Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 359 You don't even have a chance to kneel

Chapter 359 You don't even have a chance to kneel

Yin Han and Luo Siyao huddled in the corner of the crowd, and they couldn't care less about dealing with the men who showed affection to them.

They definitely recognized Sheng Ying and the long skirt she was wearing, which clearly belonged to Ruan Lu.

Ruan Lu said to go back to the guest room to get something to cheer her up, but she didn't come up for a long time, and now Sheng Ying appeared in her clothes.

So what about her?

Luo Siyao gently bumped Yin Han with her arm: "Han Han, are you sure that's that bitch Sheng Ying? Why is she wearing Ruan Lu's clothes?"

Yin Han was speechless: "You are stupid, she must have sneaked into the cruise ship, Ruan Lu's clothes were taken off by her!"

"—Fuck, what the hell is she going to do?"

Yin Han didn't know that there was an auction on the cruise ship, so he didn't know why Sheng Ying came, but she must have come here secretly.

If Shen Yifeng found out, he would never forgive her.

This is the high seas, and Sheng Ying is not in the invitation letter, even if she is dead, no one will find out, without anyone noticing.

Moreover, the cruise ship is full of Shen Yifeng's people, as long as he is willing to make a move——

Yin Han squinted slightly at Sheng Ying, and subconsciously bit his lips back and forth with the tips of his teeth, ruthlessly protruding from the bottom of her eyes inch by inch.

She really hated her so much. She had never hated a person so much. She wished she could be hacked into pieces.

After pondering for a long time, Yin Han whispered to Luo Siyao: "Siyao, this bitch can't stay, we must find a way to kill her."

"What should I do?"

Luo Siyao also hated Sheng Ying extremely, and on this point, she and Yin Han had the same hatred.

Yin Han thought for a while and said, "I'll go find Second Master, this cruise ship is full of his people, and it's easy to get rid of that bitch."

Luo Siyao didn't want to take any risks, so she said coyly, "Then I'll wait for you here."

Yin Han glanced at Shengying again, and hurried out of the crowd.

Seeing this, Sheng Ying hurriedly chased after her.

Tawen called her suspiciously: "An'an, where are you going?"

"I have some private matters, I'll come to you later!" Sheng Ying winked at Ta Wen, turned around and left the door with her buttocks posing.

When she got to the door, she saw Yin Han going to the deck, she hurriedly chased after her and grabbed her from behind.

"Miss Yin, what a coincidence, I met you here?"

"Let go!" Yin Han said angrily, "Bitch, you sneaked around the cruise ship, and you even wore Ruan Lu's clothes, what did you do to her?"

Sheng Ying raised her eyebrows: "Don't worry, she won't die!"

It was just hanging outside the toilet to expose her to the wind and waves.

"It's you, what do you want to do?"

Sheng Ying held Yin Han tightly, and if she dared to disturb other people, she could do something ruthless in order to protect herself.

"This is Second Master's private cruise ship. Do you know what will happen if you come up privately? You are fucking looking for death!"

After finishing speaking, Yin Han suddenly shouted at the top of his voice, "Help—"

How could Sheng Ying give Yin Han a chance to rescue soldiers, so she grabbed her wrist and said very hard, "Yin Han, don't mess with me, I can destroy your limbs with bare hands, you better be sensible."

There are mercenaries on the deck, how could Yin Han miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

She struggled desperately: "Come on, help..."

Before she finished speaking, Sheng Ying pushed Yin Han out of the deck fence with a shoulder, only holding her by one hand.

Yin Han was frightened crazy, his other hand clasped the fence tightly, and his feet were also kicking desperately on the edge of the cruise ship.

She screamed: "Sheng Ying, what are you going to do, are you going to kill someone in broad daylight?"

Hanging outside the cruise ship, the sea wind was so strong that Yin Han's voice was blown away.

And here is a monitoring blind spot. Although the mercenaries were not far away, they didn't pay attention to it because they were separated by a small tower.

Sheng Ying stared at her expressionlessly: "Aren't you pregnant? Why are you still here for the party?"

Yin Han trembled in fright: "Pull me up, you pull me up, bitch, you will suffer retribution, help, save—"

Sheng Ying didn't pull her, looking at Yin Han with murderous intent gradually in her eyes, and she slowly let go of her hand.

"Yin Han, have you ever heard the saying 'When a kind person takes off his mask, you don't even have a chance to kneel', not to mention, I'm not a kind person at all."

With that said, she let go of her hand!

(End of this chapter)

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