Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 470 Do You Know Borrowing Your Life?

Chapter 470 Do You Know Borrowing Your Life?

"With me here today, no one can take A Yao away!"

Zheng Ye had already become murderous, and stood in front of Shen Feiyao alone, looking at Shen Yifeng and the bodyguards behind him with pity.

"Second Master, before she died, Aunt Xue told me to take good care of A Yao. If you have to force her, don't blame me for not accepting your kindness."

At the same time, Sheng Ying had already called the four ghosts.

In fact, she and Zheng Ye were not afraid of those bodyguards, but Shen Feiyao couldn't move, it would be bad if he got hurt.

The atmosphere is so tense, with a thick atmosphere of gunpowder smoke.

Sheng Ying couldn't understand why Shen Yifeng insisted on taking Shen Feiyao to Chang's private hospital, but it was unnecessary.

Moreover, his aura didn't look like he was going to treat Shen Feiyao.If it was really an experiment, it would be outrageous.

Thinking of this, Sheng Ying shuddered suddenly.

The four ghosts were in the night market, not far from here. After receiving the call, they rushed over at full speed regardless of running the red light.

Seeing the tension inside and outside the ward, they silently guarded Shen Feiyao's bedside.

In this battle, Shen Yifeng has no way to forcibly lead people.

He looked at Zheng Ye sternly for a long time, pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and chuckled lightly: "Okay, since you care about A Yao so much, then please take care of me."

"Second Master, go slowly!"

After staring at Shen Yifeng walking away, Zheng Ye sat on the edge of the bed and took Shen Feiyao's hand. It was cold, but his palm was covered with sweat.

"It's okay, A Yao, with me here, no one will take you away."

Shen Feiyao was overly frightened just now, but now he calmed down, his body kept shaking until the special guard gave him an injection.

With a sore nose, he felt sad again: "Brother Ye, how could there be such a heinous father in the world?"

"What the hell happened?"

"Brother Ye, you have been in Southeast Asia for a long time, have you ever heard of borrowing your life?"

Shen Feiyao looked at Zheng Ye, his eyes were empty and desperate, which made people feel sad.

Zheng Ye was shocked: "Excuse me?"

"Ah Zhen secretly called me and told me that Ling Chengzhen's situation is very bad. That devil wants to lend him my life. He thinks I'm already useless and useless..."

As soon as the voice fell, a bean-sized teardrop rolled down from the corner of Shen Feiyao's eyes, and he began to choke up again.

Ah Zhen is the housekeeper of the Shen family, and she is also the person Qi Fengxue trusts the most. Many things in the family are left to her to take care of.

It is estimated that before she committed suicide, she also asked A Zhen to take care of Shen Feiyao, otherwise she would not dare to make a phone call under Shen Yifeng's nose.

Sheng Ying shuddered when she heard the word "borrowing life".

"Borrowing life" is often mentioned in the art of witchcraft, but this is more mysterious than voodoo, and it sounds incredible.

But this happened to Shen Feiyao.

So, if Zheng Ye didn't force Shen Feiyao to stay just now, if he couldn't keep it all...

Zheng Ye's face was suddenly filled with hostility, and his eyes were as cold as poison.He didn't make a sound, but the terrifying hostility around him made people's liver tremble.

Sheng Ying put her hand on his shoulder: "Brother, send A Yao to Dean Li's side, let A Chi and the others keep an eye on him day and night."

Zheng Ye pondered for a long time, stood up and patted Sheng Ying's head: "I'm going out to get some air, you can arrange it, and turn around as soon as possible."


Sheng Ying then called Ling Chengzhi, but of course she didn't mention the matter of "borrowing life", it was shocking to say it.

Without further ado, Ling Chengzhi immediately started making arrangements, and hurried to the hospital himself.

Of course he wasn't worried about Shen Feiyao, after all he didn't have any friendship with him, he was worried about Sheng Ying.

Things like witchcraft did him and Sheng Ying a lot of harm. He hated it so much, so he didn't want her to interfere in the Shen family's affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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