Chapter 294 Fu Lang is a complainant (80)

The queen looked at the emperor in shock, and wanted to ask if these things were true.

He didn't care about other things, but if someone poisoned his young daughter and framed his eldest daughter, he would never let it go.


The emperor's eyes flickered, feeling a little guilty for no reason.

Turning her eyes to Su Wenjian who was kneeling on the ground, she really didn't know that Su Wenjian had done so many things.

"I didn't know that my daughter has such a great ability."

"Emperor Mother, you must not listen to Ling Yuheng's one-sided words. He is wronging his son and minister, please be more careful!"

Su Wenjian knocked her forehead to the ground, one sound after another, but the emperor did not soften his heart in the slightest.

She could tell that when Ling Yuheng made Su Wenjian swear just now, she was clearly guilty.

Su Qiruo who was lying on the bed also secretly sweated for Ling Yuheng, where did this child know these things, how dare he say it in front of the emperor?

If there is no evidence to prove those things, the little prince will inevitably end up being accused of framing.

This little idiot, he complained as soon as he complained, so he dared to say anything.

Su Qiruo was so anxious that she wanted to sit up immediately, but she also knew that now was not the time.

Anyway, I have to pretend again, otherwise the drama just now was in vain.

"Emperor Mother, I have evidence to prove that what Prince Yu Heng said is true."

Suddenly the voice of the princess came from outside the hall, followed by a group of teenagers behind her.

Those teenagers were not very old, all of them were handsome and beautiful, but everyone's complexion was not good, and some of them still had injuries on their faces.

"Who are those children?"

The queen frowned and looked at the boy kneeling outside, feeling distressed.

"Emperor Mother, Empress Father, those teenagers are the victims who were tortured by Su Wenjian in the backyard, a total of [-] people. According to insiders, many children have been tortured to death by Su Wenjian."

Su Shaolan presented the evidence to the emperor, then secretly glanced at Ling Yuheng, giving him an appreciative look.

This little accuser finally has a place to use, and it's not in vain for him to grow that small mouth that will sue.

Ling Yuheng lowered his eyes and secretly rejoiced that His Highness the Empress Dowager praised him.


He saved his sister from a major calamity, and they no longer have to worry about someone playing tricks behind their backs.

In fact, most of what Ling Yuheng said in public before was told by the empress dowager.

Today's game has long been under the control of the empress dowager.

Without "Su Qiruo" as a shield for Su Wenjian, if Su Shaolan wants to deal with Su Wenjian, it is really easy to catch.

As for the words she taught Ling Yuheng, all the evidence is in her hands, and there is no falsehood.

"You bastard! As a princess, is this how you treat your subjects?"

The emperor lifted the teapot on the table and put it on Su Wenjian's head, and the hand holding the evidence was trembling.

He robbed young people, beat and killed common people, tortured those young people to death, and threw them into the mountains to feed wolves, without even giving them a fig leaf.

How could such a vicious person do such a thing?
"Murting younger sisters, forming cliques for private interests, raising private soldiers, buying and selling officials, framing the princess... Which one of these things has wronged you?"

The emperor turned pale with anger, she had doubted Su Wenjian before, and even started to send secret guards to investigate her in private, but she did not expect that Su Wenjian did far more than she imagined.

Such a cruel method is simply abhorrent!

"The Queen Mother..."

Su Wenjian still wanted to quibble, but the emperor no longer wanted to hear it.

"Come here, send Su Wenjian to Dali Temple, let Dali Temple investigate for me, and see what other crimes this beast has done, and let me find out everything."

After finishing speaking, the emperor looked at Su Shaolan again and said, "The Empress Dowager is solely responsible for this matter, but I want to see how capable Su Wenjian is."

"Yes, my son takes orders."

The princess ordered someone to take Su Wenjian away, but the Queen's anger never subsided.

"Your Majesty, Ruo'er, a minister, stayed in Yucheng for Su Wenjian for two years, suffered a lot, and was poisoned by her and nearly lost his life. You must make the decision for Ruo'er!"

The empress was so distressed that tears welled up in her eyes, how much wronged did the daughter he held in his hands suffer!
But the child didn't say anything, and carried everything by himself.

Is it worth it for such a scourge?
"It was I who overlooked and wronged you and the children."

The emperor also felt guilty. If she had checked carefully, she would not have allowed Su Wenjian to escape justice for so many years, and she would not have almost killed her daughter.

Su Qiruo was not the only one who was wronged, but also the princess.

Because of Su Qiruo's land enclosure, the emperor had reprimanded the princess a lot, and even had suspicions about her.

Su Wenjian is very skillful, playing with everyone in his hands.

"I'm not afraid of being wronged, I just feel sorry for my daughters..."

The few tears that the queen shed at the right time broke the emperor's heart even more.

In the past two years, she has indeed owed the Queen's two daughters, and even has some complaints about the Queen.

"I will not be so arbitrary in doing things in the future, this time I am sorry for your father and daughter."

The emperor raised his hand to hold the queen's hand. The two of them are young husbands and wives. They have been together for so many years, and he has never done anything against the palace rules.

It can be said that he is a very qualified queen.

It's me, as a mother, who doesn't discipline her daughter strictly and wrongs a sensible child.

As the head of a wife, she didn't care enough about Zhengjun, and wronged her husband who knew how to be polite.

People often say that a child who cries gets candy.

It is precisely because the queen never fights and cries, so she always cares less about him.

In recent years, the relationship between the two can be described as two fairly familiar strangers, except for the two days stipulated every month, she never visited him again.

The emperor knew in his heart that the queen had been annoyed by her little daughter all the time.

And why didn't she blame the queen for the matter of the crown daughter and Xiaowu!
Today the truth of the matter came to light, although there was Su Qiruo's fault of being deceived, more of it was her negligence as the emperor who raised such a wicked daughter.

"The emperor manages a lot of things every day, and it is inevitable that there will be omissions. Just now, the servants broke the rules. I hope the emperor will not blame him."

The queen calmed down, and then apologized.

After being a queen for so many years, he knows how to stop when enough is enough.

"You really don't need to."

The queen's sensibility made the emperor feel more guilty. She sat high on the phoenix chair and planned strategies for many years, but she ignored many people around her.

"The emperor should not leave the palace for too long, since the imperial doctor said that Ruo'er is fine, let's go back!"

The queen restrained her expression, and persuaded the emperor beside her.

He naturally wanted to stay and spend more time with his daughter, but he had to abide by the rules.

(End of this chapter)

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