Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 491 Leave that cemetery to him

Chapter 491 Leave that cemetery to him
"Is Yao okay?"

After Sheng Ying sat down, Shen Yifeng poured her a cup of tea, and asked Shen Feiyao with a tone as if asking how nice the weather was.

He is really indifferent. Before when there was no falling out, he always acted like a loving father and filial son in front of outsiders, but now he doesn't even want to pretend.

Sheng Ying said coldly: "I just came out of the hospital, A Yao quarreled with me, and I beat him up."

"Oh?" Shen Yifeng raised his eyebrows, "Don't you treasure him very much, how can you beat him with your hands?"

"That's right, you think it's unbelievable if I hit him once, so as a father, what do you mean by borrowing his life?"

"Things made out of nothing!"

Sheng Ying really had no way to verify this matter, because it was Qi Fengxue's maid who told Shen Feiyao.

But according to Shen Yifeng's vicious and cruel nature, he can definitely do this kind of thing, so Sheng Ying still firmly believes.

But she didn't want to entangle Shen Yifeng with this matter, and asked: "Why did you call me here?"

"You and Ling Chengzhi are getting married, and I've raised you for a while anyway, so it's unreasonable not to give you some dowry, just ask for anything you want."

"Thank you, Second Master, for your kindness, but forget it."

"fear me?"

"No, I just feel that I should. I used to respect the second master very much. I think that although you are a big boss in the underground circle, you are a very good person."

"I haven't been a big boss for many years, but I was ruthlessly tricked by this kid, A Ye. His method of building plank roads and stealing warehouses secretly is quite like my demeanor back then, but I'm afraid that he doesn't have my life. After all, he is only 20 years old. How old are you, what do you think?"

Sheng Ying's expression froze, and he didn't answer any more.

Shen Yifeng mentioned Zheng Ye so bluntly, probably because he knew that he had a lot of money with Ta Wen.

What do you mean him, why did you mention it all of a sudden?
After a pause, Shen Yifeng said again: "By the way, Ah Ying, I heard that you bought yourself a cemetery earlier, and it's not far from your Aunt Xue?"

"Second Master doesn't need to beat around the bush, just say what Second Master wants to say!"

"Leave it to Aye, he should need it!"

After finishing speaking, Shen Yifeng smiled, got up and walked away, Sheng Ying didn't even have time to spill the teacup while holding it.

Turning her head to look at Shen Yifeng who had already gone downstairs, she slammed the cup on the table heavily, her face gradually turned red, then white, and finally became angry.

Shen Yifeng knew what Zheng Ye had done, what would he do?
At this time downstairs, as soon as Ling Chengzhi got out of the car, he saw Shen Yifeng walking towards the parking lot calmly with a pipe in his mouth.

Seeing him, he took off his pipe and smiled: "Mr. Ling is getting married, Mr. Shen is here to congratulate in advance. By the way, Ah Ying is drinking tea on the second floor of Qingfengyin."

"Your son can't get up in the hospital, why are you so leisurely?"

"Didn't everyone leave it to you? Why should I worry, I know that Aying and Aye will take good care of him."

Shen Yifeng waved his hands as he spoke, "I still have something to do, goodbye!"

"Wait!" Ling Chengzhi stopped Shen Yifeng, "Although I sent you an invitation letter for the sake of the aristocratic family, I still hope that you don't attend, lest everyone feel uncomfortable."


Shen Yifeng's eyes swept over Ling Chengzhi's face compassionately, and walked away without saying a word.

Ling Chengzhi went straight to Qingfengyin, and as soon as he walked outside the building, he saw those female anchors shooting videos, and a group of people saw him running over like a bird.

"Mr. Ling, why do you have time to watch our video shooting? Did Lan Lan call you here?"

"Wow, you are so kind to us Lanlan, don't let her down in the future."

Ling Chengzhi walked up to Shi Lan with a light smile, took out an invitation letter from his pocket and handed it to her: "Thank you for your little trick, my wife and I are going to hold a wedding soon, you are welcome."

(End of this chapter)

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