The wife of the female Zun Kuaichuan is a doting maniac

Chapter 1244 Picking up a wife to farm

Su Qiruo raised her hand and touched the small red lantern that Si Qianchen hung up before, and whispered softly: "There will be a late spring cold."

When she was young, she caught wind and cold because she failed to put on clothes in time. At that time, the queen was so angry that she punished the palace servants who served her, and took care of her for several days without taking care of her clothes before she could get over the illness.

This is one of the reasons why Su Qiruo saw the queen loving the princess with her own eyes but still had no grudge, because she knew that her father also loved her very much.

It's just that the father always remembered the friendship with the first emperor and empress, and felt sorry for the princess who lost her father at a young age, so he loved her a little more.

Where in the world can there be a father who doesn’t love his own daughter and only loves the children next to him?

When Amu saw her master acting like this, she thought she was thinking of the queen because of meeting Her Royal Highness, and she couldn't help but feel bad for her master.

The queen is obviously the master's biological father, but she gives all her love to the princess. The master is really pitiful.

Fortunately, the emperor valued his concubine and doted on his master a little more than the other daughters.

In fact, Amu was right. Although the emperor was suspicious, it was her habit as an emperor, but as a mother, Su Qiruo was indeed favored by her more than her other brothers and sisters.

The emperor also has great trust in his concubine, otherwise he would not let Su Qiruo hold the military power without taking it back.

"Sister, come in and make some light by the fire. We've also roasted sweet potatoes. We'll eat them soon."

Si Qianling's voice woke up Su Qiruo, who was still immersed in the past. As soon as the young man stretched out his warm hand, Su Qiruo's whole body felt warm.

In her heart, she still minded the uncomfortable feeling of being stared at by the concubine like that, and she also minded her whereabouts being exposed by her own people.

But compared to the subtle dissatisfaction in my heart, the smile of the person in front of me is more important.

"Okay! I'm cold. Come over here and don't freeze you."

Su Qiruo untied her cloak and handed it to A Mu, then pulled Si Qianling to sit back by the stove. She moved further away from him before letting go and rubbing her cold sleeves.

Si Qianchen sniffed and picked up the roasted sweet potatoes in the brazier below with a smile.

"smell good!"

This sweet potato is much better than the one she ate in Peach Tree Village. It is sweet and floury, which is her favorite taste. "Be careful not to burn yourself."

Si Qianling gave instructions at the side and reached out to help.

When the brother and sister handed the sweet potatoes they finally pulled out to Su Qiruo, they received a big hug from her.

Only then did Si Qianling realize that Su Qiruo seemed a little unhappy.

Isn't the princess her biological sister?

Could it be that Her Highness the Queen said something to make her unhappy?


"It's okay, I just feel that with you here, this year will be very warm."

Su Qiruo smiled gently, gently rubbed Si Qianchen's furry little head with one hand, and gently stroked Si Qianling's back with the other.

She suddenly realized that with their brothers and sisters here, she had nothing to worry about.

Si Qianling pursed her lips shyly, picked up a piece of sweet potato with a handkerchief and blew on it gently.

"I'm wronging you by giving you roasted sweet potatoes during the Chinese New Year."

Her Royal Highness has never disliked the vulgar things he did. What else could he ask for?

"It's a great honor to have you here."

Being able to find sincerity is a blessing from God. She is lucky enough to meet two sincere hearts, and she should not expect anything else.

After eating roasted sweet potatoes, Su Qiruo asked Yao Qinqin to take Si Qianchen out to play.

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