Chapter 68
Both of them slept soundly this time, and Meng Kai woke up when the sky was slightly bright.His eyelids moved, and he felt a bright light in front of him. When he opened his eyes, he realized that the desk lamp was not turned off. After getting used to the light source, he remembered what happened last night.

He turned his head and saw Qiao Beitang who was sleeping next to him at first glance, and also saw the clasped hands of the two in the middle of the table.

He raised his head from the table, not as excited as the girl last night, but not as calm as imagined.Trying to let go of her hand, but the girl clenched his hand tightly and muttered a few times.

Seeing this scene, he Youran smiled, thinking it was funny.I don't know when this hand was held, but it feels good.During the autopsy, she used this hand to dissect the dead, thinking that the hand would be hard and cold, but unexpectedly it was soft and had a comfortable temperature.

Looking carefully at the sleeping person, her face was still dirty, it was hard to see it in the dim light last night, only now did she realize that not only her face, but even her hair was covered with mud.She couldn't tell how good-looking she was like this, but she had a different taste.

He thought about waking her up later, but when he heard a rush of footsteps coming from downstairs, he immediately became vigilant.He looked at the door of the office with cold eyes, waiting for the man to come in.

Lao Hu was holding a copy of this morning's Fanxing Daily in his hand, and his whole face was beaming. His mouth hadn't stopped since he entered the gate. He heard from Lao Liang that Qiao Beitang hadn't left yet.He didn't even return to the office, so he went up to the second floor to find her.

When he reached the door, he couldn't move anymore. When Lao Hu saw Young Master Meng sitting in the office, his enthusiasm was lost by half, but he was still cheerful.

Because of the angle, he couldn't see the two hands holding each other: "Master Meng, are you there too? I want to talk to Xiao Qiao about something, can I trouble you to call her?"

For some unknown reason, he felt that he shouldn't go in. It was clearly his own newspaper, but subconsciously solicited other people's opinions.

When he first entered the newspaper office, Lao Hu was a little excited. When Old Man Liang said that Qiao Beitang was still there, he rushed inside in a hurry. He didn't hear the latter sentence at all, that Young Master Meng was also there.

After Meng Kai heard Editor-in-Chief Hu's words, he stretched out his hand and shook the sleeping man, his tone was better than usual, it was indescribably gentle, at least not as cold as before.

"Hey, wake up, your editor-in-chief is here."

She yelled several times and didn't see her wake up, so she forcibly pulled away the hands held by her. Qiao Beitang woke up frowning a few seconds later.She yawned big: "What are you doing?"

Editor-in-Chief Hu shouted at the door: "Xiao Qiao, what do I need from you?"

Qiao Beitang stood up in a daze, and then there was another burst of wailing. She forgot that the injured leg could not touch the ground.After the pain subsided, I woke up: "Editor-in-chief, I'm sorry, when we went to catch the murderer last night, I was injured, and I can't walk for a while, why don't I trouble you to come in and talk about it, okay?"

Editor-in-Chief Hu looked at Meng Kai, then walked in slowly, and saw that her injured leg seemed to be swollen, her whole body was dirty, and her body was covered in mud.Thinking about Uncle Liang saying that she rushed over to write the manuscript last night, he was very moved.

"Why haven't you gone to the hospital yet? I don't have any serious business with you. I just want to say that you have done a good job in this big exclusive. Okay, now is not the time to talk about things. You should go to the hospital first. Then rest at home for a few days, wait for your foot injury to heal, then come back to work, and we will talk again when you come back."

The girl nodded at him, her mouth was very sweet: "Thank you, editor-in-chief, then go and do your work. I will clean up and go back."

After Lao Hu finished speaking, he turned around and left. It was still early in the morning, and in about half an hour, colleagues would start coming to work one after another.Qiao Beitang didn't want to attract attention, so she stood up carefully and tidied up the desk.

She turned off the desk lamp first, then put her notebook and pen into the cloth bag she carried, checked the items after a few minutes, and said to Meng Kai after confirming that they were correct: "Can you please take me to Go to the hospital?"

Anyway, I have been bothering him for a long time, and my skin has gradually thickened. If I don't rely on his help, I guess it will be difficult for me to go down from the second floor.If you don't pay attention when going downstairs, you may be able to roll down from above.

Young Master Meng didn't speak, and after standing up, he stretched out an arm. The meaning was obvious, and he asked her to hold it by himself.Holding the bag, Qiao Beitang happily grabbed his arm. With his injured leg bent, with his help, leaning on his uninjured foot, he followed him out of the office door with a bouncing bouncing.

Standing in front of the corridor, the girl looked at the stairs in front of her and felt the pressure immediately.When she came out of the house, she obviously felt that her injured leg was more painful than last night.Gritting his teeth and preparing to go down, Meng Kai stopped.

He opened the little hand holding his arm, fingers one by one, then bent down a little, and gave Qiao Beitang a princess hug.Floating into the air, Qiao Beitang subconsciously hugged him, then let go and grabbed the clothes around his waist.

Qiao Beitang was hugged by him, he hesitated whether to come down, but she was relieved after a few seconds, she really wasn't hypocritical, if she jumped down on one foot at this time, when she got to the hospital, the doctor would probably have to check both of her feet up.

She bowed her body and kept a distance from him, holding his coat with both hands to avoid excessive intimacy between the two of them, and she didn't want to take advantage of him anymore.At this moment, her mind is also very clear, and she is grateful to him in her heart.

Without any hesitation, Meng Kai strode downstairs with her in his arms.Although he took big steps, each step was smooth.He went downstairs with the girl in his arms. He didn't stop when he reached the lobby of the newspaper office, and he didn't intend to let go when he got out of the gate.

At this moment, the sky outside is already bright, and the clouds in the distance seem to have light that is about to move, and it seems to be about to jump out.There were cars whizzing by at the gate of the newspaper office, and the voices of the crowd.The person in his arms moved: "I can walk on a flat road, but please let me down."

"Forget it, let me hug you. This will save time, otherwise, what time will it be at the hospital?"

"Thank you!" Qiao Beitang's cheek accidentally stuck to his coat, and he couldn't help thinking, in fact, Master Meng in Shili Yangchang is not so annoying.Sure enough, to know people, you can't hear it from hearsay, you have to feel it yourself.

At this moment, Ms. Qiao has completely forgotten the scene and thoughts in her mind when she first met Master Meng. After spending time together, her heart secretly drifted away without her noticing. Moved some.

On the way to the hospital, two people sat in the car honestly, one concentrated on driving, and the other looked at the scenery outside the window.Looking at her hand, Qiao Beitang couldn't help remembering how he held her hand last night, unwilling to let go.

The driver also looked at the hands on the steering wheel from time to time, as if her temperature still remained on them.In the morning, she should be very reluctant to let go of her hand!
As soon as their car left, two people came out from behind the gate of the newspaper office. They waved their cameras and smiled brightly.

After Shen Nianyuan saw the young master took Ms. Qiao into the car, he drove up and followed. Because of the angle, he didn't notice the person taking the sneak shot.

When Qiao Beitang went to the hospital, she was reprimanded by the doctor first, and then the doctor helped her recover her sprained ankle, then helped her to apply medicine, and told her to take a good rest for a while.

Meng Kai didn't speak during the whole process, and immediately sent him home after he came out of the hospital.After seeing Shurou helped her into the house, he drove back to the patrol room.

Lin Yangchuan was waiting in his office, and when he saw him coming in, he asked, "Is Miss Qiao's injury serious, why did you come back now when I asked you to take her back?"

"Have you finished the finishing work of the bone case?" I didn't really want to answer this question.

"It's done. The higher-ups are very satisfied with our performance. After the case is successfully concluded, they should praise you? You work harder, and you will be elected as the chief detective in the future. You are very promising."


After finishing all the work in the patrol room, it was just dark outside, Lin Yangchuan pulled the man who was working hard from the office, and pushed him to go outside.

The two soon arrived at a fruit stand. Lin Yangchuan bought a lot of fruit and patted his brother on the shoulder: "Aren't you tired after working for so long? It's time for us to visit the injured Miss Qiao."


"Okay, let's go to Qiao's for dinner, the food outside is too bad."

When I arrived at Qiao's house, I just parked the car, and before I entered the door, I heard Qiao Beitang's voice: "I don't want to drink this, this soup is too greasy."

The contrast between Lin Yangchuan's hands full of things and Meng Ke's empty hands was obvious. When they entered, they saw Shu Rou and Bian Yue forcing her to drink something.The persecuted person shook his head from side to side, expressing that he did not want to drink.

Lin Yangchuan put the fruit on the coffee table, and curiously moved over: "What are you doing? What are you drinking?"

Bian Yue handed him the soup in his hand: "Just drink pig's feet soup, it's like killing a pig."

Qiao Beitang pointed at the soup: "This soup is full of oil, I don't want to drink it, whichever one of you likes to drink it. I won't be fat if I drink it?"

Shurou was a little puzzled, isn't this what you eat to make up for you?Sister Tang's foot was injured, so she should eat this, and the pork seller told her that this soup is very good for the recovery of the foot injury, so she must drink soup and eat meat again.

In the end, the bowl of soup entered Lin Yangchuan's stomach, he didn't care whether the bowl of soup was oily or not, he only cared whether the bowl of soup tasted good or not.During the meal, except for Qiao Beitang and Meng Kai, the other three drank a bowl of pig's foot soup.

While eating, Bian Yue said to her good sister: "You should rest at home for a while, and when you are well, I will take you to a good place."

"What a good place, is there anything fun around here?"

Bian Yue smiled mysteriously: "I figured that when your feet get better, you can just go to the auction."

(End of this chapter)

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