scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 199 Cave Dead Corpse

Chapter 199 Dead Corpse in the Cave ([-])

After hearing the news that someone had come to identify the corpse, Meng Kai and the others stood where they were, slightly taken aback.I thought that the Fanxing Daily newspaper would play a certain role, but I didn't expect the news to come so fast.Just a few hours after the newspaper was published, someone came to the door.

The person who came to identify the body was an old lady, she was about fifty years old, she was dressed plainly, and she was holding a vegetable basket in her hand, standing in the lobby of the patrol room somewhat hastily and cautiously.In the basket she was holding, there were some eggs and vegetables, but not many, and there was a layer of sweat beads on her forehead, it seemed that she had just rushed over from the vegetable place.

When Xiao Zhu brought the man to the inquiry room, Meng Kai called Qiao Beitang, then asked Lin Yangchuan to pick him up at Qiao's house, and then returned to the inquiry room by himself.After he went in, he sat directly opposite the aunt: "Is someone missing in your family? Why didn't you report to the police station before? Who disappeared in your family, how old is it? When did you disappear?"

The aunt who heard these questions was a little embarrassed, and she carefully put the basket on the ground.With her hands crossed, she looked at the person sitting opposite her with some anxiety: "No one in our family is missing, so we didn't come to report the crime."

The corners of Xiao Zhu's mouth twitched a bit: "Ma'am, since no one is missing from your family, why don't you come to identify the dead body, or you should go back quickly, and don't delay our business."

Although the boss and Joe the forensic doctor said that determining the identity of the deceased is the most important thing now, but it also depends on whether the person who recognizes the body is reliable. Today they are going to investigate the first scene, maybe there will be a major discovery ?

The aunt quickly stood up from the chair, and waved her hands anxiously: "I really came to identify the corpse. When I was shopping in the morning, I heard a newspaper reader say that a corpse was found in the police station. Listen to them The description, I think it is similar to my son, so I came to ask.

Although my son is not missing, he has not been contacted for a long time.More than a month ago, he said that he was going to study in Peiping, and then he left for Shanghai half a month ago, but he has been there for such a long time, and he has not sent a letter back.

Most of his clothes are bought by me. There is a flying character in my son's name, and I love to embroider it on his clothes and trousers. "

After these words, Xiao Zhu, who was a little dissatisfied at first, stood up straight again.Didn't the corpse they found have flying characters on their clothes?The identification of the corpse is not a happy event, and there will be no one vying to identify it. The people who come to ask are probably the family members of the deceased.

Meng Ke ignored Xiao Zhu's fiery eyes and asked calmly, "How old is your son, and where does he work?"

"My son's name is Chen Bingfei, he is 25 years old, and he works as a teacher in a girls' school in the concession!" The aunt hurriedly answered the policeman's question, fearing that the answer would be slow, and the two would not let her see the corpse.Since her son left, her heart has been empty and she is very disturbed.

On the night her son left, she also had a dream. In the dream, her son was lying on the ground begging her for help, with blood all over his face, saying that he wanted her to avenge him.She woke up that night with fright, and the old man of their family said that she was in a daze and was eager to think about her son.

Xiao Zhu opened her eyes wide, closed her mouth tightly, and turned her head to the direction of the boss.After Meng Kai finished listening, he told the aunt to wait for a few minutes, saying that the forensic doctor from the patrol room needed to be present to identify the corpse, and she would come over in a while.

Soon Lin Yangchuan rushed over with Qiao Beitang. The girl got into work as soon as she arrived at the patrol room. She first asked about the situation of the person who identified the corpse.Then I asked the aunt a few questions. The questions were all related to the corpse, where were the words embroidered on the clothes, and what the font looked like. The aunt answered fluently, and added that her son had lost a tooth. That's right.

When she brought someone to identify the corpse, Qiao Beitang knew for sure that the deceased was probably the aunt's child. Currently, the information on many corpses can be matched.Before seeing the body, the girl said a lot of comforting words to the family.

After the autopsy, Qiao Beitang sewed up the body. Even though there was no news about the body at the time, she still sewed it up very carefully without any sloppy.All forensic doctors respect the corpses they see, that kind of respect from the inside out.

As soon as the white cloth was lifted, the auntie looked at it for a few times, and she almost fell down. She only took one look at the dead man's head and recognized it as her own child.Even the head of the deceased, from the appearance, has undergone great changes.

Then she pointed to a mole on the neck of the deceased: "This is our family Bingfei." After she finished speaking, she threw herself on the corpse and wailed loudly. The heart-piercing sound was heard far away.

After the aunt gradually calmed down, Xiao Zhu and Lao Li took her arms to the inquiry room.Qiao Beitang helped pour a glass of water, and handed her a handkerchief. Seeing the family members' red eyes from crying, she also felt a little disappointed.

Meng Kai saw that the aunt was in a better mood: "I know you are very sad, but now I hope you can give us some more information, and then help us solve the case and find the murderer. Only by finding the murderer can you avenge your son. You Didn't your son go to study in Peking? When was the last time you saw him?"

Wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes, the aunt thought about it, and replied: "The last time I saw him was the night before he left to study in Peking. He and Gao Han had dinner at our house that day, and Bingfei went to bed after dinner. Sent Gao Han home. He said that he would live directly at school that night, and then leave directly from school the next morning.”

"Who is Gao Han? You said living in the school, do you mean the dormitory where there are teachers in the school?" Meng Ke continued to ask.

"Gao Han is my son's fiancée. She and our family Bingfei have been engaged since they were young, and the two grew up together. It's just that our two families lived together when we were young, and then their family moved away.

They both became teachers after graduation and still teach in the same school. The two families originally wanted to get them married at the end of the year, but something like this happened. "

In the later conversation, the people in the patrol room learned some information about the school.The conditions of the school are good. In addition to the student dormitory, each teacher has a dormitory. Usually, teachers can live at home or at school.But most of the teachers live at home.

The night before Chen Bingfei went to Beiping, he and his fiancée went home for dinner. After the meal that day, the two left together. The aunt never saw her son again after that.She and her husband also wanted to go to school to ask about the child's situation, but they thought that the son would be back in a month, so they kept holding back from asking.

When Qiao Beitang said this, he instantly remembered the beautiful girl in the principal's office yesterday.After everyone comforted the aunt, they immediately went to school again.

After arriving at the school, he went directly to the principal's office to find the principal. The person in the patrol room told the principal that the deceased had been identified and was Chen Bingfei, a teacher of the school.The principal was astonished, and hurriedly called Beiping to confirm the situation. The call was transferred several times, and finally news came from Beiping that Chen Bingfei did not attend the study.

Then the principal hurriedly sent someone to notify Gao Han. Gao Han immediately slumped on the chair when she got the news that her fiancé had been killed. She covered her eyes and kept yelling that it was impossible.

When Teacher Gao cried, everyone in the patrol room turned their attention to Qiao Beitang. When they came, they all agreed that the girl's affairs would be handled by her.

(End of this chapter)

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