scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 351 Someone reported the case

Chapter 351 Someone reported the case
After Zhang Shimo woke up from the nightmare, she never fell asleep again, and when she closed her eyes, it was what happened in her dream. A few minutes later, she turned on all the lights in the bedroom.

She was recalling the scene of her brother being killed over and over again in her mind, and after each episode, she was thinking about the man she met at the law firm today.So she sat on the bed like this for a whole night, and changed her clothes to go to Dalehui at dawn.

The people in Dalehui were surprised to see the boss appear early in the morning.Because since she moved out, she has come very late every day, most of the time lawyer Tan sent her here, this is the first time I saw her so early and drove here by herself.

The Dale Club in the morning was very quiet, the hall was relatively dark, and only a silhouette could be seen in the ballroom, and the singing and dancing actors were all at home to catch up on sleep.

"Where is Ge Yong?" Zhang Shimo directly asked the manager on duty in the morning.

The duty manager replied: "He should be sleeping. Do you have something to do with him? I'll call him now."

"Please call me for help, and bring him directly to my office later."

After saying this, she went upstairs first.After entering the office, Zhang Shimo opened all the curtains first, and opened all the windows to get some air.She leaned against the window, looking at the deserted street outside.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door outside the office, and the person inside said to come in, and the manager brought Ge Yong in.

"Boss, Ge Yong is here, I'll go down first."

Zhang Shimo: "Okay, go down."

After the heavy wooden door of the office was closed, Zhang Shimo came over from the window. This time she sat directly on the chair in front of the office, and after sitting down, she stretched out her hand to signal Ge Yong to sit down.

The chair in the office was a bit soft, and Ge Yong was not used to sitting on it. After he sat down, he felt awkward: "Boss, what do you want from me?"

"I have a very important matter, and I want you to help me with it. But this matter is a bit dangerous, if you want to refuse, then I will find someone else."

Seeing the serious face of the boss, Ge Yong straightened his back unconsciously.When he heard this, he didn't think of rejecting it. The person in front of him had the grace of saving his life and the grace of encountering him.Although I haven't read many books, the word love is more important than anything else.

"Tell me, what's the matter, as long as I can do it, it's my duty."

Hearing this, Zhang Shimo was still very moved. She has many people under her command, but Ge Yong is the one with the best skills and the most flexible mind. More importantly, this person is worthy of a newcomer.

When she had an idea in her mind, he was the first choice. Of course, she made double preparations and thought that if he refused, she would find someone else.

"You help me investigate a person. I want to know the details of that person and what he has done in the concession recently. Most importantly, I want to kill him personally."

The two chatted for a long time in the office, and they stopped talking until the door of the office was knocked again.After the knock on the door ended, Tan Pei came in from the outside.

Zhang Shimo smiled at him, and looked at Ge Yong again: "Just do what I say, be careful, don't act recklessly when you encounter problems, remember to notify me as soon as you find anything."

Ge Yong replied good, passed by Tan Pei, called Lawyer Tan again, and closed the door thoughtfully when he went out.

When there were only two people left in the office, Tan Pei was not as serious as he was in front of outsiders. He walked up to his girlfriend and touched her face with his hand.

"Didn't you say yesterday that I sent you here this morning? When I went, I knocked on the door for a long time, but there was no response, so I took out the spare key and opened the door. When I saw that there was no one at home, I hurried away. Come here." He didn't see anyone at the time, so he was anxious, and he didn't feel at ease until he came to Dalehui, the manager said that the boss opened early in the morning.

The girl looked up at him with guilt on her face: "I'm sorry, I was in a hurry to go out this morning, because I suddenly remembered something very important, so I came to Dalehui first."

She didn't want to hide it from him, if he asked something, she would definitely say it.It may be related to her life experience since she was a child. She is the first to solve problems by herself, and she is not used to asking others for help for the time being.

When the man heard this, the expression on his face changed and became a little more serious, and the girl felt a little uneasy for a moment. When thinking about how to solve this matter, Tan Pei laughed out loud.

"Why do you apologize? You thought I was angry, and I was teasing you. I still know your temperament. You never leave any problems overnight, and you have to solve everything as soon as you encounter it. If you don't solve it, you won't be able to sleep."

The girl also smiled, and finally there was some blood on her pale face: "You understand me quite well, so guess what I'm thinking now."

Tan Pei pulled the person on the chair up, and after sitting down, he pulled the person into his arms and hugged her from behind.The man's chin rested on her shoulder, and his mouth was close to her ear: "Guess you're thinking of me."


"My mom knows I've got a girlfriend."


"She said she wanted to treat you to dinner."

The person in his arms struggled to get up, but he couldn't get rid of the man's hand.She was a little nervous and didn't know what to do.I was thinking in my heart, what did he mean, did he want to invite her to the house.No, definitely not, the two have only been together for a few days, and they haven't reached that point yet.

Seeing her blushing suddenly, Tan Pei added: "I refused for you, I'm afraid they will scare you with their enthusiasm. I will wait until the day you are willing to go home with me, I hope it won't be too long. "


On the first day after the team's vacation, everyone appeared in the office full of energy. Judging from everyone's expressions, this year has been going well.

Meng Kai said a few words casually, and gave everyone a red envelope for starting work, even if this year's work has officially started.Before the show ended, Lao Li approached the boss with some embarrassment: "Boss, I want to ask for leave on the 25th."

Xiao Zhu's ears are good, and she came over when she heard this: "You asked for leave just after the break? Did something happen at home? Do you need help?"

Yang Qingfeng: "If you need help, count me in."

Lin Yangchuan nodded, then looked at Lao Li.Lao Li scratched his head, a little embarrassed, and never said what was in his mouth.

Meng Kai smiled: "I see, someday you don't come, congratulations!"

Lao Li replied with a thank you, and the other members of the team understood what was going on.It turned out that Lao Li and Tian Bing were married. Years ago, everyone went to the hospital to see Lao Li several times. When they saw the interaction between the two, they felt that a good thing was about to happen. The happy event came so quickly.

"What are you going to do? Remember to treat us to a wedding wine." Xiao Zhu said happily.

Lao Li: "We've all been married before, and after discussing it, we're going to simply treat our relatives to dinner. When the time comes, remember to come to dinner, and you don't need to bring gifts, and don't follow the ceremony."

Lin Yangchuan: "You don't have to worry about us, just prepare the house well."

A few days later, there was no case in the patrol room. On the afternoon of the third day, someone reported the case, saying that someone had murdered in the alley.The guards in the patrol room were divided into two groups. Lin Yangchuan and the others went to the scene, while Meng Kai drove to pick up Qiao Beitang.

After receiving the call, Qiao Beitang immediately went to ask Lao Hu for leave, and then waited for Meng Kai's car at the gate of the newspaper office. After getting in the car, she asked what was going on at the scene.

Meng Kai replied while driving: "I don't know for the time being, but the person who heard the report said that there was a lot of blood on the ground and the smell of blood was strong. The scene should be quite miserable, and the murderer was quite ruthless."

Ten minutes later, the two arrived at the scene of the crime. Sure enough, standing at the gate of the yard, they could already smell a strong smell of blood.This time the deceased died in the living room. Standing at the door, he could see blood all over the ground.

When Yang Qingfeng saw Qiao's forensic doctor coming, he directly handed over the autopsy box. Qiao Beitang took the box and did not rush to examine the body.She stood at the door and looked around the room, and found a woman sitting under the window of the living room.

The woman was curled up, and most of her body was hidden behind the curtain. The key point was that she was holding a knife in her hand, and there was a lot of blood on the knife.Lin Yangchuan was standing beside her at the moment, asking something.

She took out the gloves from the box and looked at the corpse. There were no corpse spots on the surface of the corpse, and the rigor just appeared in some small muscle groups. Combined with the blood on the ground, Qiao Beitang analyzed that the death time of the deceased was no more than three hours.

(End of this chapter)

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