Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 345 Is He Crazy?

Chapter 345 Is He Crazy?

When Ling Chengzhi got home, seeing that Sheng Ying hadn't come back, his heart sank, and he immediately called.

Sheng Ying was in the apartment right now, curled up on the sofa, not wanting to move, not thinking about anything, her mind was blank.

It wasn't until the phone rang that she recovered from the wandering, and hurriedly answered the phone and asked, "Chengzhi, did the second master tell you the origin of Gumantong?"

"Well, he said that the thing is in Chiang Mai, but he doesn't know the exact location, and it may take time to find it."

It really is an old fox!
Compared with Yin Han's precise positioning, Shen Yifeng's words sounded like a lie.

But both Ling Chengxuan and Luo Wenxi were poisoned by voodoo, would he dare to lie?
Sheng Ying was a little confused.

Immediately Ling Chengzhi asked again: "Are you at the night show, do you want me to pick you up? It's raining, so I'm a little worried about you."

"I'm in the apartment. I'm a little tired today and I don't want to go back. Go to bed early. I'll go directly to the company tomorrow morning."

"You didn't go home and sleep with me because you were tired?" Ling Chengzhi felt aggrieved immediately.

Sheng Ying couldn't laugh or cry: "I'm just annoyed, I want to be alone, I'll be fine tomorrow, be good, go to bed early!"

"Honey, you will lose me like this~~"

Ling Chengzhi pretended to be annoyed and hung up the phone, and when he was about to go to Yinhe Apartment, a sharp pain suddenly hit his heart.

He rushed to the bathroom reflexively, and as expected, a gust of blood gushed out of his throat.

The severe pain after vomiting blood was like a heavy hammer hitting his heart, and the pain made his whole body tremble.

Ling Chengzhi bit his lip, cleaned up the bloody scum on the toilet and the floor, and then stumbled back to the bedroom.

Falling onto the bed, it was like falling into a huge vortex, and my mind was spinning.

This situation lasted for about two or three minutes, before Ling Chengzhi recovered slightly, pulled off his shirt, and saw that the gauze on his chest had been soaked in blood.

The bruise hasn't dissipated, but it's getting worse. It has extended to the underarms, and it looks like a large area of ​​birthmark.

He didn't know why the bruises spread, but he found that as the bruises spread, his condition became worse and worse.

It would take about an hour for this energy to pass completely. Ling Chengzhi curled up on the bed and called Chen Yu tremblingly with his mobile phone.

"You contact Wu San and tell him that Gumantong may have come from Chiang Mai, and ask him to follow Yinwu's track to find it."

"Sir, Wu San was seriously injured, and I heard that his life is in danger." Chen Yu hesitated, and then said, "Zheng Ye did it."

"What?" Ling Chengzhi's mind buzzed, "What did Zheng Ye do?"

"I also just confirmed the news. It was Wu San who was injured during the treatment of Zheng Ye. He said that Zheng Ye seemed crazy at that time."

"Then is he crazy or not?"

"I'm not sure. I heard that IQ is gradually deteriorating. I don't even remember the ghosts and ghosts. I only remember Miss Sheng."

"How could this be?"

Suddenly, Ling Chengxi felt as if someone was strangling his neck, unable to breathe, gradually suffocating.

Is it God's will?

God wanted him to die, and wanted him to be separated from Sheng Ying Yin and Yang, so for a while it was she who was dying, and for a while it was him.

Can't they be together?
"Sir, sir, are you okay? I'm going to go there to see for myself. If the news is true, I'll look for another wizard."

Ling Chengzhi didn't say anything, and silently hung up the phone.

At this time, he felt a kind of hopelessness, just like Sheng Ying back then, who knew that it was impossible to live, so he silently chose to die.

What about him?
(End of this chapter)

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