Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 370 You are good to serve him

Chapter 370 You are good to serve him
There was no one outside the toilet window, and the noose was gone.I don't know if the person was rescued, or if the rope became loose and he fell.

Sheng Ying's heart skipped a beat, and cold sweat broke out from the pores all over her body instantly.

She is definitely not a bloodthirsty person, except for Yin Han, she has never had the idea of ​​wanting to kill anyone.

However, Ruan Lu was gone.

This is against the law. What should I do? Could she have committed the crime of manslaughter?

"It's just a dead person, it doesn't matter, let's go." Ta Wen casually picked up Sheng Ying and left, not caring at all whether Ruan Lu was dead or alive.

In the eyes of someone like him, the life of an unknown person might not really be that important.

Sheng Ying's mind was blank, a thin layer of sweat could be seen between her brows, and her face was very solemn.

How to do?
Assuming that Ruan Lu really died, her conscience would not be at ease in her life, and she would go to jail if she didn't keep it.

No, there are no assumptions.

If Ruan Lu falls, there is no way out if no one finds out.

At that time, she was afraid that Ruan Lu would make a sound, so she gagged her mouth. She thought it would only take an hour or two, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

Who knew that Yin Han would go crazy, causing her to fall short.

Sheng Ying endured this fear and self-blame until dawn, and could see some iconic buildings of City A from afar.

To be on the safe side, she still had to go down with Tavin.

Tavin, on the other hand, likes to dawdle, eating breakfast, drinking coffee, and even doing morning exercises, nothing less.

Therefore, he was the last one to go down, and it was already past nine o'clock in the morning.

Shen Yifeng was waiting at the pier, and when she saw Sheng Ying coming down holding Ta Wen's hand, she smiled meaningfully.

"Mr. Tavin, what happened last night is really embarrassing. I have already arranged the best hotel in City A for you."

Tavin nodded slightly: "Thank you."

Sheng Ying buried her head and wanted to rub her past, but was unexpectedly stopped by Shen Yifeng: "A Ying, Mr. Ling and Yin Han were picked up by Dean Li, and Yin Han will do a mental appraisal. If it turns out that she has mental problems , then this—"

"Second Master is bothering you. This matter will be dealt with when Chengzhi comes back. Goodbye."

After all, Sheng Ying walked past Shen Yifeng, and he added in a low voice: "You have to treat Mr. Tawen well, his identity is not simple!"

Don't simply care about my business?

Sheng Ying glanced sideways at Shen Yifeng slightly, and left without saying a word.

Walking out of the pier, Sheng Ying looked around, but did not see Chen Yu, and the uneasiness in her heart became more intense.

This trip was really not worth it. I lost my wife and lost my army.

Shen Yifeng arranged for Tawen the best Nanye Mansion Hotel in City A.

This is a garden house-style hotel, and it is also a building left over from the Republic of China. Many celebrities at that time lived there, which is very distinctive.

The hotel has sent someone here to pick him up, Sheng Ying was embarrassed to leave Ta Wen like this, and sent him to the hotel entrance.

"Mr. Tavin, I have to go back and deal with some things. If the situation permits, may I treat you to a meal later?"

Tavin smiled faintly: "Do you need me to send someone to see you off?"

"No, I'm very familiar with this place."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you to invite me to dinner."

Sheng Ying originally wanted to say that he might not be free today, but he couldn't say it, so he said awkwardly: "Thank you for saving your life, I..."

Tavin shrugged his shoulders: "You're welcome, I'm honored to be able to do something for you, go ahead and ignore me."

"Then I'm leaving, goodbye!"

"I'll wait for you to invite me to dinner!"


Sheng Ying felt that Rumang was on her back after walking a long distance, maybe Ta Wen was still there, but she didn't dare to look back, seeing a taxi on the side of the road, she beckoned.

"Please, Shengshi Yehuo!"

(End of this chapter)

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