scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 307 The Curse of the Small Mountain Village

Chapter 307 The Curse of the Small Mountain Village (23)

There were many torn pieces of paper in the dilapidated house, Qiao Beitang knelt down, picked one up at his feet, and held it in his hand to look at it.There are black writing on it, these words are very delicate and beautiful.There are a few words written on it, come here.

"It seems that the girl named Lingyu has been practicing handwriting since she was a child. Look at how beautiful the handwriting is. It is said that the handwriting is as good as the face. She should be a very gentle person."

Meng Kai also picked up a torn piece of paper from the ground, but unfortunately, on this piece of paper, there was not a single complete character, but some radicals.There are a lot of papers on the ground, and those who want to destroy these papers don't know what is written on them.

"Pick up all the paper slips where the words can be seen on the ground, and see if you can harvest anything."

After receiving the boss's instructions, the members of the small team squatted on the ground to pick up the notes one by one. There were so many of them, and they were agile, and it didn't take long for them to pick up all the notes on the ground and put them in a bag. go back.

All the papers on the ground where the handwriting could be seen clearly were picked up. Meng Kai looked at the bedroom next to the living room again. Obviously, Ling Yu should have lived here all the time since he came here.From the chat with Liu Xiaoqing, I know that this family is illiterate, but there are pens, ink and white paper in this room, obviously bought to please Ling Yu.

He walked around the house a few times, and rummaged through the broken furniture left in the house, trying to find some evidence, but he didn't expect to find something at the bottom of the wall next to the bed.There is a folded note hidden somewhere. The note is in the gap of the wall. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

The big hand took out the folded note from the inside and opened it. There was only one sentence written on it, the village chief is not a good person, but a beast!
Qiao Beitang walked over now: "What's wrong?"

Meng Kai handed over the note, the girl looked at it, and thought that Ling Yu and Ding Lidan should be the same. When they escaped, they were both caught by the village chief, so they must have complaints in their hearts.After putting away the note, everyone walked around the room and left after seeing nothing.

There used to be a lot of things in the house, but since there was no one in the house, many people came here frequently, so after coming and going, it was destroyed.It is lucky to be able to harvest these small notes.

The members of the small team returned to Dr. Xia's yard with the note.When they went back, Doctor Xia was watering and fertilizing the herbs in the yard.Qiao Beitang ran over after saying hello.

"do you need my help?"

"No, I'm not as fast as you guys with my old bones, but I won't be troubled by this job."

"What's in your basket?"

Dr. Xia glanced at the basket beside him, and said with a smile: "This is my exclusive fertilizer. Do you see the brightly colored flowers in the corner? I just dug them back. Your master can't keep them alive." , can raise those poisonous plants so well, thanks to my good things."

"This stuff is so good, why don't you sprinkle the whole yard?"

"You don't even understand. The things in this box can only nourish poison, and they are the most poisonous. Why do you waste this for you? You don't understand. Hurry up and work on the case. It's been a few days and the case has not been solved yet." .”

Qiao Beitang left here amidst Dr. Xia's nagging. After a few minutes of rest, the team members went to the meeting room from last time.Meng Kai sat alone on the small table by the window and read all the materials that everyone had collected before.The rest of the people gathered around a table and pieced together the notes. This was a delicate job, and the main labor force was Yang Qingfeng and Lao Li.

Xiao Zhu and Lin Yangchuan were a little bit anxious, so they helped out. After hard work, they finally put together a part, but there were too many incomplete pieces of paper, and due to time constraints, there was not much information to be obtained.

The door of the room was suddenly opened, and a gust of wind blew in, and the notes on the table were flying around.Doctor Xia held a teacup in his hand: "Sorry, I didn't have any free hands, so I kicked the door open with my feet."

What the big fellow could say, he could only smile wryly. Doctor Xia helped to pick up the note on the ground and put it on the table: "I'm going to go up the mountain to collect herbs. I thought you were too busy to eat this morning, so I prepared a pot of paper. Tea. I care that you are hungry and you are playing games."

Little Zhu laughed: "This is the clue left by the deceased, we didn't play with it."

After Dr. Xia went out, everyone had previous experience, and they quickly put it together. The content on the paper was intermittent, saying that she wanted to leave, but she couldn't. The people here are devils.He also said that someone wanted to bully her, but all the information was useless, that is, there was no one who bullied her, and no one where she was from.

The atmosphere in the room changed in an instant. Everyone felt a little tired. From last night until now, everyone hadn't rested all night, thinking that they could catch up with the victory and find out the news of the murderer. In the end, there was nothing, but even more confusion.

Lin Yangchuan poured himself a cup of tea, raised his head and drank it, then poured another cup: "What should I do?"

Everyone looked at Meng Kai. He was a little helpless, and stretched out his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose: "When something happens, can you not do it every time? You try to change it into this sentence, I think what should be done about this matter ?I don't think this is going to be the case. Can it be?"

Qiao Beitang was overjoyed. At this moment, she suddenly felt that her boyfriend was quite cute: "Things are indeed a little tricky now, but I don't think this Lingyu is like an ordinary person. First of all, the calligraphy is very beautiful. It can be seen that he has practiced it since he was a child." Yes, there are not many people who can devote themselves to raising their children. We can start from these handwritings and try to find some clues.

Also, Liu Xiaoqing said that she looks like a lady from a wealthy family, so I don't think her status is bad.At first, I thought the murderer was a bit vague, but now it's not as vague as before. I think it should be someone from Lingyu's family who came to avenge her. "

With this good start, everyone also spoke up one after another, and now they are brainstorming, even if the thoughts in their hearts are a little bold, they are not afraid to speak out.

Yang Qingfeng looked at the only complete note on the table: "Why did Ling Yu hide this note, is it possible that someone will find it? But why did she write it?"

Lin Yangchuan: "Was Ling Yu's family also took away the corpse in that small hill? Did you bury the broken arm to vent her anger?"

Xiao Zhu also added: "Judging from the time when the arm was broken, it means that Lingyu's family found her half a year ago, so people in the village disappeared one after another. After their family knew about her death, they planned to save her. Revenge, that's why so many people disappeared out of thin air. But where did they all go?"

Lao Li didn't say anything, the people in front of him had already said what he wanted to say, and he didn't need to repeat it, so he just sat and listened to everyone.He recorded all the key points with a pen.

After listening to everyone's speeches, Meng Kai smiled: "Isn't this good? I hope everyone will maintain this in future meetings and actively express their opinions. Now I will sort out and summarize this case. If you are afraid that you will not remember Yes, take a pen.

When we handle a case, we are easily entangled by various clues, so we must be able to grasp the key points.The case this time is a kidnapping case, which started with He Liangcheng's death.His death was a vendetta. Later, along his route, it was found that someone in Xiaohe Village was trafficking people.

But when we found out the news about human traffickers, those people disappeared. In fact, I think they should have been killed in all likelihood.Later we found the only woman who was killed in the trafficking case. I have read the information of other trafficked people, but her information is unknown.

Other people's families are not like those who are able to take revenge, only her is different.Her family is in very good condition, and the people who bullied her have disappeared, such as the old man Xia Liu Xiaoqing talked about, and all the traffickers, so our tentative direction, which is also the most reasonable direction, is her family's revenge.All that needs to be done now is to investigate her, as well as the strangers who have been in the village during the previous period. "

(End of this chapter)

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