scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 80 Dismemberment Case

Chapter 80
At the entrance of a villa in the Shanghai Concession, several police cars were parked at the moment, and the number of onlookers increased. The police were controlling the scene and letting the crowd disperse.The sound of police inquiries came from the room, accompanied by the sound of a woman sobbing.

In the patrol room, Lin Yangchuan and Meng Kai looked at each other after hearing the woman say that there was a head in the house.They thought of it tacitly. They also had an intuition about the case of the headless corpse that was placed on the dissecting table in the morning.

So the soldiers split into two groups, one took his brother and followed the woman to check the situation at home, the other went to the newspaper office to find Qiao Beitang, and then met at the woman's home.

The hostess of the house was named Su Yan, and the deceased was named Wu Zhiyuan, her husband.Su Yan went to Yuecheng last week. She was going home to visit relatives. This morning, she took the train back to Shanghai. As soon as she got home, she saw Wu Zhiyuan's head appearing on the big bed in the room.

When Meng Kai brought Qiao Beitang in, the questioning was still in progress, they passed the person who was questioning in the living room, carried the suitcase, and entered the bedroom.

Qiao Beitang took the box, took out the gloves and put them on. When the corners of her eyes touched the head on the bed, they were a little blurry.After a few seconds, the field of vision gradually recovered.

The head and face of the person on the bed are blue-gray, with a little purple, and the facial features have undergone some changes, but they can be roughly distinguished, not unrecognizable.

Judging from the face and overall features, this is the head of an adult man!

Standing by the bed, she thought to herself, is this world really small?She knew the man who died. He was the man who made things difficult for the assistant of Ruili Auction House at the auction and then bought Red Coral.

Meng Kai, who was at the side, saw that she hadn't done anything for a long time, approached her, lowered his head and asked, "What's the matter?" There was concern in his tone, and he still felt a little distressed. She has worked hard because of herself these two days.

With warm breath coming from her cheeks, she shook her head violently: "It's okay, I met this person once with Bian Yue, at the auction a week ago."

After explaining, she didn't delay any longer, and started directly. The head was casually thrown on the dark patterned quilt cover.There was some blood on the quilt cover, but not much.

On the surface of the head, unlike the body parts found in the sewers, which seemed to have been dead for a long time, this head probably appeared to be shorter.

When the gloved hand touched the head, there was still a slight stiffness on the face, but it was almost completely relieved.


Judging from the temperature in this season and the age of the deceased, this is rigor mortis in the final stage of remission.The temperature in this season is not very high, and the deceased is not very old, so the rigor has existed for a longer time.For some children and the elderly, rigor mortis appears and disappears faster than normal people.

Apart from the disappearance of the dead body, the human head has emitted some stench, and the hand can still feel a little slippery when touched. This is a sign of corruption, and many bacteria are multiplying in the human head.

"We still have to take it back to the dissecting room for details." Qiao Beitang inspected it and expressed his opinion.

Meng Kai replied "Hello", and Lin Yangchuan just came in from the living room: "We've finished our interview, now we can go back together."


Qiao Beitang carefully examined the head on the dissecting table, and it fit together with the body parts found yesterday and this morning to form a complete person.Moreover, all the characteristics of the body parts found were the same, and the age and height also matched the information.

She still numbered the head and carefully inspected the various damages on the cut surface. This head was also cut off after death.Now it can basically be concluded that these body parts belong to the same person, but in order to be more accurate, apart from the detection, let Su Yan identify them.

The scalp of the deceased was cut open, and the skull of the deceased was intact. The dura mater was removed, and the base of the skull was not damaged.The whole head was dissected, and there was no scar.The neck of the deceased was cut open, and the hyoid bone of the deceased was not broken.

It shows that the neck and brain of the deceased were not subjected to external force, so speaking of it this way, the cause of death of the deceased was really internal bleeding.Coming to this conclusion, Qiao Beitang actually doubted herself, and at the same time she couldn't figure it out.

That is, the abdomen of the deceased, including other places, really had no scars before death, such as the place where he was hit or fell.Then why are all his internal organs broken?This seems a little unreasonable?
The results of the stomach examination she extracted came out, and the deceased was not poisoned, so how did the internal organs break down until death?But her autopsy report was correct, and the deceased died of hemorrhage.

After reading the autopsy report, Meng Kai saw her thinking: "What are you thinking about?"

"It's nothing. There is nothing wrong with this report. It's just that there are still some things I can't figure out. But it doesn't affect the case. You guys should investigate carefully, and I will think about it myself."

"It's getting dark outside, why don't we have dinner together?" This busy work took almost half a day.

Qiao Beitang looked out of the window, and sure enough, it was pitch black again: "You have confirmed the news of the deceased, why don't you hurry up and solve the case?"

"Look at what you said, in order to solve the case, don't you stop eating?"

The girl shrugged her shoulders, and her mood improved in an instant: "Then let's go to dinner? It just so happens that the corpse is assembled, and I will go to the newspaper office to write a manuscript after dinner."

The two went to Lin Yangchuan to have dinner with Lao Li and Xiao Zhu, but those guys refused to go and insisted that they had eaten.

So everyone's dinner became a dinner for two. Meng Kai is a person who is so caring and warm enough to melt people.He drove her directly to the newspaper office, thinking that it would be more convenient for her.

But after arriving, I found that there was no place to eat nearby, and only a small noodle stall was still doing business after looking around.In the end, the two sat down directly and ordered two bowls of noodles. While eating the noodles, Qiao Beitang discovered Meng Kai's little secret.

Holding the chopsticks in her hands, she quietly approached the person who was eating noodles, and lowered her voice, "So Young Master Meng likes to be jealous!" This was an affirmative tone. After serving the noodles, there was a lot less vinegar in the bottle on the table.

A certain person was embarrassed, and saw that the girl was holding back a smile, and felt a little helpless: "You just know, don't tell others, or it will affect my prestige." He really likes to be jealous, not many people know this little secret, He also noticed it in public, but today he was really careless.

Now Qiao Beitang couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud.At this moment, she found that Meng Kai was actually quite cute and a nice person.

After Meng Kai finished eating the noodles, he sent her to the gate of the newspaper office and gave her a few words of advice.Finally, he told her that he would come to pick her up and take her home, then turned and left.

Qiao Beitang trotted a few steps and grabbed his sleeve: "I know that the deceased's emotional life is more complicated, so it may be a love murder. You remember to ask someone to check his lover."

Her ability to distinguish scumbags was discovered when she returned from the auction last week.She recalled every bit of her coming here, and finally summed up this tasteless ability!

Although she didn't understand why she said that, Inspector Meng still nodded, saying that he would check this line carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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