Chapter 356

When Meng Kai and Bian Yue arrived at Master Guan's place by car, Master Guan was already about to go to bed. He came out of the bedroom when he heard someone knock on the door. As soon as he came out, he saw Meng Kai hugging his unconscious apprentice with an anxious expression on his face.

While leading people to the consultation room, he asked, "What's the matter with Bei Tang?"

Bian Yue handed over the black box in his hand, and said in a nutshell: "She was injected with the medicine inside, and she became unconscious after the injection. Please help her take a look."

Master Guan took Qiao Beitang's pulse, and then checked the medicine in the bottle. He didn't know what to do at the moment.The main reason was that he didn't know what the medicine in the bottle was, and the pulse of the apprentice was messed up.He could only give her a test needle according to his apprentice's physical condition.

It didn't take long for people from Qiao's family, Xu's family, and Meng's family to come over. Everyone gathered in Master Guan's yard, with worried expressions on their faces.In the middle of the night, people from the small team also came, except for Lao Li who was embarrassed to come, Yang Qingfeng and Xiao Zhu also came.

Everyone was suffering that night. At dawn, Xu Qining walked to his parents and said, "Why don't you go back first? I'll call back as soon as I have news."

Wang Manhua shook her head, she didn't want to go back, she just wanted to wait here.Seeing that his wife's eyes were bloodshot, Xu Chengwang said he was not feeling well and wanted her to accompany him back home. The two elderly people came to open the door for a while before the door of the consulting room was pushed open.

Qiao Wendao walked over with the support of Qiao Beiling: "Master Guan, how is my daughter?"

Meng Heqian also followed up, and Master Guan said: "The situation is temporarily stable, but it is hard to say about other situations."

So after Qiao Beitang left from the pier, she lived directly in the master's clinic. A few days ago, the big guys came in groups, and then everyone dispersed.It's just that Meng Kai has been guarding here, only Zhang Shimo left for an hour when he was buried.Qiao Beitang had less and less time to be stable these days, he could only watch, not knowing what to do.

After Qiao Beitang fell asleep, she had a long dream. In the dream, she saw Xu Ruoge. Xu Ruoge called her daughter affectionately. She said that she was not her daughter, and Xu Ruoge said that she was her own daughter.She was immersed in happiness at the beginning, but there was always a period of time every day when she felt very painful and uncomfortable.

A week later, Master Guan finally found out what the medicine in the small bottle was. They were all poison extracts. This girl was lucky. Most people would have died long ago, and she was still in a coma.So Master Guan devoted himself to research.

When Lin Yangchuan came to see the patient the next day, he suddenly grabbed Lin Yangchuan and asked him to go to Dr. Xia's yard in Xiaohe Village to help dig some poisonous plants.He explained that he wanted to fight poison with poison, but the medicine in his hand was not as good as that in that yard.So Lin Yangchuan dug up all the medicines in the corner of Dr. Xia's yard.

So in the afternoon, he entered the test of medicine, he processed the poison, and then fed it to his apprentice. He never thought that half an hour later, Qiao Beitang's whole body would have a fever.The temperature of her skin was very high, like a fire.

Bian Yue was a little anxious: "Master Guan, what's wrong with her? Is this medicine not working?"

Master Guan came out with a bowl of antidote: "It may be that the medicine is wrong, or the dosage is wrong. There is no way, I can't just ask someone to test the medicine in order to save this girl?"

Meng Kai reached out and touched Qiao Beitang's forehead, his palm was hot, and he was a little more worried. After hearing this, he asked, "Is it possible that after testing the medicine, the medicine can be more precise?"

Master Guan nodded: "Of course."

"Then let me try!"

Master Guan shook his head and refused: "No, it is very likely that your life will be in danger."

"Aren't you here?"

So Meng Kai became Qiao Beitang's guinea pig, every time before she took medicine, he would try it.These medicines often tormented Meng Kai, but after he tried the medicine, Qiao Beitang did get better, but the effect was not obvious.

Day by day passed, and the weather gradually became warmer.In a few days, it will be the day when the two get married. At night, Meng Ke wipes Qiao Beitang's face and sits on a chair to talk to her.

He hoped that a miracle would happen, but on that day, Qiao Beitang still did not wake up.From the beginning, Master Guan had eight points of confidence, but it gradually decreased to one point.That day, he put the last medicine on the table, whether it will be successful or not depends on it.

It was still Meng Kai who poured it into his apprentice after trying it. Since Qiao Beitang took the medicine, everyone was paying attention to the patient's changes, but she still didn't respond after a day.When everyone gave up the medicine, Qiao Beitang woke up.Master Guan helped her feel her pulse. After laughing, he didn't speak anymore. He returned to his study from the consulting room.

The news of Qiao Beitang waking up spread, and the family members were very happy, after everyone saw the patient.Master Guan went to find the two of them alone. He had a serious expression on his face, which Qiao Beitang could understand after spending so long with Master.

"Master, just say what you want, don't worry about me."

After careful consideration, Master Guan said: "Although you woke up, because of saving you, a lot of toxins accumulated in your body, and your internal organs were seriously poisoned. Although Meng Ke tried the medicine, he took it in time to understand it every time. Medicine, to expel the medicine in the body."

Hearing this, Meng Kai took Qiao Beitang's hand a little harder: "What else do you want to say?"

"Judging from her physical condition, she probably won't live for half a year." After speaking, the master left. He also hoped to save the apprentice, but there was really no other way, so he tried his best.

Meng Kai hugged his girlfriend in his arms, the two looked at each other without saying anything, just leaned against each other quietly and sat for the whole night.

The next morning, Meng Kai packed his luggage and took his girlfriend back to Qiao's house. On the way to send her back, he only said one sentence, no matter what happens in the future, he will always be by her side.


After Qiao Beitang moved back to Qiao's house from her master's house, she chose to rest at home to recuperate her body.Every day, the house is full of guests, laughing constantly, the old days seem to come back.

Not Qiao Wendao and his sister, but people from the Meng family and Xu family, people from the small team and people from the newspaper often came.Since the wharf incident, Meng Kai has taken leave of absence and spends time with his girlfriend at home every day.

During this period of time, the wedding of the two will also be re-organized. Qiao Beitang said that he wanted to hold it simply, just invite relatives to have a meal at home, but everyone opposed it.Qiao Wendao had a firm attitude, saying how the Qiao family could be sloppy in marrying their daughter, so under everyone's persuasion, the two held a western-style wedding.

In the early morning of that day, the Meng family sent someone to decorate the scene. When Qiao Beitang put on her wedding dress and took her father's hand and went to Meng Kai's side, she realized that there were a lot of flowers here, and the arrangement here was a design she had designed before. This design is beautiful, but the most complicated.

She held Qiao Wendao's hand, and when she walked towards Meng Kai, she turned her head to look over, and there were people closest to her in every row of seats.She felt very satisfied until Qiao Wendao put her hand in Meng Kai's, and when they held hands, their eyes became a little sour.

Bian Yue's eyes were red, she leaned on Lin Yangchuan's shoulder.She witnessed the two of them coming from the beginning to the end, and she knew that it was not easy for them to be together.Lin Yangchuan embraced her, patted her shoulder lightly, and comforted her silently.

The music in the church carried the solemn voice of the pastor, and he asked seriously: "Meng Kai. On behalf of the church, I ask you before the most holy, most loving and pure God, are you willing to marry Qiao Beitang sincerely?" Husband and wife, live piously with her for the rest of your life, whether you are happy or poor, rich or poor, good or bad, healthy or sick, you respect her, love her wholeheartedly, and build a family with her faithfully throughout your life. Are you willing?"

Meng Kai held Qiao Beitang's hand tightly, took a deep breath, and smiled in his eyes: "I am willing."

The pastor continued to ask: "Qiao Beitang, are you willing to marry Meng Kai sincerely and live piously with her for the rest of your life, no matter how happy or poor, rich or poor, good or bad, healthy or sick, you respect him and help her. , care for him, love him for the rest of his life, build a family with her faithfully for the rest of his life, honor God and benefit others, are you willing?"

Qiao Beitang looked sideways at the people around him, with a twinkle in his eyes, and replied with a smile: "I am willing!"

"Please exchange rings!"

Bian Yue took the ring and walked up to the two of them. Meng Kai held Qiao Beitang with one hand and took out the ring from the ring box with the other. With everyone's blessings, he helped Qiao Beitang put it on.Qiao Beitang also took the men's ring from the ring box, and slowly helped Meng Kai put it on.

After the words of blessing were over, Meng Kai hugged Qiao Beitang and kissed her. He lowered his voice and called out to Mrs. Meng.


After Qiao Beitang and Meng Kai got married, they lived in Meng Kai's former courtyard house. On the first morning of their wedding, after she woke up, she took Meng Kai back to Qiao's house.He took him upstairs and found in the closet in the room, the small wooden box that he brought back from Qiao's residence last year.

Open the wooden box, and there is a key inside, which Meng Kai said is the key to the bank safe.So the two went to another bank to check the safe.Qiao Beitang didn't take the belongings inside, but only a letter left by Xu Ruoge.

This was the news she knew when she was in a coma. At that time, she always dreamed of Xu Ruoge. Xu Ruoge said that she was her real daughter, and that she had left her a lot of money and this letter.As she was busy preparing for the wedding, she didn't have time to watch it.After I finished my work, I immediately wanted to see what the letter said.

After getting in the car, Qiao Beitang couldn't wait any longer. While Meng Kai was driving, she was watching. After watching, she couldn't stop crying.Meng Ke was so frightened that he quickly parked the car and asked her what was going on.

Qiao Beitang handed him the letter. After reading the letter, Meng Kai was shocked: "Are you Qiao Beitang?"

The content of Xu Ruoge's letter is very simple, that is, she encountered a big turning point when she was 22 years old, and a strange soul will be injected into her body, but whether it is her at this time or her in the future, They are all their own daughters.

"You know I'm not the original Qiao Beitang?"

"Know a little, but I don't care, now you are my wife."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qiao Beitang told Meng Kai all about how he came to this world, and also said that he only had a few months to live and did not want to stay here in the concession.The two hit it off and randomly decided to go on a trip to pass the time.


The first stop they chose was to see their little uncle and aunt. The day of departure was very early, the sky was not bright, and the wind at the pier was very strong, so everyone came to see them off.The Xu family and the Meng family prepared a lot of things for Xu Moning and Meng Yi, the workers were helping to carry the luggage, and the others were chatting.

Bian Yue took Qiao Beitang's hand, her voice choked up: "Leave as you please, I wish I could be with you every day."

Qiao Beitang smiled: "It's not that I'm going to leave. I had a plan during the Chinese New Year, but now I have a chance. You don't want to be with me every day. I will come back. I will wait for you and Lin Yangchuan to get married someday. Remember to send me a letter, and when the time comes, no matter where I am, I will come back."

Lin Yangchuan was also a little sad: "You are all gone, what should we do when we encounter a case?"

Yang Qingfeng and Xiao Zhu stood aside, nodding reluctantly, with a sour feeling in their hearts, after all, we have been together for such a long time, it is impossible to have no feelings.Lao Li didn't come today, and he still hasn't let go of it, and he doesn't know how to face the boss.

Although Qiao Wendao was reluctant for his daughter to leave, he urged him when the time was up: "Go up, it's almost time, otherwise we won't be able to arrive on time."

Qiao Beiling handed the peace talisman obtained from the temple to her sister: "Be careful on the road, remember to call back."

The Qiao family was reluctant, but the Meng family was much calmer. The children of the Meng family often went out, and the couple had long been used to it.Zhang Huiyun told his son and daughter-in-law a few words, and after Meng Si said a few words, Meng Heqian also urged them to get on the boat.

Qiao Beitang looked at the elders and bowed: "Father, mother, uncle, aunt, we will go up first."

Then Meng Kai took his wife by the hand and boarded the boat, and the sky gradually became brighter.The newlyweds stood on the deck and waved to a group of people, watching the people on the pier shrink and disappear.Qiao Beitang felt sour, and stood there for a long time, so long that all he could see was sea water. Finally, Meng Ke pulled his wife to sit down, admiring the beautiful scenery to divert his attention.

Qiao Beitang and Meng Kai were sitting on the cruise ship, the sun was slowly rising, and the golden color of the water and the sky spread out.

"Meng Kai, do you know what love is?"

"There is no one else in sight, and you are everywhere."

Qiao Beitang leaned her head on his shoulder: "I am full of unknowns and uncertainties about the future, but right now I am by your side so I won't be in a hurry.

We experienced it together, gradually became each other, became each other!Even if you let me leave at this time, I will not have any regrets, because the story between me and you is worth recalling for a lifetime! "

End of full text

 It's over, thank you for accompanying me all the way and supporting this book!
  I used to say that I will see you in the next story every time I finish it, but this time I won’t leave this sentence, because I am not sure where I will write the next story!
  The next story is the story of a Sichuan-style architectural restorer and a female gynecologist. The outline has been prepared, and the writing is just a matter of writing!
  Thank you Angela, you stood by me and supported me from my first book.Thank you Shiliang, who started serializing from Jianzha, and voted for me every day, for more than 200 days in a row!

  Of course, I also thank everyone who gave me a reward, voted for my monthly vote, voted for my recommended vote, and the little cuties who left a message. I bow to thank you, and I won’t mention the names one by one. Every time I thank me, I will lose followers. Tickets will also be less, so cover your face!
  It is fate to meet in the vast sea of ​​books. May each of you be healthy and safe, and everything goes smoothly!
(End of this chapter)

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