Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 292 Sometimes, life is more painful than death

Chapter 292 Sometimes, life is more painful than death
When the lights first came on, the huge "shadow" character on the tower of the World Trade Center began to present a 3D model, which was very amazing.

Zheng Ye was sitting by the fountain in the square right now, squinting slightly at the huge "shadow" character, the light in his eyes was sharp.

He was still thinking about Ling Chengzhi's ambiguous phone call. Although he didn't directly say that the person suspected of returning from the corpse was An Nai, there was a high probability that he was right.

Ling Cheng knew that that person had no taboos, so asking him to ask such an absurd question at the risk of being ridiculed must be very skeptical but uncertain.

So Zheng Ye also became suspicious.

He was sure and certain that the art of witchcraft would not bring back the dead or seize the body, that is a fantasy.

But it is not absolutely impossible to change a person's appearance, because the witchcraft is refined to the end, and it is completely different.

As for Sheng Ying, he had Gu poison in his body before.

Could it be that her appearance changed because of the Gu poison, so she became another person?
But that voodoo is deadly, how did she survive?

So Zheng Ye overturned this possibility again, thinking it was too unbelievable.

But no matter what, he felt that he should meet An Nai to find out what caused Ling Chengzhi to suspect that she had returned from the corpse.

But right now he can't take care of it either, Qi Fengxue's death is a big deal for the Shen family, as a half-adopted son, he has to go and see it no matter what.

Just thinking of the tense relationship with Shen Yifeng, Zheng Ye had mixed feelings in his heart, and he really didn't want to see that person.

After thinking for a long time, Zheng Ye still drove to Shen's house, suddenly there were a lot of security guards here, and outside the security guards were all the media who heard the news.

After guarding for most of the day, these people still refused to leave.

This is the most annoying thing about media people. No matter what kind of thing it is, they are always scrambling for the first place.

There is a dead person in the family, and he wants to take pictures and interviews with great interest, how annoying is he?
When Zheng Ye's car drove by, the media chased after him: "Brother Ye, can you tell me why Mrs. Shen jumped off the building?"

"Brother Ye, I heard that you are the adopted son of the Shen family. What do you think of Mrs. Shen's suicide?"

Listen, what the fuck is this asking.

Zheng Ye glanced at them coldly, and said to the ashen-faced security guards, "What are you doing in a daze, drive them away, I'll take care of them if something goes wrong."

As soon as he gave an order, the road was soon full of scattered media people.

In the Shen family's house, the mourning hall has been set up, and a crystal clear ice coffin is placed in the center of the mourning hall, and the people inside are clearly visible.

Although Qi Fengxue fell beyond recognition, she had done posthumous makeup and looked not too scary, as if she had fallen asleep, with flowers all around her.

Shen Feiyao knelt in front of the coffin, biting his lips and looking at his mother in the ice coffin, tears rolled in his eyes, but they just didn't fall.

He has been kneeling since the mourning hall was set up, and has remained motionless for a long time.

Shen Yifeng was not here, An Qiao and his subordinates were in charge of the funeral, and they were receiving those who came to express condolences after hearing the news.

Zheng Ye went up to burn incense, and then came to Shen Feiyao and knelt down together, and patted his shoulder lightly: "Ah Yao, my condolences will change."

At this moment, Shen Feiyao broke his guard, and the tears in his eyes rolled out like rain.

He threw himself into Zheng Ye's arms, crying heartbreakingly.

"Brother Ye, he was the one who forced my mother to death, he was the one who forced her to death, woohoo——I want revenge, I must have revenge!"

Today is Shen Feiyao's birthday, but it is also Qi Fengxue's death day, he cried like a child, a child without a mother.

"Don't cry, you are 21 years old, you have to think carefully about everything you do." Zheng Ye choked up and couldn't help crying.

He is not very clear about the relationship between Shen Yifeng and Qi Fengxue, because the two always look at each other with a respectful look.

He didn't know that cold violence is sometimes more terrifying than violence.

(End of this chapter)

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