scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 160 The Extermination Case

Chapter 160 The Extermination Case (VIII)
Meng Heqian wiped his mouth: "Is this porridge bad?"

"No, it tastes good!"

"If you don't like it, ask someone to do it again. It's almost time. I have to go to the gang. I won't go home for lunch. Remember to eat well."

Zhang Huiyun looked at him: "Okay!"

Seeing his father get up, Meng Kai also stood up: "I'll go with you."

Meng Heqian looked at him sideways, and replied after a while, "Okay!"

The two father and son went out quickly. This time, they went directly to the headquarters of the Meng Family Gang. It was a courtyard house very close to the pier. This courtyard house was very large, and many brothers from the gang lived there.

Many of the people who lived there were people who worked hard with Meng Heqian back then. After Meng Heqian won the victory, he bought this house and made it the headquarters of the Meng Family Gang.At that time, a rule was also set. If there is any major event in the gang in the future, the meeting will be held here, and all core members of the Meng Family Gang will attend.

The car quickly arrived at the headquarters of the Meng Family Gang. After Meng Heqian got out of the car, the brothers at the door quickly came up to him. Everyone respected the boss very much, so they were very polite.

A group of people entered the house and went to the hall. This hall is specially used for meetings, and no one comes here on weekdays.The layout of the hall is very simple, just a rectangular room with some paintings hanging on the wall, and a long wooden table in the middle of the room, and on both sides of the wooden table are several masters of the Meng Family Gang.

After Meng He moved in, the sitting brothers all stood up, and only after he sat on the main seat did the others slowly sit down.The door of the meeting room was closed, and the room was suddenly very quiet.

Meng Heqian sat on the main seat, Meng Kai sat next to him, and the Shen family father and son stood behind them. Although there were not many people, they still had a lot of popularity.

"What exactly are you looking for me for?" The person on the main seat spoke, the voice was not loud, and it was still echoing in the empty room,

The people sitting on both sides of the long table looked at each other, and someone said, "Brother, we came to you today to talk about the shutdown of the factory." Second Master Qi.

Second Lord Qi was the first group of people who followed Meng Heqian. He was a man who knew how to fight and was willing to fight to the death.

The Mengjia factory has been closed for a while, mainly because many people have resigned, so many workshops have been vacant, and the gang has suffered a lot these days.There are a total of six core members of the Meng Family Gang, some with large shares and some with small shares. Seeing this situation, those with small shares became anxious, so when they summed up, they found the boss.

"Brother, if this matter is not resolved, I can't sleep at night. This matter of the Feng family has nothing to do with us at all. Isn't this forcing us to admit that we did it?" The youngest Mo Shibo also echoed .

Holding a walking stick in his hand, Meng Heqian said with a calm expression, "Speak out what you think, they are all brothers of your own family, there is no need to hide them."

The old Zhou Wuguang also opened his mouth: "I don't think we are suitable for doing business, nor for being a good man. Brother, we should directly merge other gangs like before, can't we?"

This is quite euphemistic. The Meng Family Clan used to be developed by the big fish eating the small fish. Later, Meng Heqian didn't merge with other cliques for fear.At that time they had a fight with the Liu family, and after winning, Meng Heqian took everyone to do business.

At that time, they were used to collecting protection fees, but they were not quite used to it at first. Several times they wanted to quit the job, but due to the affection of the eldest brother, everyone accepted it.Later, I found out that setting up a factory and doing business is also good.

But they are used to seeing big money, and they are still quite entangled after the sudden decrease in income, so some people still want to go back to their old jobs at this moment.Before Boss Meng came, several people had this idea.

Mao Huajie, who was sitting in the middle on the left, watched his brothers express their opinions, and also talked about his own views: "I think doing business is very good. We can support ourselves and our family without fighting every day. Isn't it so okay?"

As soon as he said this, the people on the right glared at him, and Qi's second son said fiercely: "You are the youngest of our brothers, and you haven't got a family and business, how can you understand our suffering."

In an instant, a few people quarreled, three of them wanted to sell the factory and resume their old business, and three of them wanted to wait for the situation, thinking that the case would be solved by the police department.

The noise of several people became louder and louder, and it hurt Meng Heqian's ears. He reached out and knocked on the table, and suddenly everyone in the room became silent, and everyone looked at him.

"If you want to sell, you can sell all the shares to me. The price I give will definitely be higher than the outside. But once you sell the shares in your hand, you can't ask me to buy them again. If you agree Just come to my house tomorrow, and then we will find a lawyer to deal with it."

The people on the right looked at each other, and they all fell silent.


Lao Li brought a few bosses who owed money to the jade wares to the patrol room. The bosses were all in high spirits, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

Lin Yangchuan interrogated several people separately, mainly about what happened on the day when the crime happened, but several people had alibi, so they were released from the patrol room not long after.

Even the money boss who always owes money has an alibi. He was negotiating business with a foreigner that day.Although the people in the patrol room asked him why he always asked Feng Yi to borrow money, he also hesitated.

Seeing that this road was blocked, the patrol room brought several family members of the Feng family's helpers. The first person to come to the patrol room was the husband of the lady who helped wash the dishes in the kitchen in the backyard.

The uncle looked about forty years old, his face was a little yellow, but he was taller, and he was wearing a gray cloth shirt.

Ever since he entered the patrol room, he didn't dare to look up at people, and sat motionless in his seat after answering.

Lin Yangchuan looked at him with a headache, he shook his head: "Uncle, when the aunt came home for the last time, did she mention anything about the Feng family?"

The uncle thought for a while: "The last time she came back was almost a week ago. She was very happy when she came back and brought a sum of money. After I saw the money, I was shocked and asked her how she got the money. ?

My wife said that this money is a reward from the Feng family. She has been helping the Feng family for ten years. , but the bounty given this time has never been so much, almost catching up with two months' wages. "

When he saw the money at that time, he quickly closed the door for fear of being seen by others.

Qiao Beitang clenched the pen in his hand, and continued to ask: "Uncle, do you know why the Feng family pays so much money?"

"I don't know about this, but I heard from my wife that the Feng family will have a banquet for a very important guest in a few days, so the money was given as happy money, and we ordinary people don't understand the affairs of the big family. , then we will accept it, and it is not stolen.

Last week, my wife didn't take a break, but the people from Feng's family said that they won't have a holiday for the next half month, so they should go home and have a look. "

 Sorry, it's late again today!

  Alas, I went out for a long walk today, and I remember this year deeply, so I smiled wryly.

  On the day of the first day of junior high school, my keyboard broke, and then our rice cooker broke, and the tablet started to go on strike two days ago. Today, my glasses broke, and my mobile phone broke, so cover your face!

  So I went out to buy a lot of things today, and after I finished shopping, I felt so poor, so I have to write well and try to earn back the money I spent as soon as possible.

  The new year is not over yet, it is destined to be a year of hard work, why can't you be bad one by one!
(End of this chapter)

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