scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 316 The Curse of Xiaohe Village

Chapter 316 The Curse of Xiaohe Village (32)

After chatting with Bian Yue for a while, Lin Yangchuan felt a little hungry, and they searched for a while in the closed room, where there was no water or food.The two finally sat down with their backs facing each other, neither speaking nor moving, just to save energy.

As they dozed, there was a sound from the walls, and soon a masked figure walked in.He wore a red mask on his face, looking a little ghostly, and the two fangs at the corners of his mouth looked a little scary.As soon as he came in, the two people on the ground jumped up reflexively.

Bian Yue looked at his feet: "I know you are Doctor Xia, you don't need to wear a mask."

The man in the mask laughed a few times, tore off the mask from his face, and threw it on the ground.As the mask fell off, his face was revealed.

Lin Yangchuan was no longer surprised to see Dr. Xia here. He could see many problems in the incisions on the severed arms and the handwriting on the arms.After thinking and reasoning, he also guessed the murderer.

"Why did you bring us here? Where is this place?"

Dr. Xia stroked the white beard at the corner of his mouth: "You are a good girl, she is smart and quick-witted, and she has good skills. Originally, you could live with peace of mind, but after you participated in this case, you couldn't live anymore.

There must be a reason for me to bring you here, don't ask too much, and I won't tell you if you ask.This is my home, you are in my home, Inspector Meng and old man Guan's apprentices are also in my home, but you will never see each other. "

Bian Yue got a little angry, and went forward with fists clenched, and the two started fighting like that.Bian Yue restrained Dr. Xia while letting Lin Yangchuan go out.But Lin Yangchuan didn't go out and stayed to help.

In the end, both of them fell to the ground, Bian Yue looked at the people around him and asked, "Why don't you leave?"

"We can't escape. Since he dared to open the door, there may be another secret room behind it. Since we can't escape, it's good for us to be together. If there is an exit behind that door, then I can't go out." , leave you here alone, what if he gets angry and kills you right away?" Lin Yangchuan held her hand and spoke slowly.

Doctor Xia smiled, and the laughter echoed: "It's good to know that you can't escape. This is the place where I killed people. It's good for you to die here. Thinking that your nature is not bad, I don't need to deal with them." The ones who are recruited to deal with you, you will slowly starve to death here."

Before he left, he tossed them a small bottle of water and walked out of the Chamber of Secrets.


The next morning, Meng Kai quietly pulled Yang Qingfeng aside, and after explaining the task to him, he led others to look for someone in Xiaohe Village pretendingly for a day.Doctor Xia, as usual, went to the mountains to collect herbs, and helped treat patients at home, and found nothing wrong.

In the afternoon, the brothers from the Bianjia Martial Arts School left Xiaohe Village, and the people in the patrol room gradually became ill.In the evening, everyone gathered in the open space at the head of the village to drink porridge and watch the bonfire burn together.

Now Lin Yangchuan and Bian Yue have disappeared for more than a day, if this continues, it will be very difficult to find them.Meng Kai took Qiao Beitang into the car, and the two were chatting about what they had gained during the day.

When Dr. Xia went up the mountain today, Meng Kai himself followed him: "He just went to dig the medicine, didn't do anything else, and didn't stay on the mountain."

Qiao Beitang was a little strange: "After he came back, he just stayed in the room and didn't go anywhere. Could it be that he kidnapped the person?"

Meng Ke suddenly thought of something: "Maybe there is something tricky in his room. Didn't he forbid people to go to his room? Maybe there are some secrets in the room. Only when there are secrets in his room can there be a reasonable explanation for everything. "

"No matter what the secret is or not, our plan is ready. Why hasn't Yang Qingfeng come yet? How is the matter going? It's really worrying." Qiao Beitang became a little irritable.

The two didn't talk for too long, and after getting out of the car, they sat by the campfire again.Not long after, Yang Qingfeng arrived in his car, and he yelled loudly, "Boss, Zhang Xinhua has escaped."

When Xiao Zhu heard this in the courtyard, she was a little surprised: "Zhang Xinhua escaped, how did he escape?" Wasn't he imprisoned in a prison?There is a tight guard there, and no one can ever escape.

Gradually, the place where everyone talked was moved to the yard.It didn't take long for everyone in the patrol room to know about it.Then Meng Kai asked the brothers in the patrol room to go back to help arrest people first, and then said that he would stay and continue to look for Lin Yangchuan and Bian Yue.

Doctor Xia also came out of the yard when he heard this.He pretended to ask what happened casually, then went back to the room carelessly, and didn't leave the yard all night.In the early morning, Qiao Beitang pulled Meng Kai aside to talk.

"Would he have doubts about this matter? Otherwise, there was no movement at all last night? Dr. Xia is so smart, would he have guessed that we set him up for this matter?"

Meng Kai glanced at the yard: "Don't worry, even if he knew it was a trick, he would take the initiative to drill it. Zhang Xinhua came out of prison and had no other place to go. He could only go home. Dr. Xia will definitely go to Zhang's house to inquire about it." , as long as it is confirmed that Zhang Xinhua is at home, then he will do it."


The small pot of water in the secret room was quickly drunk, and the people inside were leaning against each other, with no strength in their bodies.The stomach is hungry, and the person is thirsty.

Bian Yue looked at the torch on the wall: "What time do you say it is now? Is it day or night outside?"

Lin Yangchuan hugged her: "Speak less, save some energy."

The girl leaned her head on his shoulder: "I feel like I'm going to die. Anyway, I don't have much time. It's good to talk."

"Don't be silly, we can definitely get out."

"Lin Yangchuan, if I die, will you be very sad?"

There was a silence between them for a while, and now their voices were so dry and hoarse, their lips were cracked.

Lin Yangchuan stuck out his tongue and licked the chapped corners of his lips: "Bian Yue, if we can go out, can you be my girlfriend? I won't treat you like before, I will treat you well."

The girl smiled, feeling dizzy: "Do you like me?"

"I didn't like it before, but I fell in love with it later. I don't know when I fell in love with you. I probably don't want to see you go on a blind date. When I see you on a blind date with others, I feel jealous of your blind date." object."

The two were talking, and the hands around them were uncontrollably held together, and they leaned on each other, like a situation in love.Bian Yue quietly listened to Lin Yangchuan's words, and occasionally responded, the two of them were talking, and in the end they really didn't have the energy to go on.

They felt dizzy throughout the room and fell to the ground together.Lin Yangchuan opened his eyes a few times, and asked her, "Is it okay?"

Bian Yue nodded: "OK."


It was already dark outside at this moment, and Yang Qingfeng reported Zhang Xinhua's situation again in the afternoon, saying that there was no trace of him.As soon as it got dark at night, everyone entered the room. In the middle of the night, Dr. Xia jumped out of the window of the room.

He stretched out his hands vigorously, and after going out, he ran directly to Zhang Xinhua's house.When he arrived, he heard voices in the room, and judged from the voices that Zhang Xinhua had indeed returned.He squeezed the knife in his hand and kicked the door open.

(End of this chapter)

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