Chapter 47

After finishing everything and returning to the patrol room, it was already midnight, and Liu Qican was taken to the interrogation room.After Meng Kai arranged things, he took Lin Yangchuan and Qiao Beitang to interrogate people.Bian Yue stayed by the girl's side, helping the people in the patrol room to make records.

The door of the interrogation room was opened, and the footsteps of several people were very obvious in the room. This sound made Liu Qican feel very disturbed.

Meng Ke sat down and asked directly: "Confess yourself."

Liu Qican laughed loudly: "I'm confessing, what are you confessing? Didn't you all see it? It turns out that the previous report was false, so you just want to trick me into doing it, and then catch me on the spot, right?"

"Yes, you are right. After the fourth girl was killed, we knew you were the murderer. Reporting on Zhang Zhu and arresting Luo Xing were all part of the plan."

"I have nothing to say. If you want to kill, hurry up. I'm not afraid." Now he just wants to die, and since the matter was revealed, he doesn't want to explain anything.

Lin Yangchuan smiled contemptuously: "You have more backbone than your partner, as long as you tell the story of the murder and the reason, then we will give you a good time."

With a pen and paper in her hand, Qiao Beitang was taking notes at the side of the interrogation. When the interrogation was over, she would report back to the agency to catch up on the draft, trying to make the newspaper a hit tomorrow morning.

Liu Qican was silent for a long time, as if he didn't hear Lin Yangchuan's words, he just looked at his fingers without saying a word.The time has become extremely long, and there is a kind of anxiety in the air.

Meng Kai leaned on the interrogation table with both hands, approaching him, suddenly the index finger of his right hand bent slightly, and after knocking a few times, a cold voice sounded: "If you don't tell me, I'll ask Nie Hanhan, I want to ask her why Will suddenly break up with my doctor boyfriend, why don't I like my former boyfriend?
If you don't tell me, I will always have a way to know. If you want to die directly, it would be too cheap.I don't want to know the history of your crime, anyway, it's almost the same as tonight, a few times you used some unscrupulous means to bully some innocent girls.

I just want you to die painfully, or if you can't survive or die.Living tortured is more uncomfortable than dying.Anyway, the report on the murder of the girl has been published. I, Meng Kai, want to be alone, and the police station will not deny me. "

As soon as these words were said, Liu Qican's expression changed instantly.First was the anger when he heard Nie Hanhan, and then the fear when he heard Meng Kai's threats.The people in front of him would not joke with him, that fear spread from his ears to his whole body.

Lin Yangchuan picked up his documents from the table: "I want to know why he was abandoned. I know this, because his girlfriend at the time disliked his family for being poor. And after he got into a car accident, his hand was injured, and even the doctor couldn't do it. "

Meng Kai seemed to know it, and there was some curiosity in his cold tone: "So that's the case. In fact, if you think about it carefully, everyone can understand why her girlfriend gave up on him. It's just that her girlfriend should have saved him long ago. mind."

The two of them were discussing the matter of Liu Qican and his girlfriend like no one else, and finally the person concerned couldn't take it anymore, he stood up angrily, and wanted to grab the information in their hands.During the fight, he was punched in the face.

"That's enough of you, don't mention that bitch again. When she was an intern in the hospital, she took the initiative to chase me. She said she wanted to be with me for the rest of her life. Who knew she would betray me so quickly. Still in my most difficult time."

In the following time, Liu Qican, who was stimulated, said all the things that were pressing in his heart. Her girlfriend broke up with him the day after his operation, saying that she fell in love with someone else.After he was discharged from the hospital, love and work were gone, and at that time he fell into despair,
During that period of time, he quietly followed Nie Hanhan, was discovered later, and was severely beaten. By chance, he got the opportunity to work in a radio station. He was almost relieved at first, but who knew that he would suddenly receive So many letters from female fans.

Looking at the letters from those young girls, he thought about his ex-girlfriend.Gradually, he began to have the idea of ​​emotional transfer and venting. During his contacts and exchanges with girls, he found that girls all over the world like rich men, even if he has never met him before.

So he imitated Nie Hanhan's boyfriend to buy things for them, and then implemented his plan.The girls she chose were all those who had a handwriting resemblance to Nie Hanhan's or a tone of voice resembling hers, which would give him a sense of revenge.

He likes to watch those girls pleading and struggling in front of his eyes, and finally lose their lives. As for the way he binds people and his weak tidiness are some occupational diseases.The reason why he would buy clothes for them was also because Nie Hanhan liked the clothes from that store the most.

After all the questions were asked, the three people came out of the interrogation room. They didn't have any joy of catching the murderer, but their hearts were heavy.In fact, he had the opportunity to obtain a beautiful new life, but because of the deep obsession in his heart, he harmed himself and others.

Qiao Beitang put the notebook and pen into the bag: "Yueyue and I will report back to the agency first. I have to write the manuscript when I get back. I'm afraid there will be too little time."

Meng Kai nodded: "Let Lin Yangchuan take you there, it's not safe at night."

Lin Yangchuan shook his head desperately, expressing his reluctance, and slipped away ahead of time.He would rather help write the records than stay in the office.It would be better to kill him than to let him see Bian Yue off. When he came back from the scene of the crime, that stinky girl caught up with him and asked him if he saw something he shouldn't have seen, and he had to make it clear.

He didn't see anything at first, and why should he explain to her, this guy is too annoying.Since her questioning cannot be avoided, it is best to avoid it.

Seeing him leave, Qiao Beitang said, "It's not too far from the newspaper office. With Yueyue here, I'm fine."

The two walked slowly towards the recording room, Bian Yue had comforted the girl long ago, and sat waiting for them to come back.Those who didn't see Lin Yangchuan immediately got up and went to find Lin Yangchuan, but she still couldn't believe that this guy could grow wings and fly away.

Seeing this scene, Meng Kai said to the person in front of him, "Let's go, I'll take you there. The case is over, so we don't want to delay it for a while."

Looking at the deserted street outside, she really couldn't say the words of refusal: "Then I'll trouble you." After Lin Bo'an's case ended, she really didn't expect that the two of them would meet again.It can only be said that this world is very wonderful, and she doesn't know whether it is joy or sorrow.

The two walked one after the other, but the distance was not that far away. Meng Kai seemed to walk in front of her deliberately, helping to block some of the cold wind.After getting in the car, the speed is not too fast.There were some strange emotions in his heart, and he didn't know why when he faced this girl again, he felt a little happier.

"Qiao Beitang, are we friends now?"

The person who was asked the question was dumbfounded for a few seconds, thinking, does it count?Doesn't count?But if she said no, would this guy throw her out of the car?Judging from the time spent with him, this person is cold-blooded and fickle often. After making him angry, he can do anything.

Vaguely said: "Forget it!"

The driver, satisfied with her answer, sent him to the newspaper office not long after, and said goodbye to the girl when she got off the car.

Qiao Beitang was taken aback by these performances, but she didn't have time to worry about it, so she trotted upstairs, turned on the light, took a pen, and started writing.

 I still don’t thank everyone for your support. Every time I thank you, I have to drop the recommendation ticket, so I’m still suitable for silently coding, and I keep my thanks in my heart.

  The atmosphere instantly returned to last year, when I wrote my first novel.But I always hope that more people like the stories I write.

  So you have to work hard!


(End of this chapter)

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