Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 329 She's Still So Wild

Chapter 329 She's Still So Wild
In fact, Sheng Ying was recognized by the night manager not because she sent an email, but because she used her own account to enter the management group.

When everyone saw the title "Pure Little Lingling" appearing in the group chat, they immediately ran to each other to inquire about the news and asked if Sheng Ying had returned.

Of course she couldn't find out, but if she could use the status of a senior administrator, then this person must be extraordinary.

So, the handover went smoothly.

When Qiao Luofei brought people from the design department to Shengshi Yehuo, Sheng Ying had already changed into the leather jacket and wig that had been placed for a long time.

Very unrestrained, very wild dress, the same as when she was a DJ in the nightclub.

When Sheng Ying came out from the backstage, the audience was silent for a moment, and then there was a wave of applause and screams.

"Aying is back, Aying is back!"

Sheng Ying didn't say yes or no, she waved her hand on the stage, put on the headset, and played the music.

The people in the design department were arranged in the VIP seats, and they took as much snacks, drinks and wine as they wanted.

Qiao Luofei told Ding Keke about Sheng Ying's identity, and they were the only ones in the group who knew, so they were so excited.

And in the corner behind them on the left, Tang Xiao and Qiao Su were sitting, looking at the group of people with frosty eyes.

The male colleagues in the design department are pretty good. After this bloody plagiarism incident, they feel extremely disgusted with Tang Xiao and Qiao Su.

Several people discussed: "I used to think that Qiao Su's ability was not bad, but I didn't expect that she copied her junior."

"Sheng Ying was the leader in that session at C University, and won awards for almost every design work. Can she compare?"

Qiao Luofei waved his hand: "Hey, what Shengying, everyone is rude, that's our chairman's wife, you guys are like pigs."

"That's right, she is our proprietress, tsk, our proprietress is really good at mixing, the first sister of the night scene is also the ceiling of the Design Department of C University, pay attention, this ceiling refers to the coexistence of beauty and talent!"

"Come and have a drink, today our lady boss..." Qiao Luofei was about to sip his mouth, but Ding Keke took a picture of him. He reacted and said with a smile, "Annai's treat today, let's drink recklessly!"

Qiao Su held the wine glass and gritted his teeth to look at the group of people, how angry he was: "A group of idiots, don't they just see how pretty that bitch is?"

"Sister Qiao, let's go? If they see it, it will be a bit embarrassing."

"Why do you go, I spend money to have fun and Zitu is happy, why should I go?"

Qiaosu walked towards the DJ booth while holding a wine glass. She pretended to be drunk and walked to the edge of the stage.

But at this time on the stage, Sheng Ying was like a charming goblin, playing discs with one hand and singing with the earphone in the other.

[Happy beats in a daze and passes by——

How much joy dimly here--

In fact, you don’t need to chase anymore, just keep dancing——

With the sound of hihi——]

After the voodoo was eliminated, Sheng Ying's voice became brighter than before, so she became more powerful when she sang this song.

Everyone in the audience thought she was back, sang and danced along, and the audience exploded like a high-explosive grenade had been dropped.

Taking advantage of the madness of these people, Qiao Su quietly walked up to Sheng Ying, and poured a glass of wine over it.

"Bitch, go to hell!"

The wine was poured suddenly, but Sheng Ying reacted faster.

Dodging the glass of wine sideways, he quickly pulled off the earphones and jumped out from behind the stage, grabbing Qiao Su who had no time to escape.

"Hey, isn't this the designer Qiao who copied the school girl who was kicked out by the Ling Group? Why, are you unconvinced and acting wild here?"

As Sheng Ying said, she raised her hand and snapped her fingers in the direction of the bar: "Security, drag this person out and deal with it according to the rules!"

(End of this chapter)

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