scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 289 The Curse of the Small Village

Chapter 289 The Curse of the Small Village ([-])

After the body was carried back, a group of people came to the village from the back mountain.There is a large open space at the head of the village, which used to be a resting place for the two villages.At that time, people in the two villages had a good relationship, but after conflicts broke out, this resting place became a place for fighting.

Qiao Beitang discovered that the villagers were divided into two groups, and the old man who helped him take his pulse before was distributing medicine to everyone.She was a little curious, so she asked, "Is this Dr. Xia a doctor in the village?"

Sun Peihong, the village head of Dahe Village, touched the scratch marks on his face, and explained: "He is not from the village. Doctor Xia came to us to collect medicine more than two years ago. He was bitten by a snake when we were on the mountain. After taking him down the mountain, he has been living here.

He has no family, and he said that it is the same wherever he lives, and he has no hobbies, but likes planting and picking herbs.We also welcome him here. Everyone has a headache, and it is convenient to seek medical treatment. "

Since the two villages broke up, Doctor Xia's yard has become a very unique existence.The house is located between two villages, and no matter how much they fight, everyone will avoid his small courtyard.When people from two villages came to see a doctor, the villagers ignored each other and consciously staggered the time to see a doctor.He is an outsider, and he has the right to speak in the village.

At this moment, Dr. Xia is teaching people, and his voice is very loud: "I will apply medicine for you to hide, isn't it very capable when fighting?" Qiao Beitang suddenly remembered her master when she heard this. I really wanted to ask Dr. Xia if he knew my master, but I held back when I saw that he was too busy.

Yang Qingfeng packed the corpse and walked towards them: "Should we transport the corpse back first, or go back together?"

Seeing that Lao Li's inquiry records had been prepared, Meng Kai said, "Let's go back together."

Sun Peihong looked at the car containing the corpse, and took a step forward: "Inspector, when can we bring this corpse back? He Liangcheng's family hasn't come to see it yet?"

Qiao Beitang replied: "It is estimated that this will have to wait until the case is over, we will send him back as soon as possible."

During this process, the village head of Xiaohe Village didn't need to say a word.The main reason is that just as he was about to say something, when he looked at the patrol room, he was too frightened to speak, and could only shrink aside.In fact, Zhang Xinhua was quite aggrieved, and he didn't kill this person.

Qiao Beitang seemed to be able to read his thoughts, and said to him before getting into the car: "We will investigate whether you killed the person. As for the body, why didn't you report it to the police at the first time, but chose to hide it? There must be a reason for this, and we will investigate."

After the two cars drove away, Zhang Xinhua looked at Sun Peihong with fierce eyes, unable to hide the unwillingness in his eyes.Sun Peihong was not a vegetarian either, he just stared back, and the people from the two villages stood up again.


The car quickly returned to the patrol room, and after returning, Meng Ke made arrangements.He asked Lao Li and Xiao Zhu to sort out the records, and then followed Qiao Beitang to the dissection room.

This time Yang Qingfeng and Lin Yangchuan also performed the autopsy together. They moved the body to the cold dissecting table. It was daytime, but the lights in the dissecting room were still on, and it was very bright inside.

The deceased was a villager from Dahe Village, his name was He Liangcheng, and his identity had been confirmed.After Qiao Beitang washed her hands and changed her clothes, she got ready and stood on the left side of the corpse.She first carefully looked at the deceased, and now the deceased was lying on his back on the dissecting table, the red paint on his face was particularly obvious.As long as someone sees him, the first thing that attracts him is definitely his face.

On the way back, Qiao Beitang asked them to prepare gasoline, and then she wiped the face of the deceased with gasoline, and the redness on the face of the deceased faded a lot after a while.Then she slowly observed the corpse. She looked at the skin of the deceased, checked his facial features, and observed that the skin and mucous membranes of the corpse were all red.

After she finished observing, she asked Lin Yangchuan to take off the clothes of the deceased. During the process of undressing, she clearly felt that the corpse still had rigor.Judging from the rigor, the corpse at this moment belongs to the rigor in remission.After taking off the clothes, everyone found that the skin of the corpse was a little red, and there were some wounds on the body.

Asking Yang Qingfeng and Lin Yangchuan to help, Qiao Beitang turned the body over, exposing his entire back.The back of the corpse was very red, the color was very bright, like a red cherry.After the corpse was put down, forensic doctor Qiao knew the answer in his heart, and he became more determined.

"The deceased was poisoned by carbon monoxide. Judging from the spots and rigor on the corpse, as well as the weather temperature these days, he should have died in the early morning of the day before yesterday. When we found the corpse, he was lying on his stomach. However, all the spots on his body were concentrated on the back, indicating that the deceased had been carried after death. When the deceased died, he should have been lying on his back, just like now, and he had maintained the same position for a long time.

He has injuries on his body, and the scars are mainly concentrated on the limbs. Among these scars, there are injuries during his lifetime and injuries after death.The scratches on the arm corresponded to the damage to the clothes, and they should have been injured when he was thrown down the hill.But the binding injury on the wrist was an injury during his lifetime.Most of the injuries to his feet were injuries during his lifetime, indicating that he had been tied up before his death. "

In this autopsy, Qiao Beitang used the most common linear incision to examine the deceased's abdominal cavity, pelvic cavity, neck, chest cavity, and cranial cavity.She first took out the visceral tissues and organs of the abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity, and then took out the visceral tissues and organs of the neck and chest cavity together, and finally dissected the cranial cavity.

The whole process was very smooth. During the autopsy, she also extracted some internal organs for examination.The autopsy this time was not troublesome, but after the autopsy, I missed my lunch time.

A few people went to have a meal first, and returned to the office after eating. Lao Li and Xiao Zhu were already waiting in the office.There was no nonsense when everyone met, and they directly entered the mode of solving the case.

Meng Kai said to Qiao Beitang: "Let's talk about the autopsy first, and then talk about your views from your professional point of view, and then we will make supplements based on today's inquiry records." The reason for this arrangement is because they Not much information is obtained here.

Qiao Beitang nodded, and handed over some photos and the autopsy report: "The deceased died of carbon monoxide poisoning. He didn't have any fatal trauma, so I can't provide any tools for causing injury. The autopsy this time is very simple. .”

After saying this, everyone present was dumbfounded, but they were ready to listen to Qiao's forensic analysis.After the autopsy in the past, forensic doctor Joe could always make a lot of accurate judgments based on the wounds of the deceased. Like today, he seldom finished a few sentences.

Xiao Zhu held a photo of the deceased: "Is it gone?"

The girl looked at him: "What else do you want to know?"

Yang Qingfeng answered quickly: "I still want to know what you think about this case?"

Qiao Beitang smiled: "Although the autopsy this time is really not complicated, it can also reveal a lot of things. Then I won't tease you, let me talk about my own opinion, the deceased was poisoned by carbon monoxide. Some ash was found in it, which is only produced by burning charcoal.

Based on the cause of his death, it is not difficult to infer that he was poisoned because the room was airtight and airtight when burning charcoal.One of the conditions for his death is to be in a closed room.What's more, the current weather doesn't need carbon at all, and the weather is not cold, so who would use carbon?So carbon may also be one of our breakthroughs.

I also have a bold guess, the person who killed He Liangcheng should be his enemy, or someone who had a great conflict with him.In short, this person is full of hatred for him. "

(End of this chapter)

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