Hey, that big guy, I've teased

Chapter 494 A sudden event

Chapter 494 A sudden event

The movie is a cartoon about jungle adventures, which is very suitable for children to watch, but Sheng Ying also watched it with gusto.

Because Ling Chengzhi was by her side, even if it was a boring and embarrassing plot, she felt it was remarkable.

Ling Chengzhi was not as relaxed as she was, and he kept worrying about it, and he vaguely felt that something would happen.

Although he has always maintained a life attitude of not being nosy, but he found that person.

Indifference the first time is justified, but what about the second time?
And, will there be a third time, a fourth time, and then the World Trade City will suddenly become a mess?
"Hahaha, hahaha——"

Ling Chengzhi was thinking about it, and there was a burst of laughter in the theater, because there was a joke in the movie.

Sheng Ying was also laughing, and leaned her head towards Ling Chengzhi: "Look, Chengzhi, this brat made me laugh to death."

Ling Chengzhi grinned with her, expressing that he was watching this cartoon.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside the theater. It was not the sound after the movie ended, but it seemed to be panicked.

Immediately afterwards, a security guard came in at the door: "I'm sorry everyone, there was an accident in the theater, please leave the theater immediately, the ticketing platform will refund all the ticket money to everyone."

"What are you doing, I just saw the climax of the story, really."

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!"

Without saying a word, Ling Chengzhi walked out with Sheng Ying in his hand, and saw several medical staff coming out of the movie theater next door carrying stretchers.

The person on the stretcher curled up, trembling.

Not one, but four, all with the same symptoms.

Sheng Ying was stunned when she saw this scene. When she saw the two twitching people in the square just now, she felt weird.

At this time, I saw a few more, and my uneasiness became more and more intense.

She subconsciously grabbed Ling Chengzhi's hand, and looked at him nervously: "Chengzhi, why do I feel that something is wrong?"

"It's okay, let's go!"

Ling Chengzhi probably guessed what was going on in his mind, this matter was either aimed at Shen Yifeng or Zheng Ye.

But he didn't believe that Zheng Ye would do such a low-level and outrageous thing.

Ling Chengzhi led Sheng Ying out, only to see that there were also many medical staff carrying people in the e-sports city. I don't know how many people had accidents, but there were quite a few of them in white coats anyway.

The police also came, and the eleventh floor was completely surrounded.

Ling Chengzhi didn't make any linger, and led Sheng Ying to the elevator, he had to leave here immediately.

Although what happened has nothing to do with him, but his identity is there. If someone with a heart takes pictures of him and Sheng Ying at the place where the accident happened, it will definitely be an overwhelming rumor.

In order to earn traffic, the current media is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and things that catch wind and shadows will be written in detail.

And people who like to watch these messy news will be swayed at the first time, and then spread it, spreading it ten times and hundreds of times.

The elevator stopped on every floor, and many people came in one after another, and some individuals were discussing in low voices.

"Mom, I was scared to death, and suddenly fell to the ground and convulsed, like an epileptic seizure."

"That's right, I was shocked too. Why did I fall down so much at once? Did I get poisoned from eating?"

"I can't say, let's wait for the official announcement."

Ling Chengzhi and Sheng Ying were at the back of the elevator, they were slightly taken aback when they heard this, and he asked, "Sister, what are you talking about?"

As soon as the eldest sister looked up and saw that it was Ling Chengzhi who was asking, she immediately became excited.

"Hey, you don't know, just now on our floor, the men's clothing department on the eighth floor, a few people were walking around and suddenly fell to the ground, and then kept pumping."

She learned it while talking, very vivid.

Ling Chengzhi's expression froze, as expected, this happened not just once or twice suddenly, but premeditated.

It's so outrageous, who instigated it?

(End of this chapter)

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