scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 292 The Curse of the Small Village

Chapter 292 The Curse of the Small Village ([-])

The breakfast I brought here this time are all pastries, mainly for easy storage without worrying about spilling them like porridge.I don't see how much they like it in the office, but this time they ate it up quickly, which shows how hungry they are.

But looking at this scene, Qiao Beitang felt a little regretful that it was useless to bring more.Meng Ke looked down on their eating appearance, it was simply too ugly.

His voice was always cold and low: "Which room did you live in last night? Let's talk about the case first. After you come, you should have something to gain, right?"

Yang Qingfeng cleared the packing bags on the stone table: "Boss, the room on the right where we live is very spacious, and we can chat about the case."

Everyone mentioned that the attitude of the case was still very correct, and they quickly entered that atmosphere.Several people put their records on the table.Lin Yangchuan went to pour a few cups of tea, and everyone gathered around a table with the Eight Immortals.

"Old Li said first, followed by Xiao Zhu and Yang Qingfeng, and finally Lin Yangchuan." After making arrangements, Meng Kai picked up the notebook on the table and flipped through it.

Lao Li nodded and began to report the situation: "I went to He Liangcheng's house last night. The conditions of He's family are average, but his wife is very young and looks good. When I mentioned the news of He Liangcheng's death, his wife did not Yong acted very lost, or sad, but I saw relief in her eyes.

I think this behavior is a bit weird, his wife doesn't look like a wife, I asked a lot about He Liangcheng's news.I asked about his whereabouts on the day of the incident, but his wife said that he hadn't been home for several days.

From this point of view, the deceased was not a very good person as Dahe Village said.If he was really good, the family's reaction after his death should be the same.The He family is in the northernmost part of Dahe Village. When I went there, I didn't expect that the location would be so remote and the roads would be bad.

When I arrived yesterday afternoon, it was getting dark. I am a big man and it is not good for me to stay at his house for too long.So I asked some random questions, and came back first, thinking that I would go around the village this morning, and then go to the villagers to get some information about him. "

When Lao Li was speaking, the room was very quiet, and everyone was listening carefully, hoping to gain something from his words.After listening to his words, now the deceased's wife seems to be a suspect as well. As the autopsy results said, the deceased died in a confined space and was killed by an acquaintance, so her wife has all the conditions.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Xiao Zhu talked about what he and Yang Qingfeng discovered: "We went to Xiaohe Village yesterday afternoon, and the villagers who found the corpse lived very close together. We acted separately. personal home.

Their statements are similar to those of yesterday, they all said that they discovered it by accident.But in the chat, I noticed something strange.

That is, they sit on the stone bench next to the small hill to rest in the morning, who needs to rest in the morning, shouldn't the morning be a time of energy?There is only one reason for this, they have no use to rest at night, they stay up late, as for what they do at night, I don't know.

As the boss said, they concealed something from the patrol house, but they don't know why they concealed it for the time being. The specific things they concealed are not simple in this village.As soon as I asked about the dead body, they urged me to leave quickly. "

Yang Qingfeng added: "The situation I encountered with Xiao Zhu is very similar. The people here are superficially cooperative, but in fact they don't want us to stay here. I don't know if it's my hallucination. When I came back, I always felt that some people Something is wrong.

People in the mountains rest early, which is normal, but some people close their doors before it gets dark.I asked the villagers why, and they said that there have been a lot of thieves recently, and they are afraid that things in the house will be lost.

Also, when I mentioned the people in Dahe Village, they avoided them and kept silent on this topic.They are very tight-lipped, and I haven't found any useful information for the time being. "

When everyone heard this, they felt a little lost. If the investigation continues at this speed, when will this case end.Since yesterday afternoon, there has been no breakthrough.

Lin Yangchuan scratched his head, and his mood was not too high. He seemed to know that he was useless to find anything.According to his temperament, if he finds out something, he will rush to say it.

Meng Kai asked, "You don't want to say a few words."

He was quite frustrated: "I just walked around the place where the body was found, wondering if the murderer might be someone who lived nearby, but I didn't find anything, more valuable information."

All the news was collected at this moment. Meng Kai saw that they were a little disappointed, so instead of dampening everyone's enthusiasm, he comforted them.He said that the case investigation is like this. There are many cases that will go well. Maybe you will find it in one investigation, but some of them are more tricky, but as long as it is a case, there will definitely be a breakthrough.

Seeing that everyone had calmed down a bit, he continued: "Since the people in Xiaohe Village are very popular when they find the corpse, don't put too much pressure on them for the time being. Let's change the angle and start directly from the deceased. From the current stage, this case is not a problem. No point of entry, at least we have clarified the identity of the deceased, which is very critical and important.

Later, Lao Li will take me, Forensic Qiao and Lin Yangchuan to He's house for a walk, let's go and have a look together.Yang Qingfeng and Xiao Zhu also stopped asking the villagers who found the corpse. It seems that they won't talk about it. Go to the nearby market and inquire about it. There are carbon sellers in those places.

There are not many people who need carbon now. There is carbon where the dead kneels and there is carbon on the clothes, which means that the place where the murderer killed must not be too little carbon.According to this investigation, record all the people who bought carbon, and make arrangements for the rest after we meet up.

We still have to think about it now, what is the murderer's motive for killing He Liangcheng?Why choose this way, the murderer has strong emotions for him, what kind of emotion would that be, could it be love?Or maybe he did something outrageous and you need to collect debts from him.Everyone be a little patient, check slowly, and you will definitely find something. "

After encouraging each other, we split up again.On the way to He's house, Qiao Beitang was mentally prepared that the road would be difficult, but when she arrived at Dahe Village, she was still shocked.Especially the section of the road to He's house, which she had only seen on TV before. He's family lived on the hillside, where the road was very narrow, and she was terrified all the way.

When she saw the pregnant little pregnant woman in the He family, she felt a little uncomfortable.The girl looked young and very thin.But the He family's yard is well built, and the furniture is not cheap. It's hard to imagine how everything in the family was moved here.

The little pregnant woman's name is Wang Lian. She was a little frightened when she saw a group of people appearing, and she calmed down after she recognized Lao Li.She was quite puzzled. Didn't this person come here yesterday?She didn't dare to look at strangers, and finally just lowered her head.

Meng Kai obviously felt her repulsion, and whispered to his girlfriend: "You talk to her, and we can wander around in the yard."

Qiao Beitang nodded, and after everyone went out, she smiled at Wang Lian and looked at her belly naturally: "How many months old is your child?"

Wang Lian shook her head: "I don't know."

Hearing this, Qiao Beitang was dumbfounded, and felt a little sour after being dazed.The girl in front of her looked even younger than her.My heart seemed to be touched, and I couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Sit down, judging by the condition of your stomach, you should be seven or eight months old? Is the baby moving a lot?"

"you are a doctor?"

"Yes!" The forensic doctor is also a doctor, that's right.

"Can I not have this child, do you have a solution?" Wang Lian said inexplicably.

(End of this chapter)

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