Chapter 314

News followed one after another. What was thought to be known only in winter, the people of Huaishu Town knew all about it in June, including the fact that Xi'er was made the protector of the country's eldest princess.

The whole town was jubilant, and Xi'er, who wanted to keep a low profile, was pushed to the front of others, so she had to temporarily plan a festival, the annual Icy Festival.

What is the Ice Festival is that every year on June [-]th, all the merchants and tourists passing by will experience a different summer refreshment. It is the best way to celebrate in this way.

On this day, all the shops will set up beautiful pergolas in front of each house for tourists to rest. Of course, the Luo family will give each shop 100 taels of silver as the cost of occupying land and building the pergolas.

The Luo family will sell all kinds of herbal teas, iced drinks, sorbets, cold cakes and other refreshing summer foods at half the usual selling price.

This activity is more enjoyable than going to a restaurant for a meal together. Undoubtedly, she organized this activity to provide another opportunity for the people to make money.

Some people felt that the time was too short, so they went to shopkeeper Fang and asked him to discuss with Miss Xi'er to see if it was possible to change one day to three days.

Shopkeeper Fang found Xi'er and shared everyone's thoughts. Seeing that the people were so enthusiastic about this activity, Xi'er nodded in agreement.

As a result, the Icy Festival was extended from June [-] to June [-], and so on every year thereafter.

In the past three days, the people in Huanxi Cake Shop were almost exhausted. Dong Lai, as the shopkeeper, discussed with the shopkeeper Fang, and transferred several people from the shop here to help.

As long as this is not available for sale, there is no other way, Xi'er took Baoyue and the cook at home, and the servants did it together.

This is still a temporary decision. There are so many people without any publicity. I can't imagine how many people will come to the Icy Festival next year.

Shopkeeper Fang made a rough calculation. Each kind of bean ice milkshake has more than [-] cups. If there are so many kinds, if it is calculated at half the price, the income for this day is an astonishing amount, not to mention the fruit plate , sorbet, milk cake and the like.

My master really knows how to celebrate. Everyone is lively, happy, and making money. I have to admire this method.

Of course, under their influence, other shops have more or less made a lot of income. Even if they don't make money, they won't lose money with the Luo family's subsidy of 100 taels a day.

Not to mention, all businesses and small businesses have benefited a lot this time.

After the Ice Festival, Shopkeeper Fang and Dong Lai settled the income together. They looked at each other and swallowed at the same time.

The ice drink alone brought in nearly 20 taels of silver, not to mention, those tourists who came to hear the news bought gifts at the Luo's shop, so that the Luo's warehouse had no stock at all, and the workshop worked overtime The extra production is not enough to sell.

In three days, a total of more than 50 taels of silver was brought in, which covered the store's income for three or four months. The master is really amazing.

Although it was a temporary decision, it was very successful. Everyone hopes that next year will be better than this year's event with full preparations.

The meritorious deeds should be rewarded, despite the fact that the event was only for three days, everyone was very tired and dedicated, Xi'er rewarded all the participants with 100 taels of silver per person.

Finally able to rest, she sat in her yard, drinking tea quietly.

Baoyue helps Nanny Zhou take care of Luo's house, and she usually doesn't come here, and Mrs. Luo also stays in her yard and doesn't come out very often.

Everyone came back from the capital and had another lively Ice Festival. They were all exhausted, and no one would bother her.

From chaos to tranquility, there is no more pleasant time than this moment.

In her mind, she sorted out what had happened recently. Now that Chen Changsheng and his wife are both in the capital in Jinnian, and Long Tianlin is about to ascend the throne, she may have something to look for during this time.

She has just been sanctified, and she is not suitable for retreat for the time being. If she wants to cultivate to the emperor level, she needs to settle herself down, and it will take only a few years.

What to do next?Thinking of Long Tianlin saying that she is researching rice?Well, that's it, solve the people in the north, then solve the people in the south.

As long as the flood over there can be resolved, the people in the south will soon become rich.

Just as he was thinking, Liang Zhifu and Qi Yuan came, and it was impossible not to come, because they received the official document, and Quzhou had become the fiefdom of the Princess Protector.

Hereafter, Xi'er will be their king.

"saw the guardian"

"Okay, it's just a title, you can continue as before, or you will be awkward with each other."

The three sat down, and Liang Zhifu asked: "Miss Xi'er, now Quzhou is your fiefdom, so all future taxes will be handed over to you, right?"

"No, all the taxes collected should be given to the imperial court. I don't care."

"That's a lot."

"Long Tianlin just took over, and there are many places where money and food are used. Our Quzhou is now rich, so he pointed here to get some food and gave it to me. What should he do?"

The two of them said in their hearts that if you dare to call the emperor's name directly, if we call it, we will be charged with disrespect.

"Then I will pay this year's tax according to your suggestion?"

"Well, as long as you were how you were in the past, you will be fine in the future. There is no need to come and ask me for instructions. It's too troublesome."

"The emperor intends to hold the enthronement ceremony on the tenth day of October. Are you going?"

"No, I told him that you are not allowed to disturb here if there is no serious matter."

"This is a big event. I heard that several countries are coming to pay their respects. I'm afraid the visitors are not kind."

"Not good? What do you mean?"

"You do not know?"

"Tell me?"

"Our Longyu Kingdom is actually a small country under the Xuanyuan Empire. We pay tribute to the big country every year. The emperor changed the name of the country to the Tianlin Empire. Doesn't it mean that Qi is equal to the Xuanyuan Empire? Here, I'm afraid I'm going to be besieged on all sides."

"What are you afraid of? Isn't there a girl here?"

The two swallowed, "Although our country is said to have a large land and rich resources, it is incomparable to a big country when it comes to war. Not only is it incomparable, I heard that there is a national teacher in the Xuanyuan Empire who has a lot of experience and can spread beans." Into the army."

Xi'er raised her eyebrows, "It's not difficult, this girl can do it too."

I rubbed, and the hearts of the two of them jumped in fright, and they hurriedly covered their chests, for fear that their hearts would jump out.

"Otherwise, let the two of us see is believing?"

Xi'er smiled, "Scattering beans into soldiers does not mean that you can become soldiers by throwing beans on the ground, but that you can defeat the enemy by using beans as soldiers."

"So that's the case, as long as the girl has the confidence, then we can rest assured."

"Do you know where the Xuanyuan Empire is?"

The two shook their heads, "I heard that it's far away. I'm afraid only the emperor is qualified to know about this matter."

"Well, let's talk about it when we meet Long Tianlin. Tell me about the countries you visited?"

"We have six neighboring countries, the closest one is the Dongying Kingdom, then the Xixia Kingdom, the Nanyue Kingdom, the Zhuzi Kingdom, the Ningyuan Kingdom and the Wushuang Kingdom. The territory of each country is not as large as our country, let alone our country. They have rich real estate, they attacked us more than ten years ago, and they reconciled later."

"I'm afraid they came this time because Zhou Gong's sword dance was aimed at Pei Gong?"

"Yeah, maybe there will be another war, but as long as the Xuanyuan Empire doesn't intervene, there should be no problem with you."

"It's a joke, even if he intervenes, with me around, the Tianlin Empire will still not fall."

The two looked at each other, Miss Xi'er was full of confidence, it seemed that the emperor had made the right bet.

(End of this chapter)

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