newspaper office would be bulldozed by the Meng family and that they would lose their jobs.

Reach out and don't hit the smiling person. Although Qiao Beitang is usually headstrong, she really can't say that she is bad.So the cheeky Qiao Beitang quickly became friends with his colleagues in the office.

When she first studied medicine, she had a cheerful personality. At first, the teacher thought that she would not be able to bear the hardship and would give up.But I didn't expect that she would persist all the way, and she did really well.Later, I thought that it would be nice to have such a person in the silent work.

The office on the second floor was happy and harmonious, while the editor-in-chief's office was a bit stressful. Opposite Hood sat Qiao Tong, and the two were discussing Qiao Beitang's work.

The expression on Hood's face was a bit awkward. He was holding a teacup in his hand, and his mind was running fast, how to refuse Butler Joe.At the same time, there were some small complaints. What happened to the Qiao family? They sent Ms. Qiao over at that time, saying that they just gave her a job.

Later, Ms. Qiao chose a more important one, and she made a lot of jokes in this position.At that time, she would care about the reputation of the newspaper and write whatever she wanted.

She finally cleared her mind, and wrote a fairly good article this morning. He looked excited, and when he wanted her to take charge of such a section, Qiao Tong said that he would change her job to a more relaxed one. .

"Housekeeper Qiao, do you need to discuss this matter with Miss Qiao? How dare I be her master?"

"Editor Hu, I believe that these are just trivial things to you, so I leave them to you with confidence. As for the lady, you can settle it."

After sending away the spirit, Hood thought for a while in the office, organized his words, and then asked someone to invite Qiao Beitang down.

In fact, I was a bit reluctant to ask her to do other things. The response to the article this morning was really good.Although they are tabloids, the level of the article is no worse than those of the big newspapers.

It would be great if there is such a board that cooperates with the police station and reports this type.It doesn't matter if there is no cooperation, just run one yourself, and you won't worry about the sales of the newspaper.

After seeing Qiao Beitang, he couldn't help but feel melancholy. Forget it, money is more important than life: "Little Qiao, are you tired from work recently?"

With this question, the other party became vigilant: "I'm not tired, not at all, and I can continue to work hard for the newspaper." The editor's words sounded like the rhythm of asking her to lose her job.

"I think you've lost weight. I heard from Lao Wang that you worked overtime late last night, so you should pay more attention to your body. If you're tired, just open your mouth."

After several conversations, after Qiao Beitang confirmed that she didn't want to fire herself, she asked directly, "Editor Hu, what exactly do you want to say?"

"I want to transfer you to report on other forums, the kind that casually take pictures of people and often eat and drink, would you like to go? Or is it at public expense?"

Qiao Beitang nodded: "Yes" I don't want to, isn't it stupid.

After chatting for a while, she finally understood. Editor Hu transferred her to the entertainment section, which specialized in reporting on the daily life of starlets and stories about wealthy families.

In the words of later generations, it is to be a paparazzi!

 The first case is over, and the new case is estimated to have to wait for two days.Because this is a long novel, and the case-solving and romance are divided equally, so it needs to be paved!
  Also, I successfully signed the contract yesterday, thank you for recommending me, I will work hard!

  This is the first time I write an article from the perspective of a female forensic doctor. I have been wondering whether I should emphasize the autopsy part and ignore the criminal investigation.

  It took me two days to figure it out, but it’s not. I don’t need to worry about it. I just need to write the autopsy as accurately as possible based on the previous experience.They do not conflict but complement each other.

  This process of exploration and adjustment is really a great harvest, I will work hard!


(End of this chapter)

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