scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 219 The Female Ghost Takes Her Life

Chapter 219 The Female Ghost Takes Her Life ([-])

Meng Kai lowered his head and looked carefully at the dead man's ears, but he didn't seem to find anything. Qiao Beitang took a flashlight and shone it on the back of the ears. Only then did he see that there seemed to be a small dot on the dead man's ears. There is such a small spot on the pinna of each ear.

"What does this point represent?" She wouldn't let him see it for no reason, it must have a special meaning.

The girl's gloved finger pointed to the gray spot: "This spot looks a bit like an electric current spot, but I'm just guessing now, and I'm not sure. It needs to be checked and observed under a microscope before I can draw a conclusion.

Although I dare not say for sure, I can also say that nine out of ten of these are electric current spots. If it is confirmed, then the definition of this case will come out.The deceased was killed by someone, not by accident. "

The dissecting room became a little busy, and when Qiao Beitang was free, he pointed to the small spot on the deceased's ear and explained it carefully.Current spots, also known as current imprints, are current entrances. The formation of current spots is a special skin injury caused by Joule heat and electrolysis at the contact point when a charged conductor contacts the skin and the current passes through the intact skin. The part with thick cuticle has high resistance, and the current passes through to generate more heat, which is easy to form a typical current spot.

Seeing that Meng Kai was interested, he added that the typical current spot is generally round or oval, with a diameter of 5 to 10 mm, grayish white or grayish yellow, hard, dry, with a central depression, and a slight Elevated, with blunt and rounded edges, resembling a crater, and may have a hyperemic ring on the periphery, with a clear boundary with surrounding tissues.

"Did you understand what I said?"

"I understand part of it, but I don't understand it very well, but I know that the imprint on the ear of the deceased is very consistent with the electric spot you said. I don't know the rest, but I don't need to understand too much. I know that he was killed by someone. Kill it, that's fine!" Inspector Meng said confidently, and after saying this, the girl laughed.

It was already very late when they returned to the patrol room after a lot of tossing around at night. After Qiao Beitang's results came out, it was already dawn, and they stayed in the dissecting room for most of the night.

Yang Qingfeng was the first to wake up from the office. He didn't wake up the others, and quietly went out to buy breakfast for everyone.Lin Yangchuan got up from the smell. He rubbed his sore neck before getting up from the sofa.

"Why didn't you call me when you went out?"

"It's not very far. It's only a few steps away. Let's eat quickly. I've already left the share for the boss and forensic doctor Qiao." After Yang Qingfeng finished speaking, he picked up a piece of bread and gnawed on it.

At dawn, Xiao Zhu was not as scared as last night. He rubbed his eyes and began to eat: "I don't know if the boss and forensic doctor Qiao have discovered anything new."

When a few people were having a good meal, the young lovers appeared. Seeing that they were in a good state of mind, the big guys knew that they had good news, so they unknowingly sped up their breakfast.After everyone finished eating, it was time for the meeting.

Meng Kai was the first to speak: "Now it is confirmed that this is a murder case. Let Qiao forensic explain the specifics. After she finishes speaking, I will arrange the tasks during the day and investigate the case."

Qiao Beitang nodded, and first talked about the electric spot that was discovered, explained what the electric spot is, and then told everyone that Zhao Zhangang was killed by electric shock.After the electric shock, electric current spots will appear on the surface of the corpse, and the internal organs in the body will also respond. His sudden heart attack is also related to the electric shock.

There are relatively few people killed by electrocution in homicide cases these days, so some people are hearing about this method of death for the first time.So everyone is still very curious, and after listening to it, they are also a little confused, and some don't understand it very well.

"According to the analysis of the corpse, the home is the first crime scene, and the deceased was indeed electrocuted in the bathtub. According to the distribution of the electric spot on the ear, someone should stand behind him and kill him. over him.

Current spots vary in size and shape, and can be furrow-shaped, strip-shaped, arc-shaped, or irregular. These shapes can often reflect the shape of the contact between the conductor and the human body, so the shape of the contact surface of the conductor can be inferred.The current spot on the deceased's ear was small and round, and he should have touched the end of the wire. "

After listening, Yang Qingfeng was the first to ask: "I have a question. If Zhao Zhangang's home is the scene of the first crime, why did he sit obediently in the bathtub without protesting? Besides, his home is too clean. , it doesn’t look like there are signs of struggle or someone else’s experience.”

"Then we will only find out if we continue to investigate. I will go to the deceased's home later to see if there is any negligence last night. But there is nothing wrong with the first crime scene being at his home. The electric spot on his body It didn't appear after death, and according to the judgment of rigor, he did die in the bathtub." Qiao Beitang replied.

Lin Yangchuan also spoke: "The cleanliness of the house does not mean that no one has been there. Could it be that someone has already cleaned it before we went?"

Everyone talked about their speculations and ideas. Some people thought that he was drugged, but no sleeping pills were found in the deceased's stomach.Some people thought of the wounds on the deceased and wondered if they had been threatened.

Meng Kai knocked on the table: "Let me arrange it. Lao Li and Xiao Zhu will investigate Zhao Zhangang's affairs, from his childhood to the present, and focus on those who have conflicts with him and those who have had conflicts." .

Yang Qingfeng went to check the photo that suddenly appeared last night, who was the woman in the photo, that person could not have appeared in the bathroom for no reason, it was obvious that someone had been somewhere before we went to the villa last night.We opened the door with a key, and the lock was not picked, which means that someone else has the key to the house.

Lin Yangchuan and I went to find the aunt who called the police, asked about the situation at home, and asked who called Zhao Zhangang.Those injuries were very new, and they didn't spare any strength during the beating, which meant that the man hated him very much, maybe he didn't enjoy the beating so much, so he killed him. "

After receiving the order, the big guys left the office quickly and went to work separately.Lin Yangchuan also left the room, saying he was going outside to wait for Meng Kai and left.

Qiao Beitang asked, "What about me? What should I do?"

"Take a good rest. You haven't rested since yesterday morning. You go back to sleep first, and then sort out the case after you have rested, otherwise your body will be overwhelmed."

The girl thought for a while, and it was true that her mind was a little confused at the moment: "Then I'm going back, you guys go to work first, I'll come over in the afternoon, remember to take a break at noon too!"

After refusing Meng Ke to send her, Qiao Beitang went back by car by herself. When she reached the street, she heard the sound of selling newspapers. After she heard it clearly, she immediately got out of the car and went to buy newspapers.

The newspaper seller shouted at the top of his voice, "Newspaper seller, newspaper seller, the female ghost is here to claim her life!"

"Selling newspapers, selling newspapers, the female ghost is killing her!"

"Selling newspapers, selling newspapers, a female ghost appeared in the Shanghai Concession and claimed her life!"

Qiao Beitang bought a newspaper and stood on the side of the road to read it. For some reason, when she heard the female ghost's death, she suddenly thought of Zhao Zhangang.After reading the newspaper, I also admired my intuition. This matter was really written in the newspaper.

But this happened only yesterday, so how did the people who wrote the newspaper know about the bathroom photos?She wanted to go back to the patrol room, but quickly took back her steps, thinking that they had all gone out.

(End of this chapter)

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