scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 19 The Scary Red

Chapter 19 The Scary Red ([-])

Qiao Beitang grinned, screamed a few times in pain, and whispered a few bad things about Meng Kai to the closed door before limping and preparing to go home, but she was still puzzled.

That guy was obviously playing with her. He was trying to scare her by throwing her into the sea.Even that Shen Nianyuan is not a good person, he looks honest on the surface, he is as dark-bellied as their young master.

Shen Nianyuan turned around and entered the room after seeing Miss Qiao walking away. At this moment, the young master was already sitting on the table in the living room eating pastries.It seemed that he was in a good mood, and he ate more than half of the plate of crab roe su in front of him.

"Master, is it dangerous for Miss Qiao to go back like this?"

"There are quite a few people in the Qiao family protecting her, so it's okay."

She is the eldest daughter of the Qiao family. Even if Qiao Wendao doesn't care about her, her grandparents can still ignore her. The Lin family is very low-key, but they are also powerful.

Even if he doesn't save people tonight, the Qiao family will.But it's good to see her deflated.Tomorrow, he will officially report to the patrol room. He didn't expect Walker to come to him blatantly. It is estimated that the patrol room is not easy.


When Qiao Beitang came home, Bian Yue and Shu Rou were talking, and they were surprised to see her limping in.The two quickly put down the things in their hands and ran over to help her.

"Shurou, go and get some medicine for bruises, I think she has hurt her foot."

After helping the person to the sofa, he asked again: "Didn't you go to take pictures? Could it be that the sneak shots were discovered and then they were beaten up."

"I told you not to be a reporter. It's tiring and dangerous to be a reporter of this kind of lace news. I heard last time that two new reporters had their legs beaten to film a boss's secret mistress. It's broken."

Qiao Beitang listened to Bian Yue's non-stop talking, and her mind was a little dazed: "Shut up, get me a glass of water, I'm so thirsty." Can I not be thirsty, almost cursing along the way.

Shurou took out a medicine box from the cabinet in the living room, handed it to her lady, then turned around and went into the kitchen to pour out a glass of water: "Miss Qiao, drink it quickly."

He took the water glass, raised his head and drank all the water in the glass in one breath, and glanced at Shurou gratefully: "Can I have another glass? Thank you!"

While the girl was going to pour water, Bian Yue put Qiao Beitang's foot on her lap, looked at it briefly, and poured some medicinal wine for bruises on it.The smell of medicinal wine was very strong, and it didn't take long for it to waft through the room.

While Qiao Beitang was drinking water, Bian Yue started directly. She grabbed her ankle with both hands and began to rub it.

The water in his mouth almost spewed out: "Can you be gentle, it hurts me to death."

"I didn't use much strength. Your foot just looks serious. It's fine if you rub it."

"No, ouch, I'm going to die." Although he was wailing in his mouth, he was still very moved in his heart.The first time I saw this girl, I thought she was arrogant and a thorn, but I didn't expect that she was quite warm, and she was really kind to friends.

"Don't move around, Shu Rou hug her." After Bian Yue gave the order, she continued to help with the medicine. Both feet were injured, and they had to be treated with medicine so that they could heal faster and grow longer. Pain is worse than short pain.

Qiao Beitang was really unlucky that night, but it was even worse the next morning because she caught a cold.When I just got up, my head was heavy, and my whole body was light.

So she could only call the newspaper office to ask for leave and rest at home.Fortunately, Hood readily agreed to let her recuperate well.

For her vacation, Bian Yue is very happy, because in this way the two of them have time to play together.In her eyes, girls don't need to go to work, just be a lady at home.

Qiao Beitang felt much better after taking the medicine and taking a nap.In the afternoon, she was chatting with Bian Yue and Shu Rou at home. This was the first time she had been so relaxed after a few days here. In fact, Bian Yue was a pretty good person, except that she was a little romantic and didn't pursue her.

Shurou is two years younger than them, has a super nice personality and is gentle.The most important point is that she cooks first-class. She can not only cook, but also all kinds of pastries.

Several people were chatting in the backyard, coffee and small cakes were placed on the table, and a gramophone not far away was playing melodious music.

"Bian Yue, have you never thought about going to work or doing something?"

"My dad said that I don't have to worry about other things besides practicing martial arts. My mother will keep all the money from her business, and my cousin will give me a monthly dividend in the future."

"Can having money at home be the same as earning by yourself? We have grown up, and we have to learn to work hard on our own."

"Beitang, what do you want to do, how about we go together?"


On the first day Meng Kai went to work in the police station, he encountered a case.Considering that he had just arrived, the police station decided to ask Lin Yangchuan to assist him in this case.

They rushed to the scene of the crime from the patrol house. This is a two-story house in an alley. Most people live in such houses on this street.

The police car could only drive to the nearby street. After getting off the car, Meng Kai and Lin Yangchuan walked inside together.

There are a lot of residents here, and as soon as the news of the homicide came out, many people surrounded the road.

When the people from the police station arrived at the door of the small building at the scene of the crime, they found that the door was wide open, and there was a man and a woman inside who were crying hoarsely, and there were many people around him comforting him.

The police officer who arrived first briefly introduced the situation here to the inspector: "The reporter is the neighbor of the deceased, the couple who are crying are the parents of the deceased, and the deceased is on the second floor."

Meng Kai looked around the yard, the yard was not big, there were some flowers and plants planted in it, and there was a washing table.The living room can just be seen from the yard. There are not many things in the living room, but it is quite clean.

He turned to the little police officer who spoke just now: "You can ask carefully later, how did they find the body, the more detailed the better."

The layout downstairs of the house is very simple, living room, kitchen, toilet, and a utility room.Going upstairs from the wooden stairs, there is a smell of blood on the tip of the nose.

There are three rooms upstairs, all of which are bedrooms.The deceased's room was at the innermost part of the corridor, and the forensic doctor had arrived by now.

Entering through the door, there is a desk in front of the window on the left, and a bed next to the desk.

At this moment, the deceased was lying on the bed. The girl looked young, about eighteen or nineteen years old, and her figure was relatively thin.

She was wearing light-colored cotton pajamas with blood on them. Her hands were tied, and she was lying on her side on a white bed sheet with a pool of red blood under her body.

The blood flowed from several directions, traces of different sizes, very hideous.It is like a red iron chain imprisoning something, very cautious, indescribably terrifying.

At this moment, the thin girl seemed to have fallen into a blood-colored flower.

 Here comes a new case. This is a serial murder case. In this novel, like the previous one, the proportion of serial murders is larger!
  Thank you for the little cutie who voted for me, I have adjusted myself, and I will work hard to write!


(End of this chapter)

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