scumbag female forensic doctor

Chapter 90 Dismemberment Case

Chapter 90

After coming out of the Bianjia martial arts gym, several people separated. Bian Yue took Qiao Beitang back to Qiao's house, and Meng Kai took Lin Yangchuan back to the police house.

The next morning, the sun came out very early, and it didn't take long for the whole city to be covered with a layer of golden yellow.The dazzling sunlight jumped on the roof, and large swaths of light penetrated into the room.

Zhang Shimo only felt the warmth on her face, she opened her eyes in a daze, only to realize that it was already dawn.She moved the arm under her head and found it a little numb.The lying body got up from the table and saw that the courtyard was empty and full of light, only then remembered that Meng Kai did not come home last night.

She came to see Meng Kai last night and wanted to talk to him about some things. She didn't know why it was fine if she didn't see him for a month or two before.She herself didn't understand why she had such emotions in her heart, and this feeling troubled her very much.

The housekeeper knew that Miss Zhang was here last night, so in the morning he ordered the kitchen to prepare breakfast, which the young lady and the young master liked to eat.Seeing the people in the living room walking into the yard, he asked if he wanted to have breakfast.

After getting the reply, he asked his subordinates to bring the breakfast to the stone table in the courtyard. Zhang Shimo saw that the breakfast was rich.So he asked someone to prepare a lunch box, thinking about going to the patrol room to deliver breakfast, which was considered an excuse to meet people.


Meng Kai and Lin Yangchuan read the materials of the two cases in the office and didn't go to sleep until the early morning. Fortunately, the sofa in the office was big enough to barely accommodate them.

Lao Li and Xiao Zhu stared at Yang Han until midnight, and after changing shifts with the brothers in the patrol room, they went home and fell asleep for a while.At dawn, the two came to the patrol room. They didn't expect to see the boss and Lin Yangchuan sleeping on the sofa outside the boss's office.

When they were originally transferred to follow the boss, they were very uneasy. After all, Meng Kai is a member of the underworld, and it must be difficult to get along with him.But after handling the case together, their uneasiness disappeared. He did everything by himself, and he was not harsh on his subordinates. He was a very good person.

Lao Li patted Xiao Zhu on the shoulder, didn't rush into the house, and pulled him outside.Xiao Zhu didn't understand: "What's wrong?"

"Let's go buy some breakfast, they probably haven't eaten yet."

When the two came in with their breakfast, Meng Kai and Lin Yangchuan had already woken up. Even though they worked overtime and stayed up late, they were in good condition and very motivated.

Lin Yangchuan has a good nose, and when he saw the food in Lao Li's hand, his eyes glistened.Lao Li handed it over: "Seeing that you are sleeping soundly, I guess you haven't eaten, so hurry up and eat."

Meng Kai took it over: "Thank you." After speaking, he said to Lin Yangchuan: "Remember to give Lao Li his breakfast money."

Lao Li waved his hand: "It's okay, I just bought it at the stall outside the police house, it's not worth a lot of money."

How can Lin Yangchuan not know what the boss means? They all know the situation of Lao Li's family. He is the only one working in the family. There is an old mother and a child to support. How can there be so much spare money.

He took out a wad of money: "Just take it, and keep it all. The boss and I will work a lot of overtime in the future, and you will deduct the money for our meals from it."

Although they were very hungry, they didn't devour them hungrily, but the frequency was faster than usual.It's not time for work yet, but the team members are already arranging things for today.

After tidying up the table, Meng Kai stood in the office and asked, "You followed Yang Han yesterday, did you find anything?"

Xiao Zhu took out her notebook: "We started following her yesterday afternoon, so we learned about her morning events from other people. She was filming on the set in the morning, took a rest in the room on the set at noon, and went to the studio in the afternoon. Hospital.

After she came out of the hospital, she went to Dalehui. After leaving Dalehui at ten o'clock in the evening, she went home.After the two of us guarded outside her house for a while, we changed shifts with the brothers in the patrol room. According to the time, the brothers who changed shifts should come back. "

Lao Li added: "We followed her for a long time and didn't find anything unusual."

Yang Han has almost never acted alone, most of the time he is in the public eye, so it is difficult to do what he wants to do, or to convey something.

After Meng Kai finished listening, he went through Yang Han's overall process in his mind: "Why did she go to the hospital? Is she sick?"

"I heard from the crew that she accidentally injured her foot while filming the day before yesterday, so she went to the hospital to see her foot injury." Xiao Zhu replied.

Meng Kai: "You guys change shifts with the brothers later, remember that if she goes to see a doctor again, after she leaves, go and find out which doctor she sees and what kind of disease she is.

Also, pay attention to when she is filming, carefully observe whether she is close to anyone or has frequent contacts.

Last night, Lin Yangchuan and I found some information related to this case. The murderer this time is very likely to be a kung fu master, so Lin Yangchuan is going to investigate this line later.I also have things to do, we are out all day, and at six o'clock, we all go back to the office for a meeting. "

Several people replied in unison, Zhang Shimo, who came to deliver the food, heard the answer from the people inside, and wondered if she shouldn't come, but Meng Kai had already seen her, so she quickly waved to the people in the room.

Zhang Shimo was wearing a dark blue dress, with curly hair hanging behind her back, and light makeup on her face.At this moment, she is not as domineering as when she was in Da Lehui, and she feels more easy-going.

Meng Kai came out of the office and walked towards her: "Is something wrong?" In the past, when she looked for him, there must be something wrong. Judging by the degree of appearance in the morning, it is usually a major matter.

She smiled wryly, and felt helpless: "I can't come and see you if I have nothing to do."


Qiao Beitang fell asleep soon after returning home from the Bianjia martial arts gym, and had no dreams all night.After the autopsy doubts that bothered her before disappeared, she was very relaxed, so the quality of sleep improved a lot.

After breakfast, Bian Yue insisted on sending her to work, saying that she must have not felt her driving skills last night.So when the eye-catching red car parked at the gate of Fanxing Daily, it attracted the attention of many people.

After Qiao Beitang got out of the car, she regretted it because everyone was looking at her.Fortunately, Bian Yue is a girl, if she were a man, she would be stared at.

Hood called her to the office early in the morning and asked her about the case. The murderer was very vicious this time. The newspaper office received many letters concerned about the progress of the case and hoped to know the truth sooner.

When the editor-in-chief told her the reason for calling her here, Qiao Beitang immediately told him the general progress.In the end, the editor-in-chief asked her patiently, saying that last time I only wrote about the dismemberment of the corpse and the part of someone reporting the case, could I write a little more, so as not to keep everyone's appetite for too long.

Qiao Beitang couldn't make up her mind: "I have to go to the police station to ask about this matter, and I can only start writing after they agree. Let me ask, can I publish the identity information of the deceased, and I can't write any more.

After all, the case is still under investigation, so we can't disclose too much to the public. This is not very good for solving the case. Do you think this is okay? "

After the editor-in-chief confirmed that there was no problem, Qiao Beitang set off for the police station.She was already acquainted with most of the people inside, so she greeted Meng Kai all the way to Meng Kai's office.

When she went in, she happened to meet Zhang Shimo coming out, Meng Kai was standing beside Zhang Shimo, the two were still so right together.The girl stood still: "Good morning, Miss Zhang!"

"Good morning, Ms. Qiao, are you coming to the police station to look for Inspector Meng so early?"

"Well, our editor-in-chief would like to ask if we can report more on the progress of the case, but I can't make up my mind. So I was sent by the editor-in-chief to run errands as soon as I went to the newspaper office, saying that I would come to consult. If you have something to do, I will Come back later." After finishing speaking, he was ready to leave at any time, and the whole person was frank.

It was the magnanimity on Qiao Beitang's face that made Zhang Shimo a little scared. She already knew that the person in Meng Kai's arms was her last time.This was obtained by asking Shen Nianyuan, she was very smart, she asked Shen Nianyuan tactfully where Meng Kai went that day, and later she pieced together the whole story.

She knew that Meng Ke's attitude towards the person in front of her was different. She had known him for so many years and couldn't compare to her who suddenly appeared.To be honest, she felt a little sour in her heart, and with a fluke mentality, she comforted herself in her heart that maybe she was thinking too much.

"It's okay, I'll just drop by to deliver a breakfast, and I'm about to leave, since you have business to do, I'll leave."

Rejecting Meng Kai's offer, she left the gate of the police house alone. This time she did not take a car, but walked back to Dalehui.

After Meng Kai brought Qiao Beitang into the house, he sat on the sofa with her: "You can report if you want to report, as long as you know what to say and what not to say."

On the coffee table was the breakfast brought by Zhang Shimo. The opened lunch box occupied a corner of the table, and the food inside was colorful.There was a lot of breakfast, and Meng Kai had eaten breakfast, so the lunch box was hardly touched.

The girl looked at the things on the table and nodded sharply: "Don't worry, I know what to say. I only report the identity of the deceased, and I won't talk about the case. I always leave a suspense for everyone to guess and reason! Not only is it topical, but it also allows everyone to speculate by themselves.

In fact, looking at this case at the moment, it looks like entertainment news. The common people like the news about the rich people who have complicated family relationships. "

With a small mouth, Balabala kept talking, and this voice was refreshing for Meng Kai.He got up to make two cups of coffee, handed one to her, and drank the other himself.

After taking a sip: "Eat quickly, drink quickly, I will take you somewhere later."

Since the host warmly invited her, she had no choice but to accept it: "Where are you going?"

"Where Wu Zhiyuan lives."


When they came to the place where Wu Zhiyuan lived again, they didn't go to his house, but walked around the villa area.Just when Qiao Beitang wanted to ask him why he still came here, he heard a quarrel.

Looking in the direction of the voice, there were people they knew inside. Su Yan was arguing with two men, and there was some grievance in her hoarse voice: "Why are you talking nonsense, how can this be fake?"

Meng Kai walked over with people, and heard one of the men wearing glasses say: "The things you showed us are all fake. Since they are fake, how can we buy them? We definitely won't buy them."

"That's right, you are a woman, you look quite honest, you didn't expect to plot against us, we didn't buy it after we left, it's a waste of time to come here this time."

It was only after the two men left that Su Yan saw Meng Kai and Qiao Beitang. She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes: "What's the matter with you guys here?"

Qiao Beitang is soft-hearted, and from the conversations of several people, she can also hear the reason for the incident: "If something at home is stolen, you can report it to the patrol room."

Su Yan invited them into the house, and showed them the red coral on the table: "After Wu Zhiyuan died, because of the film production, I wanted to help him repay some money to the company. So I sold the things at home. , I didn’t expect the buyer to say that this is fake.”

Although she doesn't know how to distinguish the authenticity of the red coral, Qiao Beitang has seen it carefully at the auction, and heard the butler of Ruili Auction House introduce the pattern on it.The one in front of me was not introduced that day at all, isn't it a fake?
Meng Ke picked it up and looked at it: "If it's convenient, can we have a look at your other collections?"

Su Yan nodded, she still knew who Meng Kai was, and she was not afraid that he would take possession of her: "You all come with us." After speaking, she led a few people into a small room, which was filled with calligraphy, paintings and antiques.

Meng Kai picked up a few of them casually, and said a few minutes later: "Many of the things in here should have been replaced, and most of them are probably fake."

This was a huge blow to Su Yan. She really couldn't figure out why all the treasures in the darkroom had become fakes. If things continued like this, she would have to sell the house to pay off the debt.

After Meng Kai explained some things, he took Qiao Beitang out of Wu Zhiyuan's house. Just as they were going out, the girl next door was also going out, and after a few chats, they dispersed.

After getting into the car, Qiao Beitang was still puzzled: "Could it be that this murder was murder for money? After the deceased died, the murderer also exchanged the things in the house.

But that's not right, Su Yan is almost always at home, why didn't he notice it?The murderer is so courageous, dare to come again?There are so many things in the room where the baby is hidden, it's not easy to take them all at once, right? "

In the car, I heard muttering and talking, sometimes frowning, sometimes thinking silently, with rich expressions constantly changing on my face.

She talked to herself for a long time, but no one approached her to talk to her, and finally couldn't hold back: "You should say something!"

"Your words are so dense, I can't get in." The tone was quite innocent, but I could feel his smile and I was in a good mood.

"Then tell me, I'll shut up."

"The thing is very simple. The baby in the small room was moved away after Wu Zhiyuan's death. When Su Yan came back, the things became fake. As you said, Su Yan was almost at home after reporting the crime. The murderer is impossible. It was moved in the past few days, so it was most likely that it was moved at the time of the crime."

"Then if they move away, they will move away. Why do they have to bring back a batch of fake things?"

"Because after the crime happened, Su Yan would check the things in the house at the first time, but at that time, he mainly checked if there were any missing things, and he would not check the authenticity, and was focused on finding the murderer.

If the number of things is significantly reduced, the people in the patrol room will start searching from nearby places. There are a lot of things, and they will be discovered before they can be moved, so the murderer chose to do this. " Meng Kai explained.

Qiao Beitang: "According to your point of view, the murderer is a neighbor? Oh, I understand what you mean. Yang Han has an accomplice who is here. She is responsible for providing where is the treasure? And that accomplice is responsible for transferring, from here Move something in there?"

Detective Meng gave her an appreciative look: "Yes, so today I have gained a lot. We only need to check who drives in and out of here frequently in the past few days, and we can probably lock in one of the accomplices."

The case this time is very likely to be murder for money, and the murderer has calculated every step very accurately.

Su Yan's report, the investigation of the police station, Wu Zhiyuan's compensation, and when Su Yan will find out that the treasure has been transferred, have all been calculated!

 Thank you for subscribing and voting, and finally updated earlier today!

  Tomorrow I will update it in two chapters. The content of the two chapters is merged together. I always feel that it is full of words, and my head is dizzy. It seems more comfortable to have a chapter of [-] words.

(End of this chapter)

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