scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 27 Want to know, go to her house at night

Chapter 27 Want to know, go to her house at night

The three of them just stood outside the door like this, facing each other. Lin Yangchuan had a smile on his face, and there was surprise in his eyes. He didn't expect that she really came.

Meng Kai was usually indifferent, as calm as water.Facing him, she had no idea what his mood was like at the moment.

He is like the mouth of an abyss, you can't see the bottom, and you can't see the depth clearly. If you don't pay attention, it is easy to drag people into the dark wind and rain.So it's best to keep a proper distance and not get too close.

Qiao Beitang didn't hesitate, and was the first to break the deadlock. She didn't expect to run into these two people as soon as she came.

She didn't have time to do mental construction at all, so she simply said bluntly: "Take me to see." It's useless to say anything at the moment, work early, and leave when you're done.She came here just because she didn't want her conscience to feel bad.

The moment she entered the door, she kept telling herself to help them this time.Don't take this as a case, or add other emotions, it's just an autopsy.

She is just a small person, she can't change anything, and she has no ability to change anything. She came here to make herself feel at ease.If you don't know about it, you can still let it go, but if you know it, you really can't be a bystander.

This is not the first time for her to come to the dissecting room. Not long ago, she dissected Lin Bo'an here.After entering, she didn't talk nonsense, put down the bag in her hand, changed her clothes, put on her gloves, and walked straight towards the corpse covered in white cloth.

This time she said to Lin Yangchuan before uncovering the white cloth, "Please record it for me, I'm afraid I'll forget some details. The autopsy information is sufficient, it will help the case."

Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Yangchuan nodded solemnly, and stood next to the corpse with a pen and paper. The three of them did not speak again.

Under the white cloth was a young, bloodless corpse. She was like a delicate flower, gradually withering and losing its original color.On the light-colored pajamas, there were many dried blood stains on the abdomen.

At this time, Qiao Beitang fully demonstrated her professional professional skills, and her whole body shone brightly.She focused her eyes and observed carefully.First, I observed the corpse from the outside, and then turned the corpse a little bit.

There are plaques on the right side of the corpse. After pressing with fingers, the plaques no longer fade or disappear, and no new plaques are formed. This is the plaque in the infiltration period, and the deceased died for at least 24 hours.Except for the plaques, the corpse still had rigor.

From these, it can be judged that the deceased's approximate position at that time was lying on his side.And returned to the original position of the patrol room and kept it for a while before moving to the supine position.

She first checks roughly, and then checks from head to toe.There was a slight scar on the head of the deceased, which was covered by the hair, and it was not easy to be found without looking carefully.

There was a wound on the abdomen of the deceased, the clothes that had been taken off, and the location of the damaged abdomen matched the position of the wound, indicating that the deceased was killed wearing this light-colored pajamas.

She took an instrument to roughly detect the depth of the wound, and then approached the injured part to check.

"The wound entrance on the abdomen is diamond-shaped, with neat margins, no superficial or subcutaneous bleeding, and one blunt and one sharp wound angle, which is a single stab wound."

"The murder weapon should be a knife. The length of the knife is 17cm to 20cm, and the back of the knife is about 0.2 to 0.4cm thick. Judging from the location of the stab wound, the cause of death should be heavy bleeding."

Lin Yangchuan was quite curious: "What is stab wound?"

"It is a sharp injury caused by an object with a sharp point inserted into the human body along its long axis, which is called stab wound."

She asked Lin Yangchuan to record all the discoveries on the corpse. When she saw the tied hands, she paused for a while.There was some doubt in his eyes, and after confirming that his judgment was correct, he said again.

"At the wrist joint, the traces of struggle on the tied part are not very obvious, and there is a living reaction. The deceased's hands were bound while he was alive. But judging from the tightness of the binding and the degree of injury, it seems that the deceased actively reached out. What happened in the past was not forced."

Meng Ke's gaze also stayed on his wrist, and the image of going to the crime scene yesterday flashed through his mind.He had noticed it at the time, but he didn't think about it deeply. In this way, the deceased might know the murderer.

He was doing case analysis yesterday, so he guessed it was an acquaintance.It was relatively simple to find out the social relationship of the deceased, but he suspected that he was a stranger.

"There was subcutaneous bleeding on the medial thigh of the deceased, which was a contusion caused by a finger. The deceased was violated before his death."

After going from head to toe, Qiao Beitang carefully inspected the corpse from left to right, front to back, and outside to inside before starting the dissection.

Because there was a wound on the abdomen of the corpse, this time she used an inverted Y-shaped incision. She picked up the knife and first cut the neck, chest skin to the upper part of the abdomen in a straight line, and then made an upward semicircular abdominal incision. , flip the abdominal flap down.

The chest and abdomen cavity of the deceased was opened, and no fracture was found in the ribs, but there was a lot of blood in it, which was related to the injured part.The knife directly pierced the deceased's spleen and liver, causing massive bleeding.

When the deceased's stomach was opened again, most of the contents of the stomach moved to the duodenum, and there was a considerable degree of digestion. She died about 2 to 3 hours after eating.

"The time of death of the deceased was from one to three in the morning yesterday. Judging from the contents of her stomach, she had eaten before she died, which was around twelve o'clock in the middle of the night." Take out the contents and wait for a detailed inspection.

After the autopsy was over, Qiao Beitang felt her stomach growling.After washing her hands, she took a look at the autopsy records in Lin Yangchuan's hand, and after confirming that there was no problem, she bid farewell.

The two sent her to the gate, Lin Yangchuan was a little embarrassed: "How about I treat you to a meal? Seeing that you are working hard."

The girl refused again and again: "Forget it, let's end our intersection. I don't want to eat your meal, so I will help you with the work. I can still eat enough to eat." After finishing speaking, she trotted away.

Meng Kai's Ruifeng eyes were more deeply curved than usual.Lin Yangchuan was a little frustrated: "I just wanted to simply treat her to a meal as a thank you. I have to say that after her inspection, we have gained a lot of clues."

Meng Kai turned and walked to the office, looked at the autopsy report and meditated for a while, and was planning how to understand the investigation in the afternoon.After making arrangements, I went out with my friends.

After listening to the plan, Lin Yangchuan said, "Are you sure it's the right thing to do?" He obviously didn't believe him.

A certain person was calm and calm, and seemed to be muttering to himself: "Isn't it right? I want to know if it's right. If you go to her house to ask at night, you'll know?"

"Can we still go? Didn't you see Miss Qiao looking at us and trying to avoid it?"

"It means that we go less often, and it would be nice to go a few more times." He knew that Qiao Beitang must have other thoughts and ideas, and he also wanted to verify whether it was the same as his own.

When he went out again, he was in a different mood. Meng Kai walked briskly and walked directly to the car, and he got into the car first.Seeing that Lin Yangchuan hadn't followed, he lay down in front of the driver's window and yelled.


Qiao Beitang didn't stop until she turned a corner. She leaned on the wall to vent her anger. It was almost noon now.

She became in a good mood, humming a song while preparing to go to Yushuzhai to buy some snacks.Anyway, there is no need to go to the newspaper office in the afternoon, so go home and have afternoon tea with Bian Yue.

 Is anyone watching?If there is a squeak!

  It's a bit late today, but no one, cute, reminded me that it's time to type.Fortunately, I am a conscious code word person!
  Haha, I checked a lot of information in this chapter!
  Hee hee, and I have recommended it on the Internet these two days, please recommend a ticket!


(End of this chapter)

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