scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 299 The Curse of Xiaohe Village

Chapter 299 The Curse of Xiaohe Village ([-])
The village head's wife was in a daze when she saw the man in uniform. She had never left this place in most of her life, and the farthest way she could go was to go to the town.If it weren't for the people from the squad to investigate He Chengliang's affairs a few days ago, she wouldn't even know what the uniform of the patrol room looked like.

There was a fight in the village a few days ago, and the person who impressed her most at that time was Meng Kai, the detective with a dark face and a gun in his hand.That was the first time she heard a gunshot, and she was too frightened to breathe out.If the villagers in the village came to find her husband, she could dismiss them at will, but facing such a group of people, in the end, she was afraid.

She tentatively asked, "What are you doing here?"

"We're looking for Zhang Xinhua, please go and call him." The policeman's tone was neither salty nor weak, and he couldn't tell what emotion it was.

The village head's wife opened the courtyard door and asked them to wait in the courtyard for a while, then ran back to the room to call for someone.When she entered the room, she could hear her husband snoring. He walked to the side of the bed and called a few times, and Zhang Xinhua woke up.Although he was tired, he kept having nightmares after falling asleep.

He was suddenly woken up by someone, his whole body trembled a few times, and he frowned after opening his eyes, with some anger on his face, so his tone was bad: "What's wrong?"

"The people from the patrol room are here, and they told you to go out?"

The person on the bed was stunned for a few seconds: "It's them again? I'll go out right away."

Zhang Xinhua had a headache. He thought it was someone from the squad who came to ask about He Liangcheng, and his face looked extremely impatient. When he walked into the yard, he saw that the person who came to look for him was actually another policeman.

He walked over and opened his mouth first: "Patroller, I told you that He Liangcheng is from Dahe Village. I really don't know why he suddenly appeared in our Xiaohe Village. It doesn't matter if you come to find me a few times, or you come with someone else. Ask, and my answer is always the same." Zhang Xinhua was interrupted by the person who was talking to the village head's wife before: "We are not here for He Liangcheng's business, but for other things, and we need your help."

"What's the matter?" Zhang Xinhua suddenly became flustered. He didn't know why he felt a little short of breath at the moment, and he felt dizzy. He didn't know if it was because he didn't sleep well.

"Go to the village and you will know."

When several people arrived at the head of the village, the head of the village was extremely lively. The people of Xiaohe Village lined up in several lines, and the crowd was moving. At the front of the lines, there was a table, and the policemen on the table were checking the household registration list. What.

Some people in the village were dissatisfied and were about to raise their opinions. When they saw the gun in the hands of the patrol house, they swallowed their words alive.A family had just checked from the front, and Zhang Xinhua grabbed him when he passed by.

"What are you doing?"

The owner of that family replied: "The people in the patrol house are checking the number of people in our village."

Suddenly several thunderstorms flashed in his mind, which directly blew Zhang Xinhua's heart to pieces. His steps became heavy and slow, and he dared not walk over.Meng Kai has been maintaining order by the side, occasionally checking the progress, and he saw it as soon as Zhang Xinhua appeared.Seeing that he was not coming, he glanced at Dr. Xia's yard and walked over on his own initiative.

Qiao Beitang didn't know what was going on, but not long after the afternoon came, the feeling of vomiting, dizziness and discomfort reappeared.In the end, Lin Yangchuan helped her move a chair and let her sit in the yard of Dr. Xia's house and have a good rest.The smell of medicinal herbs at the tip of her nose relieved her a little.

Meng Kai walked up to Zhang Xinhua with strides, and the standing policeman called Inspector Meng and left.The two were very quiet in the noisy crowd, one with a calm face and the other with a battered look.

It was past five o'clock in the afternoon, and the statistical work in the village had just started, and the sky gradually turned dark and the light dimmed.Yang Qingfeng came over: "Boss, there is no electricity here, what should we do later?"

Meng Kai looked at the mountains in the distance: "You find someone to go to Dr. Xia's house, move out the firewood from his kitchen, and light a few bonfires in the open space here. You must find out the number of people tonight. By the way, Light the candles and oil lamps we brought over in the car, and then distribute the flashlights in the car to the brothers in the car, so that it is convenient for them to call people from house to house.”

Yang Qingfeng's execution ability is very strong, he led people to carry firewood to light the fire, his hands and feet were quick, and before dark, the open space at the head of the village was brightly lit, which was particularly conspicuous.Zhang Xinhua's face was glowing red, but he still didn't speak.

The corners of Meng Kai's lips ticked: "The village chief is invited to come here today. I want you to help notify the nearby villagers to come and check the number of people. Please, village chief!"

Zhang Xinhua's back was wet. Although he wanted to refute or even question him, he had no reason to say such a thing.He could only watch everything happening around him, and he had a strong premonition that the thing he most wanted to suppress would become unstoppable.

"Inspector Meng, I'm getting old. I'm not feeling well these days. I'm afraid I can't help you."

"Then go and sit next to him. Just don't leave." Zhang Xinhua was called here, of course, not to help him, but to control him so that he would not cover up the truth again while everyone was not paying attention.

Several bonfires in the yard were burning vigorously, and the flames kept rushing up, twisting like a fiery red snake.It seems to open its mouth, trying to swallow the night.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Zhu's excited voice sounded: "Boss, there are people missing here, do you want to come and have a look?"

The people in the small team are getting better and better, with loud and bright voices, as if they are reporting their own achievements anytime and anywhere.These words were like a hammer, hitting Zhang Xinhua's body one after another, causing him pain, but he couldn't avoid it.

Dr. Xia and Qiao Beitang were sitting in the yard eating noodles. This side was cooked by Qiao Beitang. Her cooking skills are not very good, but this side is pretty good.Although Dr. Xia was old, he had a good appetite, and he ate up a large bowl of noodles.He put down the bowl and looked outside, hearing the news that someone was missing from time to time.

"It seems that this small village is not peaceful?"

Qiao Beitang put the bowls and chopsticks on the stone table: "I believe these people will not disappear for no reason, someone must have done it on purpose."

The old man stroked his beard: "This murderer is quite ruthless, he took away so many people at once."

"Sometimes the person who kills is not necessarily the real bad person." The reason for saying this may be because the police station investigated what He Liangcheng had done.I don't know how many girls have lived in dire straits because of him. Although she wants to stay rational, she really hates such a person.

The old and the young were talking, and they heard Yang Qingfeng yelling outside: "Boss, we found a locked up girl in a family's firewood shed. The girl passed out and had many wounds on her body." .”

Hearing this, the old and the young stood up from the stone bench tacitly. Dr. Xia went into the room to get his own box, and Qiao Beitang naturally took the consultation box in his hand, and then the two of them followed Yang Qingfeng together Went to that family.

After Meng Kai found someone to keep an eye on Zhang Xinhua, he also followed. The mountain road was relatively dark and the light from the flashlight was not very bright.Qiao Beitang walked side by side with Dr. Xia, the flashlight in her hand was pointed at Dr. Xia's feet all the time.After a few people arrived at the house, the house actually closed the yard door.

Yang Qingfeng walked over and knocked on the door, and there were dogs barking around: "You guys open the door quickly, or we won't be polite."

There were four people in that family, an old couple, and two sons. They all held sticks in their hands and said aggressively, "We won't open, this is our house, why should you be allowed in."

"Yes, we won't drive. Hurry up and don't disturb us here."

"You go, that woman is our daughter-in-law, we will not let her go."

The people on the inside are very stubborn, but when the people on the outside hear these words, the fire in their hearts immediately ignites.Doctor Xia's face was very serious, and he wanted to beat up those people at the moment, they were all troublemakers.He usually regrets treating such people. If he knew that there were people hiding in their house, he would wish to give them a poison to kill them.

(End of this chapter)

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