Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 472 This is the truth

Chapter 472 This is the truth

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Dean Li personally brought the most experienced doctors and equipment in the orthopedics department to the city hospital to pick him up.

There were ghosts and monsters escorting them along the way, but nothing unusual happened.

Sheng Ying and Ling Chengzhi walked last, and when she thought of Shen Feiyao's heinous behavior, she felt trembling in her heart.

Ling Chengzhi felt curious, and asked, "What happened? Didn't you just transfer to another hospital? Why are you facing a big enemy? Just met my brother-in-law, and he looked very angry."

Sheng Ying didn't know how to tell Ling Chengzhi about this, but she definitely had to tell him.

It wasn't until getting into the car that Sheng Ying said: "I heard that Ling Chengxi's situation is not very good, and the second master wants to use witchcraft to borrow his life."

"Excuse me?" Ling Chengzhi looked astonished, "You mean, Shen Yifeng wants to lend Shen Feiyao's life to Ling Chengxi?"

Sheng Ying nodded, and sighed softly: "Ah Yao's condition is not good either, he hurt the nerves in his spine, I'm afraid he won't be able to stand up in the future."

"So, Shen Yifeng thinks he is worthless, why not use it to extend Ling Chengxi's life?"

Ling Cheng knew what he said, so Sheng Ying didn't say anything more.

His heart was heavy, he felt uncomfortable for Shen Feiyao, he was obviously such a good boy, yet he was forced to be like this.

This tone is not smooth at all.

Ling Chengzhi comforted her: "Okay, don't think too much, I will let Uncle Li arrange the best room and the best doctor for him, and nothing will happen."

Sheng Ying looked at him: "Cheng Zhi, how could a father be so ruthless that he killed his son, not to mention killing him, the second master really ruined my three views. "

"There are thousands of people in this world, it's normal."

To be ruthless, the former Ling Qiushui was on par with Shen Yifeng, the difference is that Ling Chengzhi didn't choose to accept it.

When the car drove onto the road, Ling Chengzhi asked Sheng Ying: "Wife, where are we going? Didn't you say you're going to treat my brother-in-law to dinner?"

"...Then what are you doing next?"

Sheng Ying glanced at him angrily, and said again, "Brother is in a bad mood today, and he probably doesn't want to eat. Let's go to the hospital to see Ah Yao."


Ling Chengzhi turned his head and went to the hospital.

Sheng Ying looked out of the car window with a gloomy expression: "I really hope Ah Yao will recover, it makes me uncomfortable to lie like that."

"Wife, have you ever thought that if Shen Feiyao really can't stand up, in his current situation, can he still face life positively?"

"It's better to die than to live!"

"But some people may feel that life is better than death." Otherwise, he would not have committed suicide and had such a serious car accident.

As long as you are positive, you will fight back long ago.

But Ling Chengzhi didn't say these words, he was a bystander and could see things more thoroughly, Sheng Ying was different, she was more emotional.

Sheng Ying didn't want to listen to Ling Chengzhi's words, and said angrily, "If you don't know how to speak, then don't speak. Why do you say such frustrating words?"

"I'm just talking about it."

"I don't listen!"

Ling Chengzhi shrugged, reached out and rubbed Sheng Ying's head, and said, "Honey, whether you want to face this or not, it's a fact, and no one can change it, understand?"

"Ah Yao won't."

Sheng Ying's words were insincere, because Shen Feiyao's first suicide and the second strange car accident fully proved that Ling Chengzhi's words were correct.

Shen Yifeng is true, he destroyed this son alive.

When he arrived at the hospital, Shen Feiyao's ward had already been arranged, and he was sent for various examinations.

Sheng Ying looked at the cold orthopedic equipment in the ward, felt depressed, and turned to leave.

"I'd better go, it's uncomfortable here!"

(End of this chapter)

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