Chapter 440

"I have everything. After selling it, sell it back to your country. Your country's products are better than ours, and they are very popular."

"Is there no special product in your country?"

"Yes, but now you have everything in the Tianlin Empire, and you don't care about our country anymore."

"That's right. Our country has developed rapidly in recent years, especially the Luo family in that small town in the north. There are many kinds of things produced, and the supply exceeds demand."

"Yes, yes, our boss is here to sell his products, which are very popular with us."

"What are you selling?"

"Salt, sugar, white and white, as well as canned meat, oil, noodles, especially instant noodles, it's really delicious, but the price is a bit expensive, it's the most suitable for those of us who live on the boat, but what , dry noodles are also fine, we have a fire on board, but we only dare to use it when boiling water and cooking noodles, and we don’t allow it to be used at ordinary times, for fear of fire.”

"We bought steamed buns, pickles, dried meat, and water, so we basically didn't need to light a fire."

"Yeah, living at sea is suffering, it's not as good as being on the shore, so bear with it, I'll try my best to make the boat go faster, and arrive at Zixuan Kingdom as soon as possible."

"Thank you, you're such a nice guy"

"You are too honest. When I talk to you, I just say that I am a good person. I am not a good person, but I am not a bad person either. Generally speaking."

The captain probably felt that he had talked too much, so he stood up and said.

"Call me if you have something to do. If you want to use fire, you can use it when cooking. We also sell dry food. If you want to eat fish, I can catch you, but there is a fee."

"Got it, got it, thank you Captain."

The captain left, and Xi'er made a face, "I think he just wants us to spend money on his things, he's a money addict,"

"Haha, he doesn't cheat or harm others. There is nothing wrong with making money by his own labor."

"Hmph, our twelve taels probably fell into his pocket."

"He is the captain, so he still has these small rights. Your lord has a lot, so don't worry about him."

After sailing at sea for ten days, Xi'er will never eat seafood in the sea again. It turns out that these crew members defecate and defecate in the sea. Maybe the fish and shrimp grow up from eating their poop. It's too disgusting.

If you want to eat, you should go to the sea north of their house, where there is no pollution, but not here, just thinking about it makes me want to vomit.

The two were at the stern, looking at the sea, "This boat is too slow."

"It's all manpower rowing, of course it's slow."

Xi'er snapped her fingers lightly, a gust of wind blew towards the boat, and the speed of the boat gradually increased.

The crew members were still wondering in the cabin, what's going on, they didn't exert much effort, how did the ship go so fast?
The captain was also puzzled. He checked the boat several times back and forth. There was nothing wrong with it, so he came to the stern and saw that the couple was fine.

No, the captain finally found out, the wind, the wind was blowing the stern, saving the crew effort, so the ship was going so fast, but why is there only wind at the stern?There is no wind elsewhere?It's really strange.

As long as there are no pirates and no storms, the captain will not think so much.

Let the crew continue rowing, today's speed is more than twice as fast as before.It wasn't until night that the wind stopped, and the crew stopped. Those who were supposed to cook were cooking, and those who were supposed to rest were resting. The captain sat on the bow and looked into the distance.

"Five days' journey is completed in one day, it's really fucking evil"

"Captain, it's not evil, it's God's blessing for us."

"You guys know nothing. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. I always feel that something is wrong?"

"Perhaps there is an expert helping us secretly."

Speaking of the masters, the captain thought of the young couple, they didn't look alike. They were normal for a few days on board, but today was abnormal. When he passed by, he saw them looking at the sea.

It's the same as usual, but why is it so evil? The captain sat on the bow, thinking about it, stood up suddenly, and ran towards the stern.

The young couple was knocking sunflower seeds, so they asked, "Are you going to have dinner tonight?"

"If we don't eat, we only have two meals a day, and we don't work, and we don't waste our energy. We can save as much as we can. It's not easy to make some money."


The captain looked at the young couple again and found that everything was normal. What is going on?
He scratched his hair, forget it, don't think about it if you can't figure it out, at worst, be more careful on the road.

But tonight, the captain specially hung some seafood and grilled some in the charcoal oven. He wanted to drink some wine, so he called Jinnian and Xier. Unfortunately, the two were very concerned about their urinating and defecating in the ocean, so they decided not to do it. Eat anything in the sea.

The captain had no choice but to give up and eat by himself.

Xi'er doesn't have any appetite at all, Jinnian eats the steamed buns every day, and lets Jinnian drink the water.

Occasionally, when no one was around, she ate some fruit or something, and threw the leftover beard into the sea. She was immediately chased by marine life, and one beard was eaten in a few strokes.

After Xi'er saw it, she lost her appetite even more. She now has a shadow in her heart about the sea, and uses spells every day to speed up the boat.

If I had known this, I would not have chosen to go by boat. Wouldn't it be nice to sit on black feathers and golden feathers?

Really, it seems that this seafood will not be eaten in the future.

The sea was smooth, and after five days, they finally saw the land. The captain and the crew couldn't believe that their own ship was so fast in the past two days. It took only half a month for a one-month journey.

Thank the wind, thank God, we can disembark now, Xi'er and Jinnian held hands and saluted the captain.

"Thank you, Captain, for taking care of our husband and wife all the way."

"Have you led the way out?"

"No, we came from a fishing village, how can we understand that?"

"Get off the boat in a while, go to the checkpoint and spend money to get one, otherwise you won't be able to enter Zixuan Kingdom."

"How much silver do you want?"

"Individual guides are cheap, one person and one pair, hurry up,"

"Ah, ah, thank you, thank you"

The captain stared at the backs of the two for a long time before recovering, Xi'er pursed his lips.

"He could stare us both out of a hole."

"It's suspicious of both of us."

"No matter how much you doubt, there is no evidence, it's just suspicion."

When the two came to the checkpoint, they spent two taels of silver. One of them applied for a guide, and after being questioned and checked by the sentry, the other gave a piece of paper.

It said that a commoner from the Tianlin Empire went to the Zixuan Empire to find relatives, but he had nothing left. How could the management be so loose?

Or are you really scared and powerless, huh?

They entered the Zixuan Empire from the checkpoint, each of them carried a bamboo basket, looked left and right, except for a slight difference in clothes, it seemed that there was not much difference.

"Miss, there is still a difference between the people of our Heavenly Landing Empire and theirs,"

"Well, they are somewhat similar to that captain, except that their faces are angular, rather rough, and their skeletons are big. They must mainly eat meat on weekdays, just like the herdsmen over there."

"Yes, they are simpler than the clothes in our empire, unlike ours where there are three layers inside and three layers outside. It's just entering April, and you can see that they are only wearing one layer of singles. Don't worry about the rich or not. The money ones are all short-breasted trousers, and they look very carefree."

"Let's go, this is just the frontier, go inside, you will know from the very inside."

The two went through the inspection again and came to the border town of Zixuan Kingdom. Now they saw someone wearing a mandarin jacket over the short skirt, that is, a long vest. With this, they looked a little more elegant.

"Let's wear a suit?"

"Okay, do as the Romans do, one person buys two sets and wears them interchangeably?"

(End of this chapter)

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