Chapter 226 The Female Ghost Takes Her Life ([-])

When Qiao Beitang went downstairs, the dining table was already full of breakfast. She smiled when she saw Meng Kai, "Since you came, the food at home has become richer." There are many types of breakfast on weekdays, but not as much as today Such an exaggeration.

Hearing this, Shu Rou was a little embarrassed: "Sister Beitang, I am practicing for Shen Nianyuan."

After Qiao Beitang sat down, she was a little stunned. This was the first time she heard that please have breakfast and practiced it.Looking around, there are indeed a lot of plates on the table, including milk, fried eggs, and various snacks, but there is no practical equipment for meat and wine, but there are a few pork buns.

"Practice? Is he going back?" These days, he seems to be used to seeing Shen Nianyuan busy in the flower shop in a foolish way, and now he probably still has a lot of flowers that he can't tell the difference.

Hearing this question, Meng Ke instantly felt that he was being unkind in asking Shen Nianyuan to go back to work.He didn't answer the call, he picked up the milk and drank it naturally, as if he didn't hear it.

Shen Nianyuan quickly answered: "I'm in good health now, and I can't stay here forever, I should go back to Meng's house to help." Even so, he felt quite lost at the moment.I obviously don't like these flowers and plants, but I feel a little bit reluctant.

Qiao Beitang felt aggrieved when he heard what he said, so he picked up the milk cup and said, "Let's touch one. I wish you a smooth return to work. I hope your father will stop asking you to go on blind dates."

The other people raised their glasses very cooperatively, and after saying that the work went well, they ate breakfast by themselves.After breakfast, Meng Kai took Qiao Beitang to Zhao Zhangang's house. They walked in through the gate.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I was stopped by someone: "Who are you looking for? You can't just go in here."

Meng Kai exchanged glances with the people around him: "Do you want to stop any strangers from entering?"

The gatekeeper nodded: "Not all of them will be stopped, but I will ask, who are you looking for?"

Qiao Beitang smiled: "We live here, why are you stopping us? Now we are going home, we are newcomers."

The gatekeeper folded his arms and said, "Don't lie to me. I have a good memory. I can remember everyone living here, including their relatives. As long as I have met them, I will never forget them. You two are not from here. , what are you doing here?"

The arguing at the door attracted many people to watch the excitement, and other gatekeepers also came over. When their captain saw that it was someone from the patrol room, he told everyone to disperse, saying it was a misunderstanding.

After the spectators dispersed, the management personnel who had seen Meng Kai that night stepped forward: "Excuse me, Inspector Meng, he doesn't know you, and he doesn't know that you are here to investigate the case."

Meng Kai waved his hand and walked up to the person who stopped him: "What's your name? You really know the people who live here. I want you to do something for me?"

The man was neither humble nor overbearing: "My name is Hu Gang. I really know all the residents here. I have a good memory since I was a child. As long as I meet that person, I will never forget it. Since I went to work, I have never missed a memory."

"Well, you know that Zhao Zhangang died, right? Can you remember the strangers who entered here on the day he was killed? The strangers I mean are people who can't live here, including those who came in to repair things or People who have been here for a long time."

I thought Hu Gang needed to think about it, but he said right away: "Except for the cleaners that day, there were Zhao Zhangang's nanny and doctor Zhuo Hua who came in that day, and two employees from the power company, one named Hou. Three, one is Su Yanqi. The other people who entered all live here, and some of them are relatives of the residents."

Qiao Beitang took the notebook and wrote down these names, and she admired Hu Gang in her eyes. She knew that there were many talented people in this world before, but she did not expect to meet them here.

After bidding farewell to Hu Gang, the two walked towards Zhao Zhangang's house. This time they first checked the situation on the first floor of the house.I found that there was no difference from that night, except that when I was in the kitchen, I found some traditional Chinese medicine residues, but there were not many residues, and some seemed to have fallen out of the bag.

"It seems that Zhao Zhangang's health is not very good, he is still taking medicine." Qiao Beitang looked at the medicine residue and said.

Meng Kai squatted down: "Taking medicine does not necessarily mean that you are sick. There are other reasons. Why don't you take it home and show it to your master to see what kind of disease it is for? Can you start from here?"

The two found a bag, filled some medicine residues, and put the medicine residues at the gate. They went upstairs again and came to the bathroom again.They searched for the place where the wires could be connected, and found that the place where the wires could be connected was a little far away.

"Did the murderer bring in a very long wire, otherwise how could he electrocute the people in the bathroom? But there are also problems. , very suspicious?" Qiao Beitang was analyzing the case based on the murder weapon.

The purpose of her visit this time is to speculate on the situation here at the time of the crime and how the murderer killed the murder from the murder weapon, but now it seems that she has encountered a problem.

Meng Kai comforted her: "Take it easy, the place where these wires are connected is far away, I guess the murderer has thought about this problem, so now let's think about it, if we were the murderer, what would we do now ?”

The two looked towards the nearest power switch, then turned around, and after returning to the bathroom, they bent their heads and looked under the window. The light they saw that night came from here.It means that someone was wandering outside here that night.

Looking down from the house, and then the two of them went downstairs to have a look. Sure enough, the grass there had traces of being trampled on, and there was a footprint at the root of the wall.There is only half of the footprint, but the half is very clear, and the pattern on the sole of the foot can be seen.

Seeing that they couldn't check anything, the two walked out of the villa. When they reached the gate, they saw Hu Gang standing there.Meng Kai walked over, whispered a few words to him, and then led them back to the patrol room.

At noon, people who went out came back one after another. Everyone was anxious to discuss the case, and they would come to the office after eating a bowl of noodles casually.

Before Meng Kai could speak, Xiao Zhu raised his hand: "I found a lot, why don't I talk about it first."

Seeing that there was no objection from everyone, he continued: "The person who has had the most contact with Zhao Zhangang recently is a reporter from the Dahua Newspaper, and that reporter is the one who secretly took private photos with him before.

The two had a good relationship back then, and together they cheated those bosses and starlets a lot of money, but for some reason they had conflicts and then separated.

They haven't been in touch, but they got in touch a few days ago, but every time they meet, they are arguing.A few times, I was quite excited when I quarreled, and even moved my hands.

I came back early, and I specifically asked the brother in the police station who was in charge of finding the newspaper reporter. The report about the female ghost's death was also sent by the reporter that day.So that person is likely to be the one who killed Zhao Zhangang. He knew Zhao Zhangang and had conflicts with him. "

Speaking of which, the reporter is also very suspicious!

Meng Kai thought for a while: "Yang Qingfeng, I asked you to investigate Fan Yaoyao's matter, how is it now?"

 Uh, I'm going to pick up the bride tomorrow morning, and I'm getting excited now, I haven't attended a wedding for a long time!
(End of this chapter)

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