scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 32 The Scary Red

Chapter 32 The Scary Red ([-])

The person who said he didn't want to hear the case was still listening very seriously the moment Lin Yangchuan opened his mouth.She was also thinking about what practical use the information brought back by the patrol would have on the case.

"At this time, cars are a relatively common means of transportation for urbanites, but not many people can own them. No matter whether the people in the car get out of the car or not, we need to investigate carefully.

There is also about selling supper, is it possible that the food for the deceased was brought by the murderer himself?Perhaps the murderer's house was not far from the deceased's? "

Qiao Beitang's words also made everyone fall into deep thought. Meng Kai bent his index finger and tapped.

"What you said makes sense. You can look into the matter of the car again. After all, there are not many cars that appear at night, so it's okay to investigate. Maybe there will be unexpected gains.

As for the issue of taking supper, we still have to look at the contents of the deceased's stomach to see what they ate. Knowing these things, we can investigate in more detail.

I don't think the murderer's house is close to a certain family. After all, the two girls' houses are too far apart, but this is a direction.The murderer will not blindly choose the place to kill, tomorrow we will see if there is any connection between these two places.

Now you can still think about this question from the perspective of the murderer, why did you choose, why were they?What is intersection? "

Qiao Beitang would only say a few words when talking about the case, and the rest of the time he was either eating or reading newspapers and books.There is no way, there is no TV or mobile phone at this time, I can only watch these to pass the time.

Lin Yangchuan didn't like quietness. Seeing that several people were silent, he moved closer to Qiao Beitang: "What are you looking at? Hey, aren't these the newspapers and books brought back from Sun Qu's and Hong Hong's homes?"

Seeing that she didn't speak: "There are a lot of paper and pens on your table. Is the flower shop going to open? Tell me when it is, so that I can also feel happy."

It was Bian Yue who treated him the best, smiling: "Brother Yang Chuan, we will be opening soon, I will call you before opening."

Meng Ke suddenly stood up from the sofa, his tall figure blocked the light, and Qiao Beitang's small figure was shrouded in his shadow.

"Since you have something to do, let's go back first."

"Master Meng, please walk slowly." The person reading the newspaper didn't look up.


On the opening day of the flower shop, Meng Kai did not come, but Lin Yangchuan came. As a representative, he gave Qiao Beitang a big red envelope.He also wished her a prosperous business, and also said that Meng Ke had found many new clues and was investigating, so he did not come to the scene to congratulate her.

The girl cheerfully said that she had received her blessings, so she didn't need to worry so much, she thought the two of them were good friends from the eyes of outsiders.In fact, she knew that these were Lin Yangchuan's polite words, and what she did was a polite thing.

She and Meng Kai haven't gotten to know each other to such a degree yet, they are not even friends, and the thickness of the red envelope in their hands should be the cost of helping in the first two cases.

So she took it with peace of mind, if she had no feelings, she would really have to settle with money, otherwise would she be working for nothing?It's good to give money, nothing else is involved.

Although the flower shop opened a few meters away from the street, the location is not perfect, but Qiao Beitang is very good at publicizing, not only made a light box at the entrance of the street, but also planned some promotional activities, so the popularity on the first day was still very strong.

In the past few days, she had asked for leave because of the opening of the business, and when she was going to work at the newspaper office the next morning, she was blocked by Meng Ke at the door: "There was a murder in the west of the city, which is very similar to the murder that happened to Sun Qu and Hong Hong." , Let’s go to the scene to see together.”

Before he could think about it, Meng Ke grabbed his wrist and stuffed it on the passenger seat.His hands were fair, but the pads of his fingers were rough, as if there were thick calluses on his fingers, pricking the skin of her wrist.His fingers were long, with well-defined joints, and he could grasp her wrist without any effort.

Leaning slightly, she was distracted and bumped into his shoulder.The first feeling was that his shoulder was so hard that it hurt my head.

Qiao Beitang didn't recover until the car set off. She didn't struggle and was very calm.Since she agreed to the autopsy, she was destined to be inseparable from this case.

Since it can't be solved, is there any other way?Obviously not, neither of them spoke on the road, but they were quite harmonious.

The car started from the flower shop, circled around the city, and unknowingly bypassed the hospital.Let her remember, it seems that every time she goes to the scene of the crime, she must pass by here.

"Where is the approximate location of the accident? Is the city hospital in the middle of the city?"

Meng Kai drove the car seriously, glanced at the hospital that kept receding, and soon disappeared: "The hospital is almost in the center of the city. The place where the accident occurred in this case is in the east, south, and west. I want to get there quickly. It's only faster if you go through the middle."

The girl leaned against the car window and sat back on the car seat. In order to avoid embarrassment, the two of them chatted one after another.They are all questions that don't need to be thought about, and they are all used to pass the time.

Qiao Beitang, who originally wanted to keep her distance, was actually a chatterbox at heart, and when she asked, Zhang Shimo suddenly appeared in her mind.Looking at the arm bumped against her forehead before getting into the car, she remembered the day when the Da Le Club opened.

It seemed that Zhang Shimo came out from the inside to greet him. When taking pictures, her hand was around his arm. At that time, she didn't see that Meng Kai's arm was so hard, but felt that the two of them were quite compatible.It seemed that that night was also the first time I saw him laughing, and his whole body exuded warmth.

Just as he was about to ask him some gossip questions, he arrived at the scene of the crime. Lin Yangchuan stood by the side of the road and waved, pointing to an empty space at the entrance of the alley, motioning for them to stop.

Qiao Beitang's curiosity was suppressed. After getting out of the car, she surveyed the surrounding area, which was the same as the previous two crime scenes.The entrance is the main road, and the main road is a winding alley.

If the murderer came by car, he had to park the car outside, or hide in a secluded place.The murderer must have transportation, otherwise several cases are distributed in several places, does he rely on his legs?

Lin Yangchuan stood beside the two of them: "Let's go and have a look together."

Qiao Beitang took out a hat from her bag and put it on her head, trying to keep a low profile.Meng Kai walked in front of her and slowed down a bit, blocking most of her.

The deceased this time was a student.Their home is also a small yard with a single family, and the yard is surrounded by blue bricks.

As soon as I entered the door, I heard the sound of crying and shouting inside. There were more people crying, so there was a lot of movement.

The first policeman explained: "When the girl was killed, the family was visiting relatives.

When I came back in the morning, I saw the girl died tragically on the bed, so everyone was very annoyed, and didn't take her to the relative's house together, and she was crying right now! "

Lin Yangchuan scratched his hair: "I asked several times, but they didn't answer, and all of them were hoarse. Let's go to the scene first and wait for them to calm down before asking."

(End of this chapter)

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