Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 478 I hope we are still good friends

Chapter 478 I hope we are still good friends

Ta Wen's words immediately enlightened Sheng Ying, and at the same time, it was like a stick in his throat.

The days of voodoo in her body were almost worse than death for her, and she would shudder even thinking about it now.

Sheng Ying became alert, stared at Ta Wen for a long time, and asked, "Ta Wen, did you come to City A for the medicine developed by Erye?"

Tawen slightly raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Actually, sometimes it's not good for women to be too smart, and it will always make the conversation impossible."

Then there it is.

So, is Shen Yifeng and Ta Wen a supply and demand relationship, or a cooperative relationship?
If it is a cooperative relationship, think carefully and fear.

Sheng Ying pondered for a long time, and said, "Tawen, if you really came here for voodoo, I advise you to give up."

Tavin raised his eyebrows: "Huh?"

"The reason why I became like this was not caused by the voodoo developed by Shen Yifeng. His voodoo almost killed me."

Tavin's expression froze, half-believing.

"Since you have a very close relationship with Shen Yifeng, you should also know the group of wizards under him, right?"

"Slightly heard."

"He once rejected a black wizard named Wu San. Later, Wu San turned against them. He cured my voodoo."

Ta Wen blurted out, "So, Wu San's formula is really in your hands?"

"...What do you mean?" Sheng Ying looked at Ta Wen suspiciously, suddenly feeling creepy.

Could it be that Ta Wen's real purpose is to want the prescription Wu San prepared to save her?
The atmosphere suddenly became very cold.

Ta Wen's azure blue eyes suddenly sank like an abyss, and he didn't seem to be so gentle at this time.

The two looked at each other for a long time, Sheng Ying smiled faintly: "Ta Wen, if I say that Wu San has no prescription, are you going to take me back to study?"

"That's not enough, Ah Ying, I really like you. If you are willing to marry me, I will make you the happiest woman in the world."

"You have too many women, I'm not interested."

Sheng Ying got up and walked to the wing room, and said: "Tawen, there is no prescription for that voodoo, and there is no such prescription in my blood. I'm afraid this will disappoint you. If you don't mind, please move to the fence right away. I live in Luoshanzhuang, I don't like living under the same roof with a man other than my husband, even for one night!"

A few minutes ago, Sheng Ying was still somewhat grateful to Ta Wen.

But at this moment, it seems that he is not so grateful.

Back in the wing room, she locked the door tightly, and took out a military thorn from under the mattress, which Wu San kept for her self-defense when Wu San left a long time ago.

She put the saber under the pillow, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

In fact, I couldn't sleep. Although the things in the room were taken care of by the waiters of Liluo Villa, after a month or two, there was a strong musty smell.

Furthermore, it seems that Tavin hasn't left yet, she is very wary.

She didn't completely break up with Ta Wen, but her attitude had already turned 180 degrees, and she was also worried that he would become angry.

After a full hour, Sheng Ying heard the sound of the door closing, and Ta Wen seemed to have left.

Sheng Ying went out again, and saw a small and exquisite pistol on the stone table in the yard.It was the one given to her by Ta Wen on her birthday, but Ling Chengzhi rejected it.

Just as she was wondering, a text message came from the phone with a "ding": [A Ying, take this pistol for self-defense, it was brought from the base for you, I hope we can still be good friends. 】

(End of this chapter)

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