scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 195 Cave Dead Corpse

Chapter 195 Dead Corpse in the Cave ([-])

When Qiao Beitang woke up, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening, and she had slept for most of the day.When she just woke up, she felt a little dizzy, and when the dizziness got better, her eyes slowly opened.

Meng Kai, who was on the side of the bed, saw that she had woken up, and his hanging heart relaxed: "Are you better? Do you want to lie down or sit up?"

The girl glanced at where she was: "Where is this?"

"Master Guan's house!" At the time of the patrol room, she fainted all of a sudden, and he immediately sent her to Master Guan's house. For some reason, as soon as something happened to her, she immediately remembered This place is gone.

The people outside heard the commotion in the inner room, and not long after, Aunt Qiong knocked on the door and came in with a bowl of medicine.She put the medicine on the bedside table and smirked at the girl on the bed.

Meng Kai helped him up, sat on the bed, and brought up the medicine again: "Drink it, this is boiled for you by your master."

"I don't take any medicine when I'm not sick, I don't want to drink it!" The girl firmly objected, she didn't like taking medicine.

Master Guan came in from the outside, with a serious expression on his face, and said simply: "Drink!" This tone was commanding, but it sounded very warm.

Qiao Beitang subconsciously looked at Meng Kai, seeing that he directly stuffed the medicine into his hand, so he took the bowl and drank it with a tilt of his head.After drinking, there is a smell of traditional Chinese medicine in the mouth.

"Is it very bitter, come and eat two red dates." Aunt Qiong handed over the dates in her pocket, and seeing that the girl didn't pick it up, she stuffed them into her mouth.

"This jujube is delicious. Every time I finish drinking the medicine, I have to eat one to suppress the taste."

After thanking Aunt Qiong, Qiao Beitang asked Meng Kai, "Why did I come here?"

"During the autopsy in the afternoon, you stayed in that cave for too long. It was a rotten corpse, so you fainted. When I sent you here, Master Guan gave you an injection and fed you. Medicine." Meng Kai explained.

Hearing this, Qiao Beitang suddenly realized that the current conditions are too harsh, and there are no gas masks to protect herself.If she had a gas mask today, even if she could smell it, she wouldn't faint.

Master Guan put away the medicine bowl on the table: "Okay, go back, you girl is just disobedient, last time you said that you soaked in the sea and needed medicine to dispel the cold, so I gave you the medicine list, and you didn't To grab medicine.

I felt your pulse today, and I realized that your body is still the same.If you are disobedient now, you will feel better in the future. "After speaking, he took Aunt Qiong and left the room, closing the door by the way.

The room was quiet, the girl was a little afraid to go to see her boyfriend, she turned a blind eye and looked at him secretly.Just when I wanted to explain something about medicine, I was hugged by him.

The girl's entire face was pressed against his chest, the tip of her nose was filled with his scent, her heart suddenly accelerated, and the voice seemed to jump out of her chest.

"I didn't take the medicine on purpose, it's because I dropped the medicine list!"

Meng Kai let go of her: "Get up first, it's getting late, I'll take you home!"

When they came out of Master Guan's house, the two of them were carrying medicine bags in their hands.Master Guan knew that the two young men were unreliable, so he helped them pack all the medicines.A part of it is a medicine for removing dampness, and a part is a medicine for conditioning.

On the way back, Meng Kai didn't say a word. When he arrived at the gate of Qiao's house, Qiao Beitang refused to get out of the car: "Don't keep talking, I know you have something to say to me."

"Then tell me, what do I want to tell you?"

"Just say what you want, and I'll listen? You can't do it if you don't talk. I don't like you being silent to me. Although you didn't talk much before, I know you love me. Tonight, I don't think you love me anymore. .” The girl felt a little aggrieved when she said this, didn’t she just forget to take her medicine?What about the Cold War?

Seeing that she lowered her head and her voice was getting softer, Meng Kai reached out and pinched her chin, and lifted her head up.

He turned his head and looked at her, and saw her whole face was aggrieved, a little helpless, but also a little wanting to laugh: "I don't love you anymore, I didn't say anything, I was just thinking, because of me, you are working so hard .From the few months we've known each other, you haven't had a comfortable day.

I'm still thinking, your injuries are all because of me, what should I do to treat you better, I'm still thinking, since you are so good to me, then I can only agree with you. "

The person who heard this, pursed his lips and smiled, and his lost mood became beautiful.Meng Kai held her face in both hands, rubbed her thumbs on her cheek a few times, and then kissed her forehead.

"I will supervise you to take the medicine well. You have to be obedient and take good care of your body! Rest at home for a day tomorrow, and I will be here for the patrol room?"

Qiao Beitang instantly became very obedient: "Then I'll go back first!"


The next morning, Meng Kai called the team to gather in his office, and everyone held a small meeting.The content of the meeting was very simple, it was the analysis of the dead body case in the cave, and the autopsy report was placed in front of several people.

Lin Yangchuan opened his mouth first: "Yesterday I was on the mountain behind the school and searched all afternoon. We mainly searched the road up the mountain, and found that there is indeed a small road that can go up the mountain. Judging from the traces of that small road, it should be People often pass by.

On the road leading to the mountain, which is the road where the principal takes you up the mountain, there are several damaged trees, some were cut down by workers, and some were not. Judging from the damage of the trees, it was found that they were caused by some heavy objects. crushed.

In one of the crushed places, we found an embroidered money bag. Inside the money bag was a very new bracelet, which seemed to belong to a young girl. "

Meng Kai looked at the money bag on the table. The fabric used to sew it was very good, and the embroidery on it was very beautiful.Looking at the owner of the purse, he is quite rich.Why did the purse appear on the mountain behind the school? It means that a girl has been there, so whether she is related to the case, we can only talk about finding someone first.

Seeing that the boss was silent, Lao Li continued, "Yesterday, I asked if there was anyone in the age group of the deceased who reported the disappearance, but I didn't find it after searching."

"Then let's arrange today's work content!" Meng Kai said.

"First of all, we have to confirm who the deceased is, so we have to go to the school to find out the situation later, and ask the school if there are any missing teachers or classmates. But that school seems to be a girls' school, so let's ask emphatically, is there any?" The male teacher is missing.

The dead body will not appear on the mountain behind the school for no reason. Either the murderer is not someone from the school, or someone who often goes to the school, otherwise he will not know that there is a cave on the mountain.I guess that the possibility of the deceased being a school is also high. After all, girls' schools are strictly guarded, and it is not easy to get in and out.

In addition, everyone needs to carefully observe the clothes on the corpse to see if they can find any clues from the clothes of the deceased?Also, the owner of the purse hurried to find it. "

"Yesterday, according to the autopsy, the forensic doctor Qiao speculated that the place where the deceased died should be in a relatively open place. There are rocks in that place, and the rocks are relatively sharp. We will focus on the school and find out what is nearby, which is in line with the first case. on site."

(End of this chapter)

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