Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 467 Girl, my head hurts

Chapter 467 Girl, my head hurts


In a daze, Sheng Ying's cell phone rang, and she fumbled for it to pick it up and looked, it was Zheng Ye who sent it.

【Girl, my head hurts】

Sheng Ying woke up in an instant, turned over and sat up, scaring the sleeping Ling Chengzhi to sit up too.

"What's wrong wife?"

"My brother has a headache!"

"Huh?" Ling Chengzhi saw the text message on Sheng Ying's phone, and immediately became furious, "Isn't the four ghosts taking care of him for his headache? What message are they sending you? Shameless psychopath."

Most importantly, it was still past three o'clock in the morning. Is this something people do?
Sheng Ying glared at Ling Chengzhi, picked up the phone and went downstairs to make a call. The phone rang for a long time before Zheng Ye connected, and said "Hello" in a daze.

He didn't know that the message was sent, and he didn't look at his phone.

"Brother, is your headache better? Have you taken any medicine?"

Zheng Ye was taken aback for a moment, then woke up immediately, flipped through the message box, only to find out when the message was sent out.

He was a little embarrassed at once, but at the same time his heart was too sweet.

After all, Sheng Ying couldn't bear to part with him, whether it was family affection or love, he at least took some of it.

He subconsciously rubbed the center of his brows, and said, "It's okay, it doesn't hurt too much now. I didn't actually want to tell you, but I accidentally pressed the send button, which made you sleep, right?"

"No, what's the matter with your headache, is it an old problem?"

Sheng Ying knew that Zheng Ye had irritating neuralgia caused by alcohol. He used to have pain every now and then. Later, Chang Shangwu treated him for a period of time, and he quit drinking, so the pain disappeared.

Zheng Ye said lightly: "I'm in a bad mood, I drank too much."

"Are you still mad at me?"

"Silly girl, how could I ever be mad at you, never will." I'll only be mad at myself, he thought.

Sheng Ying always felt guilty for leaving impulsively on her birthday, so she said, "Brother, shall we have dinner together tomorrow?"

"Okay, let me arrange what you want to eat?"

"Let me come, I will drive to pick you up tomorrow."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you!"

After hanging up the phone, Sheng Ying looked up at the upstairs, where Ling Chengzhi leaned against the fence and looked at her thoughtfully.

He was jealous, but not overtly.

Sheng Ying said: "Lend me your car tomorrow, you go to work and take a taxi by yourself, and I will have lunch with my brother at noon."

"Can I go?" Ling Chengzhi looked anxiously.

Sheng Ying refused: "No, are you going to fight with my brother again? You are the one who caused my brother's headache."

"He hit me too!"

"Aren't you slightly injured?"

"... Wife, you don't love me anymore!"

Sheng Ying ignored him, pulled the pillow and lay down on the sofa, thinking about where to take Zheng Ye for dinner tomorrow.

In any case, let him be relieved.

She didn't want Zheng Ye and Ling Chengzhi to fight every day because of her. She wanted to make it clear to him whether they could love each other forever.

"You can't convince him."

Ling Chengzhi seemed to have seen through Sheng Ying's thoughts, and said quietly, "His affection for you has never been family affection, don't expect him to love you forever."

Sheng Ying's face was full of embarrassment, she curled up on the sofa and didn't speak.

Unknowingly, she thought back to her childhood, during those scrappy days, Zheng Ye was the only warmth in her life.

Later, he took her out of that hellish place, gave her fine clothes and food, and made her live like a princess.

But she fell in love with Ling Chengzhi, without warning, so suddenly at the age of 15, she made an agreement for life.

(End of this chapter)

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