Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 202 I seem to be getting worse and worse

Chapter 202 I seem to be getting worse and worse

Liluo Villa back mountain, on the cliff.

Sheng Ying was holding a drawing board and sitting cross-legged on the edge of a cliff to draw.But the painting is not the beautiful scenery in front of me, but the design sketch of the kennel.

Ling Chengzhi made a phone call not far away to deal with the company's affairs, and neither of them disturbed the other, but they could see it when they looked up.

After finishing his business, Ling Chengzhi put away his phone and looked this way, but he didn't bother Sheng Ying either.

Seeing her lowered face and concentrating on painting, there will be a feeling of looking at the painting, which is very beautiful.

Sheng Ying is wearing an ankle-length light blue dress today, flat heeled white shoes, and a simple and neat dress.

Her hair was tied casually with a hairpin, revealing a large section of her fair and jade-like neck, messy yet beautiful.

Suddenly, Sheng Ying raised her hand and snapped her fingers towards Ling Chengzhi.

This snapping of fingers is very social, completely destroying her little freshness just now.

Ling Chengzhi got up and walked over, and when he sat next to her, he rubbed her messy hair.

Sheng Ying tilted her head and stared at him displeasedly: "Comrade, please don't touch me, men and women can't accept each other."

"...just a friendly touch between friends."

"Then please don't touch my head~~" Sheng Ying showed the drawing board to Ling Chengzhi, "Look, isn't my kennel decorated so nicely?"

There are simple and smooth lines on the drawing board, not to mention the outline of the entire kennel, and there are illustrations of a few puppies.

She even drew an old man in the void, and she could recognize Zheng Shanhe just by the outline.

Sheng Ying is talented in design, any ordinary building may be another world in her eyes.

Ling Chengzhi nodded: "Very beautiful!"

"I also think it's beautiful, but..." Sheng Ying looked at the drawing board for a long time, then said softly, "Yezi, after I leave, you give this blueprint to my brother, and he will find someone to decorate it."

"Why did you say such unlucky words again?" Ling Chengzhi was a little angry, and now he was very afraid of hearing things related to death.

Although Wu San and the others are in Liluo Villa, but... modern medicine can't do anything about it, can it really be done with witchcraft?

He is willing to believe, but he is also skeptical.

Sheng Ying squinted slightly and looked into the distance with a lonely expression.

After a long time, she turned her head and looked at Ling Cheng, knowing: "I found that my eyesight is not as good as before, and I always experience short-term blindness recently. I remember that Uncle Chang told me that when my condition got worse, my eyes might be the first to react. of."

Ling Chengzhi was stunned and stunned: "Did he say you would go blind?"

"Well, it will gradually become invisible, and then...but it's okay, I've already prepared it, it's okay."

Sheng Ying pretended to be calm when she said this, but Ling Chengzhi still saw the slightly trembling corners of her lips.

He remembered Wu San's words, saying that all the organs in Sheng Ying's body were slowly rotting, and that naturally included the eyes.

All, what Chang Shangwu said is true.

He clenched his fists subconsciously, even more panicked than Sheng Ying: "He, what he said may be false, so don't believe it too much."

"I don't quite believe it, but I have to be prepared for it, don't I?"

Sheng Ying smiled at Ling Chengzhi, "Okay, I'm not sad, what are you doing with such an expression?"

Ling Chengzhi couldn't hold back anymore, he wasn't as big-hearted as Sheng Ying, and he couldn't help but watch all her organs gradually rot.

"Let's go down the mountain, the wind is a bit cold, and it makes me very uncomfortable." He pinched his brows, and suppressed the tears in his eyes.

Sheng Ying also jumped up, and patted the dust on her buttocks: "Let's go, let's go home and make dumplings? Can you chop stuffing with me and noodles?"

"it is good!"

Ling Chengzhi also stood up, took Sheng Ying's drawing board and hadn't taken two steps when she saw her body swaying and fell backwards without warning.

He hurriedly dropped the drawing board and hugged her.

(End of this chapter)

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