scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 287 The Curse of the Small Village

Chapter 287 The Curse of the Small Village ([-])

The news of the discovery of the body in the back mountain of Xiaohe Village suddenly spread for some reason.It didn't take long for people from the two villages to rush over with their weapons. This time the fight was even bigger than the fight a few days ago.The entire hill was full of people, and the surrounding grass was almost flattened.

The village head of Xiaohe Village stopped digging, held the hoe in his hand, and looked up at the people of Dahe Village: "What do you want to do?"

The village head of Dahe Village pointed to the corpses not far from them: "You are trying to bury the people in our village silently now. I said that the disappearance of the people in our village is related to you, and you are still quibbling. Let the next person take the stolen goods and get it.

What do we want? It's very simple. We want you to pay back your debts in blood. If one of us dies, it's fine if only one of you dies.Let me tell you, today's matter is endless, we want to spend with you to the end, we must find the truth of the matter. "

The few people who found the body were anxious and wanted to defend themselves: "You're talking nonsense, we didn't kill this person, why should we argue."

"We found this man by accident."

"This is our village, you people from Dahe Village leave quickly, or we will be impolite."

A few people stood under the small slope, and their voices weakened a little when they were uploaded upwards, and their momentum was instantly lost.At this moment, the few of them were also very panicked. They obviously didn't need to kill people, so why did they look like murderers now.

People from Dahe Village stood on the slope, shouting and protesting loudly: "If it has nothing to do with you, then why don't you report to the police station, it must be that you want to destroy the corpse."

"This is your place. According to what you said, then we drag your people back to our own village. Whether it is beating or killing, you have nothing to do with it."

"Listen up, people in Dahe Village. Now that others have bullied us to this extent, then we will carry a few of them to the village now, and then we can do whatever we want in our territory."

The crowd rioted in an instant, and those children, old people, and women hurriedly evacuated.The scene was chaotic for a while, Dagui was injured and couldn't fight, so he had to go to Dr. Xia's house to ask him for help.But when he arrived at Dr. Xia's house, he found that the gate of the yard was locked, apparently he had gone up the mountain to gather herbs.


After Meng Kai sent his girlfriend to the newspaper office, he drove back to the police station.Not long after he entered the office, the rest of the team came in.Since Tian Guangli's case ended, there has been no case in the past two days. Everyone is free now, commuting to and from get off work on time every day, and there is no need for meetings.

Xiao Zhu sat on the sofa and elbowed Lin Yangchuan: "Why are you listless these two days, why don't you help us make a few cups of coffee for exercise?"

Lin Yangchuan hummed a few times, as if he didn't hear it.He was suffering in his heart, but this suffering could only be swallowed in his stomach.Ever since he threatened to chase Bian Yue, that girl has been going on blind dates all day long, let's just go on blind dates, there are really a few people who blindly fell in love with her.

The movement of chasing her was quite loud, and they all chased her to Bian's martial arts gym. The news spread for some reason, and the neighbors around were discussing in private, whether they will be able to have the wedding wine of Bian's house soon .Now she doesn't come home at a certain time every day, and he doesn't have to see a single person except after seeing her on a blind date in a cafe.

Seeing Lin Yangchuan's lack of interest, Yang Qingfeng got up from the sofa: "I'll cook for everyone, after cooking, let's do our own work."

Xiao Zhu nodded: "There is a case here, I always feel too busy. There is no case here, and I feel quite empty. After drinking coffee, we will help other brothers to do things."

Lao Li doesn't like to drink coffee, and he still has his teacup on hand: "Don't talk nonsense about the case, once you say it right, maybe there will be a case later. Don't believe it, sometimes it's so evil."

Meng Kai put down the documents in his hand: "Wait a minute, you guys go to sort out all the cases we have encountered before. Don't act like a normal person all day long, learn to sum up experience in previous cases, you know. "

Several people nodded tacitly, answered yes, and then disappeared into the boss's office.A few people were very obedient. After going out, they returned to their desks and sorted out the previous case information.In the small team, Lin Yangchuan was the most leisurely, lying leisurely on the sofa in Inspector Meng's office, looking hopeless.

"Don't you have an office yourself? If you like my sofa, I'll ask someone to move it for you."

Lin Yangchuan was immediately aggrieved: "Is it the sofa that I only care about? It's you that I don't want to part with." Meng Kai smiled: "That's a pity, I'm going to marry a wife soon, you should try to let me go in the future."

The person on the sofa sat up: "Have you dealt with Qiao Wendao?" "Pay attention to your wording, that is my future father-in-law."

This time someone felt even more uncomfortable. He suddenly felt that the air here was a bit oppressive, so he went back to his room in a hurry.Not long after this peaceful day, Xiao Zhu knocked on the boss's office.

"Boss, there is a murder case in a mountain village in the concession."

"Has the body been found?" "Yes, the deceased was a man."

Then the members of the small team left the gate of the patrol room, and before going out, Meng Kai called Qiao Beitang.Because going to Xiaohe Village needs to go through Fanxing Daily, everyone set off together this time.

After Qiao Beitang answered the phone, she went to find Hood, explained the reason, and left the newspaper office with her bag on her back.Meng Ke's car arrived at the gate of Fanxing Daily.Everyone gathered and rushed towards Xiaohe Village immediately.

The team drove two cars, which could reach the junction of Xiaohe Village and Dahe Village, which is also the head of the two villages.When they got out of the car, there were villagers waiting there.

When the villagers of Dahe Village saw the people in the patrol room, they shouted excitedly: "Inspector, you are here. The people in Xiaohe Village killed people and wanted to bury their bodies. You have to arrest them."

"Several people are missing in our village. It is estimated that their people did it. You have to make decisions for us!"

The villagers talked a lot, and Yang Qingfeng saw that the boss was impatient, so he hurriedly urged him: "Take us to see the corpse quickly, don't waste any more time."

The man nodded quickly: "It's just behind their village, not too far from here, I'll take you there."

The scenery in the village is good, greenery can be seen everywhere, there is a river in front of the village, and mountains behind it.It would be a good place to visit here on weekdays, but it didn't take long for many people to give up their desire to visit.

When they arrived at the small hill in the back mountain, there was chaos. People from two villages wrestled together. One man was actually carrying a child, and some men were actually carrying a woman on their shoulders.The two sides were yelling and cursing while beating, and the person who was carrying the child said that he would throw him down the slope, causing the child to cry loudly.Fluttering on his shoulders, his little hands patted his back.His legs kicked wildly in the air.

Lin Yangchuan walked towards the man directly, snatched the child, the man realized that he wanted to beat him up, but when he saw the clothes on Lin Yangchuan's body, he was scared and stood aside, too scared to say anything.

Qiao Beitang looked at these people for a while, suddenly her eyes were blurred and her mind was dizzy.She turned her back and put her hands on her heart to press, but her stomach felt like throwing up again.Seeing her uncomfortable face from the corner of his eye, Meng Kai patted her on the back thoughtfully.

"what happened to you?"

"I want to vomit and feel a little uncomfortable."

"Why don't you sit down and rest for a while, and I'll let Yang Qingfeng take care of you." He just noticed that the fight over there was a bit serious, and it would be very troublesome if he didn't stop it.

The girl stood back: "Go and do it, I'll take it easy."

(End of this chapter)

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