scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 222: Prying the Corner

Chapter 222: Prying the Corner

Lin Yangchuan was a little dumbfounded, thinking to himself what a good day it is today, why are they rushing to this place?
Hearing that his father came to Tan Pei Law Firm, Meng Kai was not very surprised, because he knew that since the accident of the Meng Family Gang, the family's accounts were in disarray, so the family hired this law firm to deal with these problems.The reason why he clinked glasses with Tan Pei at Dalehui that night was also because of this relationship.

"I'm sorry for the two of you, the boss and I deal with the matter of the Meng family together, so I have to go out and have a look." Chen Wei said, tidied up his clothes and followed out.

Meng Kai followed and walked a few steps: "Let's go together?"

As soon as they went out, they saw Meng Heqian bringing Shen Shen over, and the two of them stopped at the door of Tan Pei's office.The door of the office opened at this moment, and the people inside and outside saw each other.

Time stood still, Qiao Wendao looked out through the door, and directly met the eyes of his arch-enemy Meng Heqian. The two old men, who were over half a century old, instantly opened up their aura and wanted to suppress each other.

Seeing this scene, Qiao Beitang quickly got up from the chair next to her and stood beside her father. She put her hands by her sides, ready to start a fight at any time. She always felt that the two of them were going to fight.

Seeing this, Meng Kai also walked to his father. He really wanted to remind his father that this fight cannot be fought.In the past, if you fight, you will fight, but isn't the situation different now?If people from their family fight against the Qiao family again, if it gets out, how can he still be with his girlfriend.

Although Tan Pei has just returned to Shanghai, he has heard a little about many things, and his first reaction is that he is afraid that the two families will fight.If the law firm was smashed, it would be smashed. The main reason is that it had just opened for a short time. Others thought that the law firm was smashed because the law firm was not good. If it spread, it would not be good for future development.

"Master Meng came here today to discuss the factory with me? I have something to deal with today. If you have any questions, can you communicate with lawyer Chen Wei first?"

Meng Heqian shook his head: "Forget it, I'll come again next time!" With a straight face, he said a very plain sentence.

Qiao Wendao knew that the enemy was a big client, so it didn't matter if he was thinking about his own business, there was no need to compete at this moment: "Forget it, you are busy first, I will come to you another day."

The two old men who originally thought they were going to fight became amiable in an instant. Judging from the tone of the speech, they were quite humble.I didn't know what they were entangled with, but I thought these two people had good tempers.

Chen Wei stood on the side with his head held high: "Master Meng, I have been following up the business of the Meng family, so you are like me." Although he stood up straight, his tone was trembling, and a layer of sweat broke out on his forehead .

Meng Heqian glanced at him: "You'd better go and heal the injury on your face before you go to work. My head hurts just looking at it." The tone of his speech was full of disgust.

Looking at his disgusted gaze, Chen Wei couldn't say anything, he could only step back in embarrassment, trying to minimize his own existence.But these words made the other people laugh, and the atmosphere on the scene became less embarrassing.

Qiao Wendao took the initiative to come out of Tan Pei's room: "I'll go back first."

Tan Pei supported his arm and supported the elder: "Then I won't force you to stay, but I have to send you outside. Pay attention to your health and wait for me to go to Qiao's house to see you after I've been busy for a while."

"You just came back, there must be a lot of things. We are not outsiders, so you don't want to send me off, just let Bei Tang send me out."

When Qiao Beitang heard this, she didn't lose the chain: "Lawyer Tan, go in and do your work. I'll take Dad back."

Old man Qiao was very happy when he heard the words of father. His sullen face became a smile: "Just listen to this girl."

The two sides debated for a while before ending the matter of sending them out.

Tan Pei let go of the hand holding the elder's arm: "That's fine, I won't see you off. But I have to ask Uncle Qiao and Sister Beitang to agree to it. It will be Aunt Ruoge's death day soon. I think I was not in Shanghai before. There is also a way to go, now that I am back, I want to go to worship with you this time, is that okay?"

Hearing this, Meng Kai twitched the corners of his lips. This man is a bit interesting!Lin Yangchuan tugged his good brother's arm to signal him to be vigilant, isn't this obviously showing affection?

Qiao Wendao was very happy, and reached out to pat Tan Pei's arm, feeling very emotional: "Okay, let's go together when the time comes, you are a good kid, Ruoge didn't love you in vain before. Let's go!"

People from the Qiao family passed by people from the Meng family, both of them were very polite, and nothing bad happened.

After seeing off the elders, Tan Pei politely invited Meng Heqian into the office to have a chat, but was quickly rejected.Meng Heqian said that he remembered that he had something to do this afternoon and would come back another day.

The corridor became empty in an instant, and Chen Wei came out from the corner: "Why are they coming and leaving so fast?"


Qiao Beitang stood in front of Qiao's car and sent Qiao Wendao to the car. She habitually said to the driver, "Please drive slowly!"

The people in the car didn't close the door: "When are you going home for dinner?"

The girl answered irrelevantly: "Why did you make a will so quickly? Why do I have more than Qiao Beiling?"

After she entered the office, she found out that he came to find Tan Pei to make a will, and she also heard his general thoughts.She also wanted to express her opinion. She liked money, but she didn't want Qiao's money.But the words came to his lips, and before he had time to say them, people from the Meng family came.

"You deserve it. I don't mean to buy you with money. You are not short of money. If I give it to you, you will take it. This is your dowry."

For some reason, Qiao Beitang felt very lonely, and suddenly became a little sad: "Did you let the Meng family do it on purpose today?"

The car door was closed: "I just don't want to embarrass you, and I can't do anything for you? This kind of situation is just a matter of saying a few words. Go back, I want to go back too."

The afternoon sun was a bit strong, the golden light shone from the cracks in the trees, and circles of light of different sizes were printed on the flat ground.Qiao Beitang thought that Meng Kai and the others should not come out so soon, so he walked towards the house alone.

When Meng Heqian came out with someone, he was furious, as if he had lost a fight with someone. Qiao Wen said that the guy took a step back, but he felt uncomfortable.

"Why don't we change the law firm? It seems that the old guy likes this Tan Pei very much. What do you think?" think.

As usual, Meng Kai said indifferently: "Change it up to you. If nothing happens, I'll go back to the patrol room?" After finishing speaking, he walked towards his car. Lin Yangchuan said goodbye to his uncle, and then followed.

On the way back, Meng Kai was driving the car. The speed of the car was so fast that Lin Yangchuan wanted to get down and walk. He tried to open his mouth a few times on the way, but the words came out: "Qiao Forensic Doctor only likes you, not that Tan Pei. , I can see it!"

The speed of the car slowed down a bit, and then the person in the passenger seat was encouraged and continued, "But that guy seems to have a good relationship with Qiao's forensic family. He even knows the date of her mother's death. Is this a childhood sweetheart?"

(End of this chapter)

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