Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 337 Are You Afraid You Can't Control It?

Chapter 337 Are You Afraid You Can't Control It?
Compared with the end of the menstrual period, the chicken butt is obvious.

Therefore, Ling Chengzhi directly violated the regulations and turned around on the elevated road, went down the ramp, and comforted Sheng Ying happily.

"Honey, when I get home, I'll ask Mama Zhang to make chicken buttocks for you. You can bake them, steam them, or braise them in soy sauce. You can eat them however you want!"

Sheng Ying looked at his dazed look, blushing, and her heart was beating wildly.

How could she be so shameless?Even remind him.

When the car drove halfway, Ling Chengzhi asked Sheng Ying very tangled: "Shall we go buy some necessities?"


"For the first time, don't you want to make a rose bed and get some melon seeds and peanuts?"

Sheng Ying was speechless: "The rose bed can still understand, what the hell is melon seeds and peanuts? It's called peanuts and red dates, which means giving birth to a precious child early, understand?"

Ling Chengzhi's eyes warmed up: "Shall we have more babies in the future?"

"Why, does it hurt?"

Because I'm gone, they can accompany you!

Ling Chengzhi didn't say this, but Sheng Ying understood it, her nose was sour, and she turned her head to look out the window.

The sky suddenly became cloudy, and it looked like it was going to rain.

Sheng Ying was about to say something when Ling Chengzhi's phone rang suddenly. He was connected to the car, and there was a caller ID on it.

It was Dean Li calling.

Ling Chengzhi hesitated for a while, and pressed the connection: "Uncle Li, I'm driving!"

"Chengzhi, what on earth is your heart made of? Why are you so cruel? Even if Hanhan is at fault, are you going to kill them all?"

Dean Li's voice was choked with sobs, "She is only 26 years old, what a beautiful youth, do you want her to spend the rest of her life in prison?"

"Uncle Li, you know what she did, and it's more than enough to shoot her. It's my kindness to take a life now."

"Kindness? If you didn't provoke her back then, would she be so crazy to you? She was only 20 years old at that time, who could stand your temptation?"

Through the screen, one could imagine Dean Li trembling, he was a little incoherent.

Ling Chengzhi said coldly: "I didn't seduce her, never!"

"That's who put her to sleep, who caused her to have an abortion, so isn't your name written on the medical records? Ling Chengzhi, even if you don't marry her, don't punish her to death." , she really loved you."

Dean Li broke down in tears on the other end of the phone, "I beg you, please, please let her go, please? Uncle Li, please let my daughter go."

Ling Chengzhi didn't say anything, and silently hung up the phone.

The originally excited mood because of the end of Sheng Ying's menstrual period suddenly dropped to freezing point.

Sheng Ying's mood also plummeted, because she heard Dean Li say that Ling Chengzhi slept with Yin Han, and they even had an abortion.

She didn't believe it, but why was Ling Chengzhi's name in the medical records?

Although she didn't mind her pre-marital behavior that much, or even liked someone, but... she felt panicked in her heart.

I really want to ask, but I don't know how to ask.

She didn't expect Ling Chengzhi to directly bring Yin Han in. Although that woman deserved what she deserved, the relationship between her and Ling Chengzhi was really unreasonable.

"Actually... it doesn't have to be indefinite. Let her squat for a few years and she might change her mind." Sheng Ying said coyly.

Ling Chengzhi glanced at her: "How big is your heart? Are you unmoved by the fact that someone is coveting your husband?"

"I just feel that someone like her is not worthy of being my opponent at all. Why should I be afraid of her?"

Sheng Ying raised her eyebrows, but she still couldn't help asking, "Or, are you afraid that you won't be able to control yourself, so you let her in?"

(End of this chapter)

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