scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 252 The Disappeared Person

Chapter 252 The Disappeared Person ([-])

The rest time was coming soon, and as soon as Meng Kai reminded them, everyone immediately sat back in their seats.This case is a bit different from the previous ones. In the previous cases, someone saw the corpse and reported it to the patrol room, and then everyone went to the scene to check the situation.

According to the previous process, they now have at least the autopsy information and the identity information of the deceased in their hands. They can use the known information to have a general judgment on the case, which is of great help to the case.

But now I only know that Tian Guangli has disappeared. I don't know if he hid himself, or if he was killed and was hidden by someone.I don't know if he died. If he died, where is the body?Where is the first scene?

Meng Kai looked around at the dejected people in the room, and wanted to mobilize them: "You guys went with me this morning to Tian Guangli's temporary residence, what do you think now?"

Lin Yangchuan held the notebook: "The information we know is limited. They came from Beiping on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce to discuss cooperation with the cotton mill. They came here three days ago and then disappeared the next day. All the news is These."

Yang Qingfeng added: "Tian Guangli went to a cotton spinning factory the next day, and then disappeared."

Qiao Beitang asked again after listening, "Then who did he come with?"

Now they only know that Su Weihong took people to seal the place, trying to find the murderer. Judging from their manpower, they are still relatively sufficient, and there should be quite a few people accompanying them.

Xiao Zhu replied: "Tian Guangli brought Su Weihong and some people from the Chamber of Commerce here. Apart from these people, his wife also accompanied him. But his wife said that the last time she saw him was him. Came back from the cotton mill and never saw him again."

Everyone knew all the information, and after finishing speaking, they started discussing in whispers. Meng Kai listened to everyone's opinions and stopped.

"Okay, let's consolidate the information. Although we don't know much, it's not necessarily a bad thing. From another perspective, this case hasn't happened for a long time, and we just have time to sort it out.

Now let me summarize. First of all, we have to figure out what the timeline of Tian Guangli's coming here is.

The first point is from the collected information, we know that he came here by train three days ago and only visited the cotton mill once. The last time his wife saw him was when he came back from the cotton mill.Then he disappeared the second day after he came to the concession.

The third day he came here, the second day after he disappeared, that is, yesterday, Su Weihong took people to the cotton spinning factory, and then closed the factory, looking for the murderer. They thought Tian Guangli should have been killed, and now Tian Guang No shadow of Lee ever appeared.

The trajectory of his activities is very simple, and the specific places he went to are limited. Let's check one by one. First, he met with the director of the cotton spinning factory. I heard that they had a quarrel. The reason for the quarrel.Specifically, analyze whether the factory director has a motive for killing.

The second point is who he came with, we have already figured this out, so let's conduct a comprehensive investigation to see if any of these people want to kill him.Then investigate whether he has offended anyone in Beiping, and whether he has enemies in the concession.

Number three, we have to send someone to the docks.Find out at the train station and the car dealership to see if he has left the concession on the way.Whether he is dead or alive, make sure the other person has left. "

After hearing this, Lin Yangchuan and the others relaxed their brows. They didn't know what to do before, but now they know what to do, and they are not so flustered.

After listening to the analysis, Qiao Beitang still agrees in her heart. In fact, this matter is complicated and complicated, and simple and simple.As long as you figure out the connection between them, it will be easier to solve many problems.

Meng Kai continued: "Maybe everyone has other ideas about this case, but let's handle it according to this idea first, and make supplements and adjustments while investigating the rest.

Now let me arrange the work content for the afternoon. Lao Li and Xiao Zhu went to the train station, dock, and car dealers to learn about the situation.

Yang Qingfeng sorted out the interviews in the morning, especially those who had close contact with Tian Guangli, such as Su Weihong, Tian Guangli's wife, and the interrogation records of the other two subordinates, to see if there were any loopholes in the middle.

Lin Yangchuan went to find the director of the cotton spinning factory. We need to ask him about the conflict between him and Tian Guangli. Why did Su Weihong take people to close the factory as soon as Tian Guangli disappeared? who killed him. "

After everyone answered yes neatly, they left the office and went to work.Meng Kai lowered his head and was sorting out the whole case, while Qiao Beitang and Yang Qingfeng were working on the interrogation records.

About an hour later, the director of the cotton spinning factory was brought over by Lin Yangchuan. The director was still a little scared when he saw Lin Yangchuan.Because this factory is Lin Boan's property, according to the right of inheritance, this factory belongs to Lin Yangchuan.At that time, the Lin family handed over these properties to distant relatives. Speaking of which, the factory manager and Lin Yangchuan were also relatives.

The factory director was a little nervous when he went to the interrogation room, and he didn't dare to look up at people. The main reason was that the cotton spinning factory caused him trouble, and he was afraid of taking responsibility.

Meng Kai asked him directly: "Tian Guangli came to see you, what did he talk to you about?"

The factory manager didn't want to face this problem at first, but he couldn't bear it anymore and confessed honestly: "Our factory is a small factory in the concession area, and the business in the factory is not very good recently, so we are facing a crisis. At that time, someone from Beiping contacted us, saying that they wanted to buy products from our factory.

We were very happy at that time. After receiving the money, we sent a batch of goods to Beiping. Later, there were a lot of orders there, and we were a little bit overwhelmed.So they said they wanted to find someone to help our factory expand, and I was very happy when I heard that.

The people from Beiping came a few days ago, and we warmly received them. Who knew that their purpose of coming was not to help us expand, but to want our factory.They want to take the factory for themselves at extremely low prices. The real purpose is that the Chamber of Commerce wants to use our factory to suppress the price of products, make our prices mess up, and then profit from it.

At that time, I disagreed as soon as I heard it. Wouldn’t it be their dog’s leg to do so?Who knew there was a problem with the contract we signed last time.So I got a little excited, and wanted to find Tian Guangli's theory, but who knew that guy actually threatened me, and we broke up after that. "

After the factory director's words came out, the other people in the interrogation room were quite shocked. They thought that the people in the chamber of commerce were bad, but they didn't expect it to be this bad.In the north before, they used cheap means such as price wars to steal the business of many cotton mills, but they didn't expect to repeat the same trick.

After that, several people asked some specific questions, and after knowing the timeline of the factory manager from that afternoon to the present, they let him go back.

A few hours later, Lao Li and Xiao Zhu also came back from the outside. After having a meal at the noodle shop, they returned to the office to continue discussing the matter.

Meng Kai was the first to speak: "Let's not waste time. First, everyone will tell what they have found, and then we will analyze each point in detail!"

(End of this chapter)

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