scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 274 The Disappeared Person

Chapter 274 The Disappearing Person (Twenty)
The people in the car were discussing the case intensely, and finally it was Meng Kai who stopped the conversation. A smile spread from the corner of his lips, and his whole person was extraordinarily dazzling and radiant in the sun.

"Hey, I shouldn't talk about the case with you. Let's not talk about it. Think about what to eat for dinner?" His girlfriend is very dedicated, and the chat will be endless. She will not be able to sleep at night.

He really wanted to know what went wrong with this matter, or where he didn't make it clear, but he didn't want this matter to occupy his entire life.Now there is no substantive evidence to refute that Dali is not the murderer. In the final analysis, it still depends on whether Lin Yangchuan and Yang Qingfeng find anything.

The driver holds the steering wheel with one hand, leaving one hand free to hold his girlfriend.There are not many cars on the road now, so the speed is not very fast.Qiao Beitang lowered her head and looked at the big hand covering her. She didn't know what was going on, and her brain got hot, and she brought his hand to her mouth, and suddenly kissed it.

The corners of the soft lips touched the back of the wide hand. This kiss was very shallow, and it was separated after just a touch.After this move, everyone in the car was stunned.

Meng Kai looked at her sideways, with a funny expression and a smile in his eyes: "You can't control yourself like that? Just want to kiss me like that?"

A certain person was embarrassed, and covered his face with his palm, her expression changed rapidly, her eyelashes and the corners of her lips kept brushing against her palm, the hot air from the tip of her nose was pervasive, and her breathing was shallow.It made his palms itch, and the itch penetrated from his palms to his heart, making him unable to sit still.

Soon the car stopped at a corner, and Meng Ke leaned over to her: "Did you drool on my hands?"

Qiao Beitang frowned, and pulled the person off his face: "I don't." After finishing speaking, he was forced to look at him. Detective Meng's eyes were deep, and her shadow was in his eyes.Involuntarily, he ran his fingers through her hair, and finally landed on the back of her head.

With a little effort, Qiao Beitang's face got close to him, and the girl explained, "I really don't have one."

He chuckled: "I know, I want to ask you, why did you kiss my hand?"

"It's not that you often kiss the back of my hand. I see that you like it very much, so I want to try it. Who knows that I don't feel anything."

"Then let's give it a try and feel it?" After finishing speaking, there was no distance between the two.


When they got back to Qiao's house, Shurou was still busy in the flower shop, besides her, there was another unexpected visitor.Qiao Beitang didn't expect Qiao Beiling to come, obviously the two had met not long ago.

As soon as Qiao Beiling changed from her old reserve, she called out to people, "Sister, brother-in-law."

Meng Kai responded, Qiao Beitang squeezed her boyfriend's hand vigorously, and walked towards the store.There were a lot of flowers in the flower shop, she avoided them carefully, and walked to the two of them.

"Why are you here? Not going to school?"

"I don't have class in the afternoon, so I just wanted to see you. Dad asked me to bring you a lot of things and put them in the house. I asked Shurou when you would come back. She said she didn't know, so I just waited here by myself. for a while."

The little girl was very happy, and she was helping to arrange the flowers: "Sister, can I take a bunch of flowers home later?" After the first sister, calling her sister became a very simple matter.

Qiao Beitang nodded: "Yes, you can choose what you like."

"Then can I stay for dinner tonight?"

"You're so welcome!"

In the end, Qiao Beiling managed to stay. She seemed to like the yard very much and was looking around.When Bian Yue came back in her pink convertible, Qiao Beiling rushed over.She stood by the side of the car, looking here and touching there, her eyes were full of envy.

Bian Yue walked up to her good sister: "Has your sister changed sex?"

Qiao Beitang replied: "Maybe that's her nature." As long as she doesn't overdo it and doesn't hurt her, it's actually good to be friends.

Qiao Beiling used to be a little bit secretive, but after what happened that day, she let it go, and now this bluffing person is the real her.That night, she managed to have a meal, and after the meal, she begged Bian Yue to drive her home, and she got to know everyone after a while.


On the third day after Wang Baoping and Dali were caught, their result came out. It was indeed the execution that Lao Li had guessed before, and the execution was carried out the next morning after the result was released.

From the current point of view, this matter has finally become a foregone conclusion, but in the early morning of the shooting day, a turning point appeared.At one o'clock in the morning, Meng Kai brought people to Qiao's house.There was a lot of movement that day, Bian Yue thought there was a thief, and went downstairs with a weapon in his hand.

But they saw Meng Kai, Shen Nianyuan, Lin Yangchuan and Yang Qingfeng standing outside the door.She threw away the stick in her hand, and belatedly thought, if it was a bad person, she probably wouldn't be able to get out of the door. There are so many night watchmen in the yard.

Qiao Beitang and Shu Rou came late, and they were a little dazed when they saw this scene. A few minutes later, Shu Rou and Bian Yue went to the kitchen to help make coffee.

Lin Yangchuan and the others looked tired, but they were full of energy: "The murderer is not Dali, but Su Weihong."

Soon the coffee was served, and several girls huddled together, listening to Lin Yangchuan talk about the discovery of going to Peking.The murderer is Su Weihong, but where is the evidence?
Yang Qingfeng went on to say: "On our way here, the boss has already told you about the current situation of the case, so let me tell you about my three discoveries in Beiping!

Tian Guangli and his group came to Shanghai because they wanted the cotton spinning factory owned by the Lin family, and wanted to repeat the old tricks and monopolize the cotton spinning industry.This matter was facilitated by the Chamber of Commerce. They sent Tian Guangli, who was very experienced, but an accident happened in the middle.

Because Tian Guangli is dead, why do we say that the murderer was Su Weihong, because the dagger belonged to Su Weihong, it was given to him by people from the Chamber of Commerce, and we have photos to prove it. "

"It's not complicated to say, but after Tian Guangli made a fortune with the Chamber of Commerce, his appetite has grown. He is still doing other businesses in private, and has the heart of rebellion.

Then the Chamber of Commerce saw that he was full-fledged, and wanted to find someone to replace him, so they found Su Weihong in private, and they reached an agreement.He wanted to kill him after this incident was over. Su Weihong also came to Shanghai in advance, but he didn't tell other people about it. We only found out about it after we bribed the people around them.

Su Weihong is Wang Baoping's best friend, this happened in advance, it should be Tian Guangli who discovered the relationship between them.We have evidence that they are together, combined with the current situation, Su Weihong is the murderer, and Dali was wronged. "

Qiao Beitang's mind slowly sobered up. She took the photo in Yang Qingfeng's hand and looked at it. Sure enough, Su Weihong was with people from the chamber of commerce. The dagger was like a handover ceremony.Then I saw a photo of him and Wang Baoping.

Wang Baoping in the photo is very lively, compared with the dead life now, she is very lively, and she sees that Su Weihong's eyes are bright.I don't know how to recall, what happened between her and Dali that night.

Although she had marks on her body and was in the same room as Dali, she never had much communication with him from the beginning to the end.If the murderer was really Su Weihong, then Wang Baoping chose to stay with Dali because he wanted to excuse him.

Thinking of what Su Weihong said in the patrol room, the girl thought he was disgusting, scolded Wang Baoping, and at the same time asked someone to exonerate him.In the end, Wang Baoping was responsible for the news of the execution by shooting.

(End of this chapter)

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