scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 83 Dismemberment Case

Chapter 83
Qiao Beitang and Bian Yue looked at Aunt Shurou with some curiosity, wondering whether they knew each other or not.

After Shurou explained for a while, everyone understood what was going on.This aunt came to the flower shop by chance half a month ago. On the first day of her arrival, she was lying in front of the glass window and looking inside just like today.At that time, Shurou came out to talk to her, but as soon as she opened her mouth, the aunt ran away in fright.

Unexpectedly, the next day, the aunt came over again, but when she greeted her the next day, the aunt stared at her with the expression of looking at a stranger, and then the aunt's family came to find her and went home.After meeting several times, Shurou found out that the aunt was ill. She had a bad memory, sometimes remembering people, sometimes not.

At this time, Qiao Beitang also found that there was something wrong with the aunt's expression, and this disease should be the Alzheimer's disease she knew.With this disease, I can't remember the way home, my family, or what happened to me.

Even after the development of science and technology, this disease cannot be cured, it can only be relieved by taking medicine.Most of the people suffering from Alzheimer's are older, and the prevalence rate is increasing every year.

Seeing a few people with kind faces, the aunt smiled and stretched out her hand, boldly pointing to the flowers in the flower shop: "I want to buy this lily, can I?"

Bian Yue was the closest to the door, so she casually took out a handful of lilies from the custom-made vase, and handed them over to the aunt.

Seeing the flowers she liked, the aunt was a little cautious: "I don't have any money." She looked at the flowers directly when she spoke, and she obviously liked these flowers very much.

"We gave you this, you can take it?" Qiao Beitang helped out.

Finally, under the persuasion of several young people in turn, the aunt insisted on accepting only one flower.She smiled and said, "You are really good people." Like a child, she was very satisfied.

Seeing a person who is so happy after receiving a flower, Qiao Beitang was also very moved.When several people were very happy, a person shouted from behind: "Ah Qiong, Ah Qiong, I finally found you, why did you go away alone again?"

The three young girls Qiqi turned their heads and saw an uncle in his 50s wearing a black robe.Although the uncle's clothes are very simple, with a lot of white hair on the sideburns, his facial features are magnificent, with a hint of sharpness between his eyebrows and eyes, he is in a good state of mind, good-looking, and he speaks full of air.

Shurou said in a low voice: "This is the old lady's wife, but this uncle is very fierce." She was a little scared, and shrank back.

The uncle walked to the side of the aunt, looked her over carefully, and when he confirmed that she was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief.He was just busy with some things at home, and the man disappeared when he turned around.

The aunt was very happy to see the person who came to look for him. Although she didn't know this person, she felt joy in her heart and always felt that he was very familiar.So he showed him the flowers in his hand: "They gave them to me, don't they look good?"

The uncle smiled and nodded: "It's pretty." Then he asked Shurou with a straight face, "How much does it cost?" He has been here several times and knew that she is the girl who sells flowers in this flower shop.

Shu Rou hurriedly waved her hand, pointing at the lady next to her: "This is a gift from the boss, no money is required."

The old-fashioned uncle looked at the person the little girl was pointing at, and repeated again: "How much does it cost?"

Qiao Beitang looked at the fierce-looking man in front of him, tears welled up in his eyes, and his heart was a little excited.This person looks like her master, the teacher who taught her about forensic science. His stern face is exactly the same as when he was teaching her.

Blinked a few times, held back the tears that were about to fall, sucked his nose, and stared at him intently.Where is he so fierce, how about a cute little old man, is it possible that the master is here too.

"Master, I don't need money, I'll give it to my wife." I said something on my mind, and after I finished speaking, I became sober.How could he be a master? His wife hadn't married the master yet.He was taken away by the bad guys and disappeared.There has been no news for more than ten years. The master has never been married since his wife's accident, and has been waiting for her.

"What are you talking about, girl? I don't have an apprentice. Since you don't say the price, I'll give it whatever I want, and I won't make you suffer." After speaking, he gave Shurou the money, and then left with his aunt.

The uncle was educating people while walking: "I said, Arjun, before you leave next time, can you tell me, I'm really worried at home."

Although he spoke seriously, he could feel his worry and fear, as well as his love and love for his wife.

When the two couples disappeared, Qiao Beitang burst into tears.Bian Yue has never seen her so sad, holding her arm: "What's wrong?"

"Yueyue, can you check someone for me!"


The patrol room went to investigate the case the next morning according to Meng Kai's arrangement. Meng Kai and Lin Yangchuan went to the place where the deceased Wu Zhiyuan worked first.As soon as the people from the studio heard that they were here to investigate the murder of Wu Zhiyuan, they received them very cooperatively.

The person who received the patrol room was Wu Zhiyuan's secretary. The male secretary was in his twenties. Although he was relatively young, he was quite mature and neat. He had followed the deceased for several years.

Lin Yangchuan asked him: "Who did Wu Zhiyuan get closer to a week ago, or did he offend anyone recently? Tell me as much as you know."

"Producer Wu meets a lot of people on weekdays, because we are planning to shoot a new film and need casting and so on. Last week, several female stars got closer to him, and the rest are employees of the company.

He has a full schedule of working hours, but last week he specially spared one day to attend the auction of Ruili Auction House.I have a notebook in my hand, and all the big and small things of the previous week should be recorded. "

After speaking, the secretary handed a small notebook in front of the two of them. After Meng Kai took it, he flipped through it casually. Sure enough, it contained more detailed records.

Since Wu Zhiyuan usually didn't stay in the factory much and didn't see many people, and he wasn't in the factory on the day he was murdered, the two went back to the patrol room after walking around.

After a while, Lao Li also returned to the office. After Xiao Zhu came back, several people had a small meeting.The meeting was held in Meng Kai's office. Lin Yangchuan made coffee and prepared food for everyone, making it like a tea party.

"Tell me about the investigation in the morning, and let's summarize the information." Inspector Meng picked up his coffee after speaking, and his mind was in a trance. The atmosphere of the discussion was a bit like that at Qiao's house.

"Su Yan did indeed buy a train ticket to Yuecheng. Someone at the train station saw her departing from Shanghai Station, because Wu Zhiyuan went to see her off that day and had a quarrel with the platform staff, so someone remembered it clearly. "Lao Li told all the news he knew.

"Then she came back by train?"

Lao Li shook his head: "The staff don't know. People came and went that day, and Su Yan is not a big star, so they don't know."

"Then continue to investigate. We just found Wu Zhiyuan's body, and his wife came back to provide information about the head. I always think it's a bit too coincidental."

After Meng Kai said this, everyone also felt that it was a bit too coincidental.To handle a case, you always need to make bold assumptions, and then analyze one of the many possibilities, and sometimes the most unlikely one is the truth.As the closest person to the deceased, it is still necessary to check.

Xiao Zhu took out a notebook: "I've been to Wu's house, and Su Yan didn't miss any news, and told us everything she knew. Another special thing was that last night, someone called her and said yes I want to buy the red coral that their family bought at the auction.

The neighbor of the deceased was a beautiful girl, who said that she had nothing to give us, that she was not very familiar with the Wu family, and that she had just moved here. "

After all the news had been communicated with each other, Meng Kai formulated a new plan to investigate the case from different aspects.

One is to investigate the two female celebrities who met Wu Zhiyuan more frequently a week ago. Judging from the timeline, they were the last people the deceased saw.See if you can get some news from their mouths.

The second is to investigate the family of the deceased to find out whether Su Yan lied, and where was she at the time of the incident?After all, once Wu Zhiyuan died, all the property of the Wu family would belong to her, which was a huge sum.

The third is to find out who wants to buy the red coral, and whether he offended anyone when he was at Ruili Auction House.

After everyone finished recording, Lin Yangchuan showed embarrassment: "Old Meng, it's not difficult to investigate the two celebrities and Su Yan. It's just that when Wu Zhiyuan bought the red coral at Ruili Auction House, as far as I know, it was from the Meng family. It was fought with the Qiao family.

Your family is easy to deal with, you or I can just ask Uncle Meng?What about the Qiao family?Qiao's is not just where we go. "

In the past, they went directly according to the rules. How the people in charge of Qiao's family thought it, just do business.But the Meng family not only has conflicts with the Qiao family, isn't Inspector Meng also interested in the daughter of the rival family?

 I feel like I have a lot to say, but I don't seem to know where to start right now!

  Time flies, this book has been serialized for 81 days, and it happens to be 20 words tonight.

  This novel will be officially released tomorrow, and I am very grateful to every friend who collects this book.I also thank every little friend who voted for me and gave me a reward.

  Every message and every vote from you will be my driving force, and I really hope that I can go to the end of the story with you.Of course, if there is a reunion, there will be separation. No matter how deep or shallow our fate is, I hope you can be happy every day, and you can meet in other stories in the future.

  There will be an update tomorrow at [-]:[-] noon, and an update at [-]:[-] tomorrow night!
  It’s a big update this time. It’s the first time I’ve saved a manuscript because of it. My hand speed is very sloppy. Each chapter will be revised several times, so it’s not easy to save a manuscript. I hope that the subscription will no longer be in single digits!

  Tonight happens to be the New Year's Eve, which is quite memorable. In the new year, everyone should be happy every day!

(End of this chapter)

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