Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 296 Is it okay for everyone to be tacit?

Chapter 296 Is it okay for everyone to be tacit?

When Sheng Ying dug out the urn, Ling Chengzhi opened it in front of her, and there was a letter inside.

In the letter was written a paragraph of eloquence:

【Ling Chengzhi, believe it or not, I never really took that ten-year agreement seriously, it was just a casual thing I said.

Your persistence and infatuation make me laugh and cry. I really can't imagine that there are people as stupid as you in this world.

Do you know why I work in nightclubs?Because I know my destiny, the rest of the time is spent playing.

By the way, play with you!
If it weren't for the lack of time, I really want to put you to sleep. 】

If Ling Chengzhi had opened this urn at that time, no matter whether Sheng Ying's original intention of writing the letter was true or not, he would probably be angry.

Once you get angry, maybe you won't be sad.

It was only at this time that she saw the letter, and Sheng Ying was standing in front of him again. Although her face had changed, her nature hadn't changed at all.

So the painting style suddenly changed. Ling Chengzhi only chose to focus on the key points, and noticed the words "stupid person", "playing with you by the way", and "really want to sleep you".

His face suddenly became very happy.

Sheng Ying felt that she could struggle again.

So he fanned the flames and said: "Chairman, do you think there is a possibility that your wife is lying to you and me again, so we are both deceived by her?"

Ling Chengzhi squinted at her: "Well, aren't you two so nice that you want to share me? How did you get cheated again?"

"The thing is like this!" Sheng Ying pulled Ling Chengzhi to sit down in front of the tombstone, and sighed softly, "A Ying and I know each other because... it's... can you please stop staring at me like this? Stare at me, I'm more nervous."

Ling Chengzhi raised his eyebrows: "Isn't it a guilty conscience for telling too many lies?"

Sheng Ying looked at Ling Chengzhi helplessly: "Chairman, I'm really not your wife, I just want to come to City A to have a look, who is that handsome and talented man that A Ying talks about."

"really not?"

"No, I swear I'm really not your wife."

"Okay, then swear, you are not Sheng Ying, if there is half a word of lies, her husband will die without a burial..."

Before Ling Cheng could finish speaking, Sheng Ying covered his mouth.

"Are you sick? Have you ever seen someone who used himself as a curse?"

Sheng Ying stood up angrily, kicked Ling Chengzhi hard, turned around and walked down the mountain angrily.

Not recognizing each other is not recognizing each other, but how could she be willing to swear by Ling Chengzhi, he is so important to her.

This bastard would do anything to force her.

But does it matter?
He already knew who she was. Wouldn't it be better for everyone to tacitly tell her? Wouldn't it be interesting to have to puncture that layer of paper?

If she dared to come back aboveboard, would she still need to work so hard to get a fake ID to come to him?

What a fool.

Ling Chengzhi looked at her angry back, but the circles of his eyes were slightly red.With such a blunt mouth, she was reluctant to use him to swear.

He put the urn in his bag and hurried after him.

"Why don't you admit that you are Ah Ying? Do you have to force me like this?" He still wanted her to admit it.

Sheng Ying didn't agree, she turned her head and glared at him with an expression of "Forget it, I won't struggle anymore, what do you like".

Then he hummed heavily, turned around and left again.

But maybe he was too angry and didn't pay attention to the steps under his feet. If he stepped on the air inadvertently, he couldn't control himself and fell forward.


Ling Chengzhi rushed out the moment Sheng Ying pounced on the stone steps, but because it was a slope he couldn't stand firm, so while hugging her, both of them rolled down.


(End of this chapter)

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